Wedding Dress


A songfic inspired by the song Wedding Dress, by Taeyang.

2min. Two shot.

Here's a preview, so please tell me what you guys think about it. :)

(The words which are italicized are the actual lyrics of the song.)



"Taeminnie, I'm getting married!"
I close my eyes,
Then I dream an endless dream;
Then I pray that you would leave her side.
"Let us all rise to welcome the bride."
Once the music ends, you’ll be with her forever.
I prayed and prayed that this day wouldn’t come.
"Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace."
By all means, be happy with her,
So I can move on.
Please erase me out of your heart.


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Chapter 2: Im really really glad that u ended it like this. Cuz the whole story- there was a dissappointing tone always and, 'Taemin!'-only this was enough 4 me 2 b happy. Thanks, really!
Chapter 2: Well it was nice that you ended it like that lol. Atleast there's hope omg. But ugh nice writing. I love this. Thank you for making me cry lololol :))
Chapter 2: oh first of all - it was a beautiful song.
and the story as well
i liked such an ending, and i do believe in happily ever after for 2min here ^__^
it was bitterweet at first and then there is hope.
usually,i dont read POV's but your writing caught my attention.
Thank you for the story :)
Chapter 2: This can be a short film. I can just imagine it. So sweet and touching. <3
I really like this fic; it's a great blend of beautiful writing and developed characters and plots :)
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaah this is beautiful <3
Chapter 2: So sad! But I think that Taemin's gonna do otherwise.
Chapter 2: It's good to keep the ending like that. It already gave us an impression of a happy ending or a chance they would be a couple. Oh my gosh are these tears coming out?!
Chapter 2: really beautiful! T_T <3