White Noise

White Noise


        Everyone knows me as Kim Suho. I am a black lop eared rabbit with tips being the colour brown. They do not stand straight up tall like any other rabbit in Wonderland.



       I am the Prime Minister of the Country of Diamonds. I despise the colour white but the Queen of Diamond absolutely loves white. I cannot handle the colour white and I wish to paint everything black. Just like the colour of my soul.



       People say I get irritated very easily and that I have a short temper. Yes, yes I do. I am not afraid to admit it.



      The air, that day, was brisk and clear. Everyone's kindness was warm and toasty. The colours of leaves were so vibrant and chestnuts were falling down from trees. In later time, the wind would pick up blowing away these leaves and leave the trees bare coated with white. Oh, how I loathe the colour. 



        When the flower of love blooms, it all happens in an embarrassing moment.



       The White Rabbit was a tall sturdy man who was always wearing a watch and a crisp clean suit to go along with it. He had straight white rabbit ears with a small puffy white tail. For me, it was the opposite. My ears were lopped and they were the colour of black. The total opposite of white. 



       He was just like me. A Prime Minister. However, loyal to the Queen of Hearts as I to the Queen of Diamonds. There were days he rhymed and days where he did not. The day I told him that I didn't like him was a day he chose to be out of this world. His face was blank and his eyes were a bit larger than usual. 



       Oh, god. Just thinking about it now. I was such an embarrassment and a fool. 



       “I do not like you,” I stated one day. The path my feet took me on was a pale yellow pathway covered in different coloured leaves. My nose twitched as I saw Zhang Yixing looking out into my direction. His eyes were dazed. He did not respond and all he did was blink at me. 



       The only response I got was the crunching of the leaves as I walked a bit closer to him. 



       I heaved a sigh and continued, “ I do not like how whenever I see you, my clock goes out of control.” Even stating this sentence, I feel as if I am going to die. And the moment my clock stops ticking, it means the moment I die.  



       In an irritated manner, I said, “I feel I will be robbed of my time. I feel as if I will die soon with all this rapid ticking. It's a sign for something. I just know it.” He gazed up into the sky and said, “I like apples that are red and ripe. My days now have been constricted into a pipe.”  



       That day, he wore a blue blazer with a grey t shirt underneath. Slapped on his legs, he had a pair of black pants on. His blue blazer made him match the sky right now. A dark shade of blue indicating that it was evening time. 



       I looked at him in confusion and slowly, he walked away. That day just happened to be the last day I was there for the season. The next time I saw him was winter. 



       The trees were now bare and the ground covered in snow. The wind was too chilly for my liking. All winter long, whenever I was outside, I wore black to keep me warm. Black coat. Black mittens. Black boots. Black hat. 



       I just wish the queen would just let me take my trips in the beginning of winters. Instead of having to go in the midst of it. The less snow I see, the happier I'll be. 



       There I saw him; sticking out his tongue to catch falling snowflakes. His cheeks were burnt with crimson and his hair had a small pile of snow. To this very day, I still wonder how long he had stood there for.  



       Then I saw his attire. Everything was white. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I get all jittery and do not understand why my body stiffens around you,” I quickly stated.  



       And just like before, there was no response. However, that particular day, I felt embarrassed. He did not give me one glance. Just sticking his his tongue with no care in the world.  



       Agitated by this, I briskly walked by him. And as I passed him, I smelled vanilla and a mixture of raspberry. Suddenly, I was grabbed by my wrist and turned; only to be facing the White Rabbit.  



       “Today is cold. Here take my scarf. It's not that old,” he whispered and he swirled his scarf around my neck. My body stiffened and I held my breath.  



       The colour white was on me. Yixing looked at me and smiled, “Merry Christmas.” Then, he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away.  



       The material was soft and fluffy. I blushed and looked down at the ground. It smelled like vanilla and raspberries. What a nice smell.  



       Thank you.  



       The next time I saw was during the rainy seasons. The apples were in the midst of blossoming. Flowers needed all the showers they can get. Tulips, roses, lilacs and many other things can be seen. Spring was a nice break from all the snow. The rain was the only thing that got in people's way.     



       But I like it. I like watching rain drops race against each other on the glass of windows. Looking through rain drops, they looked so clear and at peace but reality wasn't.   



       This time it was when I was absentmindedly sitting in the library as Jongdae, Tweedledee, was shelving some books onto bookcases. As he strolled along, he stopped by the romance section. “Love is a wonderful thing, isn't it?”



