Now I'll Be Your Sasaeng (The Ticket Sequel)


So, as you see in the title, it's a SEQUEL. I hope you'll find here what you haven't found on my first fic. It's gonna be a full pledge fanfic. And it's about EXO! :)))) Hope you'll give this lots of love!


I hope they still remember me. Especially Chanyeol. He's the reason why I'm here.

Oh you're asking where. I'm in Seoul baby! And my journey continues here.



What if the world turns upside down? I wanna slow down my fangirling life just for a ittle bit. But oppa's the one bugging me around now. He just can't stop following me. He really wants to be close.

The problem is, rumors are starting to spread and I don't want to be involved in any of it.

EOTTEOHKE? Which should I choose? My blooming friendship with Chanyeol or my peace-and-quiet fangirl life?

Is the title too much? I mean sasaeng? HAHAHA. Should I change it?


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are u still continuing this story? Oh please do~
Chapter 1: I ALSO WANT TO GO TO KOREA! ITS EVERY KPOP FANGIRLS/BOYS DREAM~ But sadly, my parents wont let me. >.< Aigooo~