Zelo ~ Faceless

B.A.P Psycho Series


Today was a Sunday and weekends usually meant that you would be off to meet your boyfriend of a year, Zelo.

Having debut in an idol group, there weren’t many opportunities for you to spend some quality time with him so it got to a point where you would just pay him a visit in his dorm when he was free.

 It irks you that you had to pretend to not know him whenever you attend his fan signs and fan meetings. To the other fans, you had just been just a casual noona fan but reality was deeper than what others should know.

“Oh you’re here?” Youngjae opened the door and welcomed you in. “Come in.”

“Where’s Zelo?” You asked as you took a look around the living room.

Sprawled on the couch was Daehyun reading a magazine and right in front of the TV was Jongup, urging Youngjae to hurry up and finish the game.

“Zelo!” Daehyun shouted dismissively. “Hyojin’s here!”

Your boyfriend came out of his room, his hair a mess and you couldn’t help but feel worried for that massive eye bags under his eyes.

“What happened to you?” You asked as you took out a comb to straighten his hair out. “You look horrible.”

“Zelo’s been having sleepless nights. He’s always having a nightmare.” Jongup replied with his eyes still glued on his game.

“Wow, that bad huh?” You sighed as you brought him to sit with you, shoving Daehyun out of the way. “Where’s Yongguk and Himchan oppa?”

“They went to retrieve some camera footage.” Youngjae answered before rummaging through the kitchen. “You need anything to drink? Hot cocoa maybe?”

“2 hot cocoa!” You grinned as you pointed to Zelo. “He should drink as well.”

“I wonder what the footage is going to show us.” Daehyun suddenly sit up straight and looked towards you excitedly. “Hyojin doesn’t know, right?”

Zelo nodded his head as he went to take a seat on the cold hard floor, his head leaning against the soft couch. Soon, you realised that the poor boy was already asleep,  his snores quite evident in the quiet dorm.

“He must be really tired.” You sulked before turning your attention back to Daehyun. “What don’t I know? Is it something about the footage?”

“Yeah. Apparently someone has been coming in and out of our dorms but it’s none of the members. At least that’s what they say.” Youngjae came back with the hot cocoa. “I only made one by the way. I knew that Zelo would be sleeping.”

“Coming in and out of the dorm?! Who would do that?!” You asked incredulously and took a sip of cocoa. “Sasaeng fans?”

“Most likely.” Daehyun shrugged. “We’re going to see who the person is first before reporting it to the police. Honestly, it’s an invasion of privacy.”

You nodded your head in agreement and while the conversation ensued, the front door opened and in came Himchan and Yongguk.

“Hey!” You called out to them. “Why the serious face?”

“You guys won’t belie-” Himchan quickly took off his shoes and rushed in. “Oh, Hyojin? You’re here too? Even better.”

Jongup who had been playing his game once immediately stopped and went to take a seat near Daehyun. It wasn’t every day that his hyungs were all so excited and messy like this.

“We found out who the person was.” Yongguk uttered hesitantly and went to take a seat opposite Zelo.

You noticed how his eyes never once left Zelo’s figure and as you reached out to the young boy, Himchan slapped your hand away, his eyes judging you.

“What’s your problem?” You almost screamed but didn’t thanks to Jongup quickly handing you your cocoa to soothe your anger.

“Don’t wake him up.” Yongguk commanded sternly.

Yongguk had never been strict with you before and seeing him in such a serious state invoked a surge of fear into your heart.

“So?” Jongup asked impatiently. “Who’s the sasaeng?”

“It wasn’t a sasaeng.” Yongguk turned soft all of a sudden. “It was Zelo.”

“Ahhh!” Youngjae came to a conclusion. “So Zelo’s been sleepy because he was sleepwalking! How cute.”

“Cute is a harmless way to describe it but trust us, it’s not cute.” Himchan muttered grimly. “Look at this.”

The man took out his phone and showed the group of the footage that both him and Yongguk had received.

“You actually downloaded the footage?” Daehyun was definitely judging but Yongguk dismissed the boy off.

“It’s for evidence purposes.”

“These footages were taken from 4 days ago all the way till yesterday night.” Himchan added. “You judge for yourself what happened.”

You peeked over Youngjae’s shoulders, wondering what the footage might possibly show. Sleepwalking had been a harmless trait as far as you can remember and hearing Himchan saying that it wasn’t, piqued your interest.

Looking closely, you realised that Zelo would get out of his room and leave the house in his zombie like state.

He’s so cute… You thought to yourself.

Himchan had pressed fast forward in order the show the group of when Zelo had returned from his sleepwalk. There was something different about him, but you couldn’t put your finger on what it was.

“What’s that red color thingy on his shirt?” Jongup was the first to notice.

Yeah… what is that thing? It kind of looks like…

The same repetitive incident happened on the following days footages. Zelo would leave the house clean but when he returned, the red paint would always be there on him.

Feeling a stir near him, Himchan had quickly put his phone away upon Yongguk’s instructions. Your boyfriend woke up and upon seeing your face, jumped onto the sofa so that he could snuggle against you.

“Sorry. I was really tired.” He apologised and pouted. “Did the guys bully you?”

“Not at all.” You smiled. “You must have been really tired.”

“I was.” Zelo sighed as he stood up to stretch. “The nightmares were killing me.”

“What nightmares?” Yongguk asked and you noticed how his face wasn’t as strained as just now. Something was definitely up.

