It hurts

Don't want to lose you

B.A.P and I are really good friends. In fact, we’re so good that I’ve grown closer to all the members especially Daehyun and Zelo. Zelo is younger than me, I always see him as my little brother and someone whom I can talk to about everything aka my best friend. Daehyun, on the other hand, is a year older than me and yeah… You know how it gets when a girl sees a good-looking guy, you know what will happen.


“Hey, you like him?”

“Was it that obvious?”

“Well, it is too me.”

“Can’t seem to keep any secret or anything from my best friend huh?”


“Anyway, I heard you’re coming over soon from my sister. When are you guys coming?”

“Yeah, we’re coming. Your sister’s birthday is around the corner right? Don’t tell her but we should be coming on that day. And don’t you worry, I’ll come save you from your misery.”

“HA.HA. Yeah right, Zelo. I think I’m a fun person myself and I don’t need to be saved. I’m perfectly fine and happy.”

“Hey! But I make it even better right?”

This poor baby. Obviously, he’d make a whole lot of fun.

“Awww. Don’t be sad. You know you’re the best. Of course you’d make it 10 times, no, 10000000 times better!”

“Wow, that's how much you love me. I'm so touched. You know you love me. Don’t try to hide it.”

“As if! Ah, I miss you and all of you. I can’t wait to meet Daehyun oppa too. It’s been a while since I last talked to him. He’s been busy huh?”

“Huh? Ah, yeah... We’ve all been busy.”

“Then how come you can talk to me so often?”

“Because talking to you make all my tiredness good away.”

“Aren’t you so cheesy? I think you’d make a good boyfriend Zelo.”

We talked all night long. I feel bad for Zelo though. I keep telling him to go to sleep but he insist, saying that he missed talking to me. We talked every alternate days of the week. I’m not complaining and it’s fun to have someone to talk to but he’s the one who has practices and a lot of schedules to attend to while I’m lazing around at home. So you tell me who’s more tired? Of course him! I’m being a good and caring best friend here. I’m trying to make sure my best friend have enough rest or he’d be sold off on twitter by Jongup for sleeping on the trolley.


“Ana! Ana! You cannot believe what just happened?”

“Go away! It’s too early for me to get up.”

“It’s never too early. Besides, it’s almost 12. So, time to get your lazy off the bed. But anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that Daehyun just confessed to me last night!”


“I told you, Daehyun confessed to me last night?”

What? So all these while he’s been busy chatting with my sister? And last night? While I was on the phone with Zelo?

“So what did you say?”

“I don’t actually like like him but since it’s happened like that, I’m planning to give him a chance.”

“You are?”

“Of course! Wouldn’t it be cool to have a boyfriend who’s an idol?”

Oh no, please not now. Don’t cry, don’t cry.

“But you don’t love him.”

“Well, love will develop as the relationship progress. Right right? Come on, Ana, be happy for me! I thought you’re close to him. How come you don’t seem to know anything about it?”

“Hahaha. Of course I’m happy for you!” I smiled and hugged her.

I cannot believe this. I cannot. Why my sister? It’s not even right for me to be envious of my sister but why her?

Zelo kept calling me but I ignored his calls. I don’t really want to talk right now. I can’t. He’d laugh at me and embarrass me and tease me and worse, pity me. I just can’t handle the tone right now. I can’t handle anything as of right now. A few days to come, my sister’s birthday is approaching and they’ll be coming over. I need to be prepared for this. I need to.


Ding dong! There goes the doorbell.

“Ana! Go get the door!”

I don’t want to. Because I know it’d be them so I just laid in bed, pretending to nap.

“That girl! Always lazing around.”

It seems like she opened the door for them or someone else did because right after, the house was filled with cheerful voices and all the chattering and I’m here in my room, under covers, trying to avoid all that. What happened to being prepared? I’m not at all.


I felt one side of the bed sink and then he got up and walked over to the window and drew the curtain open.

I groaned.


“Oh, hey. You’re here.” I sat up and smiled at him. I tried to make it sound like I was happy to see him, I am but it’s just that I think my voice betrayed me in the end.

