Jared ♥ Tiffany's date

Journey To Love

Jared ♥ Tiffany

Jared fell asleep on the way there While Tiffany is nervous and excited at the same time.

Tiffany: what should i do? Omg im freaking out!!! What if he's matthew...or....or...Robert.....? Oh no it better not be....

Jared: zzzzzz Tiffany arrived first....just walking around....looking for something to do while she waits for her date...she went on the swing....to try to ease her nervousness....hoping its not the guy she doesnt like..... After 45 minutes later, tiffany thought that he wasnt coming.....just then, she saw a guy walking towards her. When they met eye to eye, tiffany was shocked to see Jared.

Tiffany's thoughts: be cool. Act like nothing happened. I want to enjoy this. Be friendly.

Jared's thoughts: Crap....it's her....this is going to be awkward... well start by apologizing

Jared: hey! :) im really sorry i was late....i live kinda far from here.

Tiffany: it's OK. I was wondering why you picked the park though? I thought u would've picked the amusement park

Jared: well, all of us actually picked the amusement park except for darien. And we played rock paper and scissors and lost so i just picked this since i like going to the park anyways.

Tiffany:  (oh....he wouldve been with sam if he won...be cool!) Oh ok well we're here now. So lets just enjoy today. Lets look for a place to sit....

Jared found a spot for them in the grass....but tiffany didn't like sitting on grass so Jared took off his jacket and let tiffany sit on it so the grass won't bother her.

Tiffany cooked a lot for both of them and they had a picnic....while listening to their favorite songs. After eating, tiffany noticed that Jared was quiet so she asked him whats wrong.

He replied: oh nothing....well, don't you think this is kind of awkward

Tiffany: this date? Well kinda but i dont focus on that coz it would ruin the fun we couldve had. Ill try to change ur mood....lets go play games. Do you know how to play badminton?

Jared: yeah. But its a sure win for me.

Tiffany: we'll see about that *giggles* *both played and had a good time until they were tired* after resting,

they both played cards to pass the time and laughed and enjoyed each others company.....after resting, they played tag and became like little children. After that, Jared gave tiffany a bottle of water. Then, it was time for them to go.

Jared volunteered to take Tiffany home and so they sat at the back of the car together but Tiffany was really tired and so she fell asleep and Jared noticed her sleeping and he layed her head on his shoulder .....and Jared fell asleep as well as they were both tired. Upon arriving at Tiffany's place, the driver woke both of them up and Jared opened his door, walked out and opened Tiffany's door for her.

Tiffany: wow you're such a gentleman. Thank you. I really had fun today :) thanks a lot....we'll here's my stop. Thanks for the ride. See ya later As soon as Tiffany turned around, jared grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him and gave her a hug.


Tiffany was shocked but she hugged him anyways While hugging, Jared whispered to her...i had a great time with you too.....let go of the hug and whispered....I have missed you. Then said goodbye and got in the car and left. Tiffany blushed but as soon as the car left, tears fell down her eyes as she walks to her house

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mycupoflove #1
Great story and characters! I can't wait to read the rest of the story. :)