“I dreamt that there was a murder scene right before my eyes. It was so scary.” He yawned before proceeding to the bathroom.

“M-Murder?” Himchan stammerd.

“Noona. You’ll be here until night time, right?” Zelo asked to which you nodded. “I’m going to bath first.”

As the bathroom door closed, you noticed how Himchan gave an urgent stare to Yongguk who sighed.

“What’s wrong hyung?” Youngjae asked but you suspect that he already knew the answer.

“It’s Zelo… Notice the red paint on his shirt when he came home in the footage?” Yongguk asked and all of you nodded your heads.

“What if I tell you that wasn’t paint? What if it was blood?”

“So you’re trying to say that Zelo got into a fight?” Daehyun questioned, unable to grasp the words properly.

“He didn’t get into a fight.” Himchan whispered.

“He murdered someone.” You croaked, finally understanding the weird actions behind both boys. “Oh god… what do we do?”

“We have to turn him in and explain the real situation. Get some help maybe.” Jongup suggested reluctantly. “We can’t leave him to be like that forever.”

“J-Jongup’s right.” Daehyun decided after much consideration. “But we should find a psychiatrist. We can’t allow the police to get to him first…. He barely knew anything!”

Right before you were about to say something, a knock was heard on the door. Yongguk, who had been quiet for some time, voluntarily stood up to see who’s on the other side.

Peeking through Youngjae again, you saw that the person was wearing some kind of uniform and your eyes immediately recognised them as the police.

“Is Choi Jun Hong home?” One of the officers asked Yongguk and you saw how he shook his head.

“I think he went out in the morning and I’m not sure when he’ll return home as well. What seems to be the problem, sir?”

“He’s a suspect in a string of murders that took place near Cloud Bar these past few days. Do call us when he returns home and we’ll appreciate it if you can get his cooperation to come down to the police station as well.”

“Yes sir.” Yongguk nodded.

Before they left, one of the officers had peeked his head through the door, staring at the living room. You guessed that he must have been looking for Zelo but seeing how the boy wasn’t there…

“Okay then. We’ll hope to hear from you soon.” The officers muttered a quick goodbye and left.

Coincidentally, as soon as the door was closed, Zelo came out in just his towel, his eyes wide with curiosity.

“Who’s that?” He asked Yongguk who was at the door.

“Some delivery boy.”

“Oh… Okay. Guess I’ll be changing now.”

Once the boy got into his room, you let out a small scream, your hands fiddling with Youngjae’s shirt.

“Oh my god, dear god, what should we do?” Jongup was now behaving like you.

“We can’t just tell him that he killed someone in his sleep, can we?” Daehyun growled as he tried to cover your mouth from screaming any further.

“I-I killed someone?”

The group turned around, unaware that the boy didn’t shut his door properly. Still standing and clothed with only a towel, the boy dropped to the floor and covered his face.

“I… I killed someone.” He bawled. “It was supposed to only be a nightmare!”

“Z-Zelo ah.” You tried to touch him but he ran into his room instead and locked the door.

“S-Stay away! I… I might even kill all of you!”

“You won’t, Zelo!” Himchan knocked on his door furiously. “Now open up so we can talk! You can’t isolate yourself up in the room forever!”

“Yeah. You won’t kill us.” Yongguk pulled you behind and mummed towards you and Youngjae. “Go and find the police now and explain everything to them. Go.”

“W-What? I can’t leave Zelo behind!” You protested but Youngjae had already pulled you to run with him.

“Youngjae! Let me go! We can’t leave Zelo-”

“We can. Did you notice, Hyojin ah? Did you notice how fast he came out of the shower?” Youngjae continued to drag you along.


“That’s not Zelo. Zelo won’t take 5 minutes to have a shower. He’d take an hour! So what makes him come out of that bathroom early, huh?”

“H-He’s not… Zelo…” You trailed on, letting the words sink into your brain.

“Exactly. And if we don’t get to the police soon, who knows what he’ll do to the other members. You don’t want them to end up dead, do you, Hyojin?”


“Then hurry up! We don’t have much time left.”

You felt your legs giving way but your mind pushed you to be strong for both the boys and Zelo.

There’s no way Zelo would be charged… right? He’d probably get treatment or something…

Or at least that’s what you hope.


A/N I just can't with this one-shot lol. I don't know why it was more difficult to write this one than the others, but nonetheless, I hope I didn't disappoint! Lots of Love! ^^

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authornim all of the chapters are masterpieces ! i hope u can write more bap psycho series
Sharissa #2
Chapter 2: Where i have been all this time? Searching text for angst and horror but found nothing great until i type 'DaeHyun angst' and then this come out and yeah congrats author you spark my interest
Chapter 2: I'm rereading this ff again.. And for the second time.. I swear I can sense someone's in my room with me.. Help.. ;;-;;
Chapter 7: Wow this is really awesome...... love all the part of story....
Chapter 8: Oh my god why did I choose to read this at night

Oh god I think I am going to have nightmares

Himchan protect me T_T
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 3: Uhhhhhhhhh this is scary....
Chapter 8: jk this is the scariest
Chapter 5: this is the scariest plot ever
Chapter 8: I legit am afraid to move now.. Reading this at 2am... bad idea. good job authornim! <3 <3 <3 Gave me nightmares ㅠㅠ
CumJaeEveryDae #10
Chapter 8: wooooow your writing is amazing!! totally scared the chizz outa me xD...great job, author-nim! <3