The Real Purpose


Krystal is the wealthy middle daughter of the Jung family 

Amber is an ex agent of the Secret Service with some...problems

One day krystal receives a package from an unknown person

this package was about to change Krystal's life



“You know you found love

when that person happiness

is more important than yours”




Soooo... first fanfic eveerr

I really had to write this down this cause the idea has been on my mind for weeks now

btw english is not my mother language nor my second language so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes

any comments are very welcome!




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Cydney_wj #1
Chapter 8: Update pls !!!!
Chapter 5: I was thinking "adrenaline, adrenaline... AH! Epinephrine!" LOL
nagini #3
the sisters are scary lol nice story