        I scoffed at him; getting out of my daze. “Love? I only know what hate is.” 



       “Love is a wonderful feeling. There are days where you can't help but think about that one person. You blush oh so madly. Without their touch, you think you'll just die. You crave for their attention. You notice little things they do,” Jongdae continued as he fixed up some books onto the shelves.   



        “I hate the White Rabbit but all I do is think of him. During the winter, he made me blush. Did you know that sometimes he rhymes? I wonder if it's on purpose,” I sighed. I felt Chen's eye glaring into my back.  I wonder when will the next time I'll see him will be.



       “That hatred will blossom into love, I tell you. Or perhaps it already has. Did you know that not all things lasts forever?” asked Jongdae gently. The door to the library opened which welcomed a bit of fresh air.



        “Welcome!” Chen gleefully shouted but I did not bother looking at the door as I continued to look at the rain through the window. I bit my lower lip and questioned, “How long is forever?”   



       A new voice answered, “Sometimes, just one second.” I spun my head and saw the White Rabbit. He tilted his hat like a gentleman and smiled. All I did was stare.   



        “I was wondering if there are any new books today, Jongdae,” his voice whispered. “Nope, not today,” said Tweedledee. The White Rabbit nodded as he looked at me and smiled once more.   



        And then he took off into the heavy rain once more.  



       And that's when I realized my hatred for him wouldn't last forever.



       The next time I saw him was in the burning summer. Summer in Wonderland was always so hot that most people would stay indoors to relax. However, here I was on the yellow pathway hoping to catch the White Rabbit before I had to go back to the Country of Diamonds once more.  



        There he was smiling into the sky as he held onto a white kite. He looked like an angel only without wings and with rabbit features.



        “I hate the colour white but my mind seems to endure it for you,” I shouted at him. He looked at me and tilted his head, “Do you want to fly my kite with me? It'll be a lot of fun, you'll see.”



         I stood next to him and stared at his side portrait. I felt as if my breath was taken away and my clock sped quickly as it could. The colour white really suited him. With one hand holding his kite, his other hand grasped onto mine. 



         I gulped and slightly panicked on the inside. “You say you hate me but I really think you love me. Either that, or a crush on me,” he stated not taking his eyes off his kite.   



        All I could do was nod. He continued, “I'm not a great person but I think I really like you. But sometimes I'm in a world of my own and I can't see what is around me but that's because I daydream of you.”  



         This time I was the one who was not responding. A silence engulfed us but it was a comfortable silence. “All the times you said you hated me. I think you actually meant that you loved me. No offence but every time you spoke to me, my clock would feel like it's bursting with glee.”   



        “Yixing, although I may hate the colour white, I truly do love you,” I smiled as I gave him a tight squeeze as I felt embarrassed.



        The bud of hatred bloomed into a flower of love because it was watered by my embarrassment to admit the feelings of love.  

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Chapter 1: So beautiful
goodluckmode #2
Chapter 1: Oh my, this is such a beautiful piece. I am absolutely charmed by the simplicity, grace, and even innocence of the relationship between these two. Joonmyun's conflicting emotions and adorable thoughts were ever so sweet, and Yixing's serene, generous, and brilliant nature was like a breath of fresh air that left me smiling wide and even giggling a little. I think the two were expertly portrayed, and the plot is simply endearing.
Also, I am so captivated by your gorgeous descriptions of the passing seasons; I was able to imagine a beautiful arrangement of settings, ranging from the pure white winter forest to the blossoming flowers and apples in the vibrant spring.
Your phrasing is also amazing ! I adored the idea of forever lasting "sometimes just one second," the unique symbolism of the clocks, and the final line about the blossoming of Joonmyun's love through his embarrassment. Aaah, so cute. ))
I really enjoyed this. Forgive me for the huge essay I wrote here. ;__; Thank you for sharing this sweet story. ))
Chapter 1: yayay~ fluff~ at first I was like 'aww his clock's beating fast, wait why isn't it his heart" then it was 'ooh damn that queen >n<'
but the end part with the clock's really cute still >w<
sigh~ strange how there're so many different loves
I can assume Jongdae and Minseok are Tweedledee and Tweedledum? :D
dilyakyu #4
Chapter 1: Damn!! Too fluff but I like it!!
Nice job!! ^^
Suplemento #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^