“Yeah, I’m here. We all are. The hyungs are downstairs. We’re all waiting for you.”

“Okay, wait for me downstairs. I’ll just go shower and get changed.”

“Ana.” I saw his eyes. I bet he knows already and he’s here to pity me. I just don’t like it. I feel like a fool.

“Zelo, I’ll see you downstairs. Now, go.”


“I can do this. I can do this. For my sister, for Daehyun oppa and for everyone. I haven’t met them for so long already and I’m not going to let it just slip by me. No.” Yes, it’s quite fun talking to the mirror actually.

“Hey guys!”

“Hey Ana!” The boys took turns to hug me, including Daehyun oppa.

“Whoa, you’ve grown taller and prettier huh?” As always, from the grease ball of the group, Himchan oppa. Never fails to make me feel better with his greasiness whether the truth or not.

“You guys looked buffer too.”

“Well, of course. I mean, we go for practice unlike someone whom I heard have been sleeping like a log, lazing around at home.” I scoffed. What an egoistic person. That my fellow readers is Youngjae. I can’t help but to roll my eyes at him.

“There, there. Don’t get ahead of yourself okay. I was referring to, the rest” while pointing to the others except him “I don’t remember saying you too.”

“Come on! I worked hard too.”

“No, I refuse to tell lies.” I stuck out my tongue at him but getting a scowl from him as a result.

“These two… if you guys do end up getting married with each other, I don’t know what to say.”

“Yongguk oppa!”


That did not come out at the same time. Me and Youngjae? No, please no.

“Fated. I’d be the happiest mum!”

“Himchannie, YOU don’t get ahead of yourself. Ana’s mum is still here.” And we all laughed.

“Hey, Zelo.”

“You okay?” He asked while hugging me.

“I’m fine… for now.”

Then we went ahead with the mini party for my sister. Everyone was happy. She was happy, Daehyun oppa was happy. I want to feel happy for them too but my heart hurts seeing them so happily together.

When the cake cutting was done, I excused myself and went up to the rooftop. I need to get away from the scene or things will really get out of hands. I just need time to relax and to calm myself down.


“Oh hey, Zelo. How’d you find me here?”

“You used to tell me that your favourite place at home is the rooftop.”

“You remember?”

“Of course I do. What kind of… best friend will forget what his best friend said?”

“Thanks Zelo.”


“Just being here, right next to me.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

“I think I’m ready to let it go, Zelo. Because since this is a crush, it’s easier to do it now right? I wish I could like you instead.”

“Then why not?”

“Because I know it will never happen like that. We have such a good relationship right now and I don’t want to ruin any of it. I don’t want to lose you if such things were to happen. You’re really a special friend of mine, Zelo. You may be younger than me but you’re always there in times of my need. Maybe not physically but you’re there. I don’t want to lose a friend like you.”

“Ana! They need to leave already! If Junhong’s with you, tell him to come down too!” I heard my mum shouting.

“I’ll see you on your next break then?” I turned to Zelo and gave him a hug. “And the next time, I’ll come find you.”

“Love you, Ana.”

“Love you too. You’ll always be my best friend.”

Zelo’s POV

It hurts to hear her say things like that, that I’ll never be the one for her. But if that’s what she meant by losing me, then I’d rather not let my feelings get in the way. I don’t want to lose her too. As much as it pains me, I’m going to be there for her just like how she’s always been the source of my energy from the long hours of practices.

When we came down, she hugged everyone except for Daehyun hyung. She shook his hand instead. Daehyun hyung looked so flabbergasted and so did everyone. I know it hurts her but I guess she knows what’s right for her. And as her best friend, I’m willing to support her and be there for her.



And I am done! I didn't really read back so if my grammar or spelling is a little off, just don't bother.

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Chapter 1: MY HEART! Hehehe

WOW! this story is DAEBAK!
Hope you will make a sequel, hihi^^
Chapter 1: Whaa~ its cute! But i hope its a happy ending xD