Team Dinner

BAP's Special Hello Baby

After filming Hyun Ki helps Jae Hwa into his mother's car getting ready to take her home before hearing Daehyun call his name. He turns seeing an excited Daehyun gesturing for him to walk over to the group. Hyun Ki waves his mother off guessing it could take awhile and he didn't want Jae Hwa staying up too late. Young Jae was still avoid looking at him which made him a bit sad after all that was his bias. Yongguk was the first one to speak up offering a chance for Hyun Ki to come eat with them.

"You mean like a team dinner?"


"A-are you sure?", Hyun Ki looks at Young Jae.

"Don't mind him", Himchan smiles, "He's still upset about the candy kiss game"

"I'd apologize but I don't think it'll work"

"Do you want to come with us Hyung?", Zelo smiles.

"...Sure but I'm not giving you hints on Jay"

A few laugh but Hyun Ki was focused on Young Jae who didn't seem happy he was going or even talking to them. Hyun Ki followed them sitting between Daehyun and Jong Up as the seven rode in BAP's company car. Young Jae sat with their manager in the front with the others in the back. The five try to get to know Hyun Ki especially Daehyun who seemed all too eager to ask him some questions. They learn Hyun Ki works at a kindergarten with each finally understanding why he was really good with kids. Zelo tries to figure out what school but Hyun Ki refuses to tell him. He tries to ignore Daehyun as he attempts to get the information getting attacked by Yongguk's awkward aegyo. Hyun Ki bursts into laughter leaning on Daehyun without realizing it but a pair of eyes in the rear view mirror noticed. As the seven entered the restaurant and sat down Young Jae grabbed a seat beside Hyun Ki before Daehyun could not looking at either. Hyun Ki blushes seeing Young Jae on one side of him and Jong Up on the other. He had figured Jong up and Daehyun were the only one's who wanted to sit near him.

"Why won't you tell us the school you work at?", Daehyun smiles.

"You guys might try to visit"

"Maybe but--"

"Oh! I forgot"

He digs out his phone dialing a number before excusing himself to take the call. The others try to figure out why Young Jae sat next to Hyun Ki after ignoring his presence. He says nothing but it was clear the result of the candy kiss was still in his mind. Hyun Ki comes back bowing apologizing sitting down with a slight glance at Young Jae who was eyeing the menu. He looks at the menu lightly before looking around at the people. Yongguk laughs trying to see if he was okay.

"Neh...I've just.....never eaten at.....a place like this", Hyun Ki blushes.


Young Jae leans close to him explaining the menu to the bright red Hyun Ki. Daehyun tries to pop into the conversation but Hyun Ki was focused on Young Jae not wanting to make him explain things twice. The others laugh leaving the two be as they figure it's best not to push it. Hyun Ki eventually decides what to order but the six don't let up about which school he works at.

"I will say the girls like BAP but the boys seem to like EXO more"

"Wae yo?"


"Who do you like?", Daehyun tries.

"Jay Park hyung and Yoseob hyung"

"I know Yoseob ah", Yongguk smiles.

"I know, I listen to I Remember although I like the version with Daehyun more"

"Jinja?", Daehyun smiles.


"You must have worked hard with the children for the performances", Young Jae says.

"Neh but it was fun", Hyun Ki smiles.

"Do you dress up like that very often?", Daehyun asks.

"A-ani....One of the writers found a picture from a few months ago"

"You had to dress up before?"

"It was a penalty....I lost so I had to"

"You were cute", Daehyun smiles.

Hyun Ki chokes on air turning red.

"Oh! Gwenchanna?"

Hyun Ki nods taking a drink.

"Do you have the picture?"

"Sadly Umma kept everything.....wait you're not going to make me do it again, right?"

"Maybe", Young Jae shrugs.

"Please don't! It's bad enough Jay calls me Unni at home"

"She does?"

"No but if she did you wouldn't make me right?"

"I would", Young Jae says.

"Wae yo?", Hyun Ki whines.

"Oh, look food's here", Daehyun interrupts.

Hyun Ki pouts turning his attention on the food not noticing the small smile on Young Jae's face. Small conversations continue although it was clear Daehyun, Young Jae and Hyun Ki were not going to say anything till the food before them was gone. It didn't take long for everyone to finish their food but it did take awhile for them to leave conversation sprung up again with food no longer a distraction. The topic was what Hello Baby might make them do next as each thing seemed to surprise them especially Hyun Ki in drag. Hyun Ki tells them they shouldn't joke as the things they joke about Hello Baby might have them do it.

"What would you want to do?"

"Me? On the show?"


"Hmmm...Teach Jihyun proper manners", Hyun Ki glances at Young Jae.

"What else?"

"Help Min Jung with her Korean.....For"


"She likes all that sort of stuff"


Hyun Ki nods, "I'm sure the staff would agree about Jihyun's manners"

"Still worried about what they might make us do"

"You? What about me?", Hyun Ki whines.

"I bet you'll get job offers", Himchan soothes, "You could become a model"

"I'm not good around cameras"

Young Jae pulls out his phone watching Hyun Ki quickly bury his face in Jong Up's arm. Daehyun rushes over concealing his phone getting Hyun Ki to smile at him taking a secret picture showing it to Young Jae who merely nods at his best friend. After pleading Hyun Ki agrees to one picture with all of them having their waiter take it using Hyun Ki's phone which meant he had to give out his number to all six. The picture being the last thing the seven do as Hyun Ki yawns telling them he had to get home. The seven pile into the car once more this time Young Jae and Daehyun sit beside Hyun Ki. Daehyun starts to sing along with a song on the radio trying to get Hyun Ki to join him. Hyun Ki starts leaning away from Daehyun with his shoulders brushing Young Jae's as he tries to refuse.

"Come on"

"I don't sing", Hyun Ki laughs.

Young Jae glances at him.

"Try", Daehyun continues.

"You keep this up and I'll tell Jay not to pick you"


"She seems attached to hyung", Young Jae says.

"She thinks he's the prettiest"

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Young Jae and Hyun Ki's lips touched!


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Chapter 14: what??? .... amazing...
Chapter 13: pleaseee update soon authornim.....
Chapter 13: wo wo wo..... now hyun ki and daehyum kiss....
Chapter 8: woaaa... now young jae and hyun ki in relationship????? great...
Chapter 7: so jae hwa can speak english???? so cleaver....
Chapter 6: authornim may I ask.... how old hyun ki is????
hello baby... bap.... omo omo omo..... im so exited..