Keep In Touch

My Handsome Neighbour

Sooyun POV

Wow, L. Joe was somewhat pretty interseting. I surely realized that he kept watching me from his dorm. What i didn't believe was he studied for the mid-term test. I really couldn't look a person just from the outside. I usually went to school with him. But not with going home. I thought he went to playing basketball after school. I started to examine this guy too. He was surely handsome, that's why it was pretty nice to keep examining him kekeke.

It was Thursday. The next day would be the last day of the mid-term test. The tests were English and music. I was pretty good at both of them. So, i didn't study that hard like usual. I looked at L.Joe's room. He was studying. WOW. But then, i saw him going to the window and looked at my room. I waved to him. He was pretty shocked when he saw me also looked at him. He waved back and gave a sign to me to open my window. I opened it then.

"Hi ~ Why did you ask me to open my window?" I asked

"It's just ... i'm bored. By the way, don't you know that i totally studied for this mid-term test?"

"I know, i can see you in your room. Pretty sure that you read the school book,"

"It's totally because you kept studying that i started to study too ~"

"So what? Isn't it a good thing for you to study?"

"It's just not matched with my image actually,"

"Oh really? What kind of image do you have?"

"Bad boy image. You know ~ "

"Yeah yeah .. i know what you mean ..."

"By the way, i want to keep in touch with you,"



L. Joe POV

"By the way, i want to keep in touch with you,"


I didn't really hope this kind of reaction though. I can't just believe i said that! Now, what should i do?

"It's just ... Let's be bestfriend, you know ... We are not just classmates, we are also neighbour," I tried very hard to say something good and not weird for her.

"Aren't we bestfriend since the first we knew that we are neighbour?" Omo, she really thought that i am her bestfriend. Good thing happened to me. Yeay!

"But i don't know your number. How can i keep in touch with you?"

"Aaa... So that's actually what you need, i understand now. Wait a minute, i will take a piece of paper. I will write on it," Then, she went and looked for a paper. When she had found it, she hurriedly got a pen and wrote on it. I looked for my phone and got ready to write her number. Sooyun had finished her writing and show the paper to me. I wrote her number on my phone. After that, i gave an OK sign to her. She smiled. Oh my God, her smile was very precious. I opened my window again because i wanted to talk with her. She opened her window too.

"Thank you for your number,"

"You're welcome,"

"Aren't you studying?"

"I'm bored. I'm confident enough in English. While music, the materials that will be tested are not a lot. I think i can do that both. And you?"

"Wow.. What a confident from a smart girl ~ I'm hungry i can't study,"

"Where do you usually eat?"

"I can cook. Really! Not just ramen. But, i wasn't hungry this afternoon that's why i decided not to cook. But now, i'm hungry. Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, i can cook too. Also not just ramen. I have eaten already. Wait a minute," I saw her go to her bag and looking for something. From her bag, she put out a bread and showed it to me. "Do you want this? I bought this in canteen this afternoon, i thought i will be starving in the night and not cooking. The fact is i'm starving yes, but i'm in the mood to cook, so i cooked and didn't eat this bread,"

"Hmmm... since i'm that hungry. Yes please, give it to me,"

"How can i give it to you?"

"Just throw it,"

"I'm not confident with that actually,"

"Don't worrry, i'm a basketball captain. I can catch anything. Throw it,"

"OK then. 1...2...3..." Sooyun threw the bread. It wasn't that bad actually. I could catch it well too. The bread was chocolate flavour.

"It looked delicious. Thank you ~"

"You're welcome,"

"I think i want to eat it quietly, so i will close my window, okay? And you need to study too, remember?"

"That's right, okay then. Good night L.Joe ~"

"Night, Sooyun ~" 


Sooyun POV

It was a wonderful night to talk with him. I was preparing my bed to sleep when my phone rang. I looked at it. It was a message from unknown.

'Hi, Sooyun ~ It's L. Joe. Thank you for the bread, it was very delicious. You don't mind if i bother you often right? kekeke Good night'

Oh .. so it is L. Joe's number. He really wanted to keep in touch with me then. He seemed nice.

'Hi L. Joe ~ I'm happy that you enjoyed the bread. Don't worry, i'm sure will always help you if i can and i think until now you are not bothering me at all. I'm going to sleep. Good night :D '

Then, my phone rang again

'Okay, Sooyun. Have a nice dream ~'

'Have a nice dream too, L. Joe ~'

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Chapter 33: So sweet....they are really kind. Both of Ljoe and Chunji really have a strong bonding. Indeed they are bestfriend ^^
HyeYoungFan #2
Chapter 1: Hello new reader here, starting to enjoy the chapters, thanks for your hard work dear author-nim ^^
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 28: If he does find a girl in London she will strangle him if he tried this on her. I know I would. Hehehe.
harlibug #4
OO I can't wait to read this
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 33: Lol. Omg...what a good conversation!!!! I swear im too happy to read this chapterㅋㅋㅋ 1000000 thumbs for you author-nim!♡
swaggeyy98 #6
Chapter 30: Changjo why do you have to let it out??? Pabo-ya!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously author-nim... your story, really...mix feelingㅋㅋㅋ omg how to describe.. anyway you really did a gooood jobㅋㅋ
swaggeyy98 #7
Chapter 21: Mental breakdown!!!! I thouht sooyun wouldnt accept it....<//3 and i find it cute and soooo funny when ljoe wake up at 1pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ innoncent...poor you ljoe:(
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
kwistal12 #10
Chapter 15: I dont see colors...