




                I groaned, rolling over to slam my hand down on the poor alarm clock. As I shifted around under the covers, the sun started to make its appearance. Groggily, I replied to its rays by getting up. But before I could, a delicate arm wrapped itself around my waist. I peered behind me to see the young female whose arm held ever so tightly.


                This girl, lying in a deep slumber, she’s all mine. Why did I choose her though? Just looking at her, I could see her lips were slightly chapped; there were a couple of blemishes that adorned her face, her light snores made her sound like a pig. Why on earth did I pick her?


                I slowly unwrapped her arm, careful not to wake her up. I made my way to the bathroom—I had a  meeting with the members of SHINee and I didn’t want to be late for it, but while I was brushing my teeth, I found myself staring at the girl still asleep in my bed. I leaned against the door frame contemplating, ‘Why you?’


                Her fashion sense certainly wasn’t up to a celebrity standard, her voice was very soft, she spoke constantly, though, about practically nothing important, her cooking was average, and she constantly tripped over everything, so why her?


                Spitting out the toothpaste, I cleaned up the rest of me while contemplating; I could have any girl I desire. If I wanted a model, I’d get one, if I wanted an actress, she would be with me, heck the fans would jump at the mention of even saying hello to me let alone being with me. But I had to choose her.


                As I got dressed, I found myself stealing glances at her while she shifted in her slumber. Thinking about it, she wasn’t even famous. This girl is younger than me, she is a fan of SHINee—heck I met her during one of our concerts—she can be lazy, and then get panicky, and she also can be clueless. But even after thinking about all those things, it was when she started to open her eyes that I started to take deep note about her. She sat up stretching, and then smiled at me. I smiled back, think once more, ‘Why you?’ Her hair had several split ends, her teeth were slightly crooked when she smiled, her eyes were a simple color as well.


                “Good morning, Jonghyun.” The gears clicked in my head.


                I love this girl.


                Her snores were childish and cute, her cooking may not be exquisite but it is always homey and tasty, her voice had an angelic ring to it while her constant gibberish was always amusing and never tiring—I could talk to her about anything. The fact that she was younger than me didn’t matter, the fact that she was a fan made me love her even more, her laziness brought my stressfulness down, while her panicking gave me the ability to be her rock. I love the fact that she doesn’t dress like a celebrity, because when she dresses in her casual style, she couldn’t be more beautiful. Those blemishes on her face may make her imperfect but they’re so small and unnoticeable that how could it ever be a problem? And her hair, it is the softest thing I ever got to run my hands through, while her eyes were the most dazzling things I got to see—I love the way they shimmer when she gets excited, or darker when she becomes fiercer. Her teeth are pure white and go along beautifully with her gorgeous smile that lights up a room. How could I not love this imperfect perfect girl? The way she trips over everything just gives me an excuse to catch her, her passion for life gives me more of a drive, her genuine worry about me makes my heart flutter, her lips, oh her lips; they are so soft and seem to fit perfectly with mine. Even her tiny hands feel like they were made for me, or the way her body molds to mind when we sleep. I love how even though we’re apart neither of us fall out of love; she’s so understanding, so silly, so intelligent, so perfect. How could I not desire this woman before me?


                “Jonghyun?” her innocent eyes were filled with curiosity as I made my way towards her. I found myself losing control as I pounced on her unexpected body, pushing her back into the bed as our lips met. I made sure that all my love was poured in that kiss. I could tell she was losing breath quickly but I kept the kiss going just until she couldn’t hold it any longer. We pulled back panting but our faces were still so close.


                “What was that all about?” Her chest heaved as she gasped for all the air in the world.


                “Have I told you lately that I love you?” I grinned at her. She chuckled.


                “Jonghyun, you do this all the time whenever you come home from a long trip.”


                “I know, but I think it’s right that you should know.” I see the perfect pink tint her cheeks.


                “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours.” I hugged her tightly as she spoke. I could never let her go; she is only for me.


                “I love you, jagiya.” She smiled at me.


                “I love you too, Jonj.” I kissed her deeply once more.


                Oh yeah, this girl is all mine and I will never, NEVER, let her go. Her imperfections are what make her perfect and my life complete.


                I love her.




I wanted to make a story about Jonghyun and I finally did :D yay! This was really short though...but I hope you liked it anyways. I think it's good to take a break from My Lucifer every once in awhile but have no fear I will get back to it. (I think by the end of it I'll be famous for that story, no other story I write will compare :O although that's great, lets hope that when it ends you guys will continue to read other stories by me and enjoy them just as much and no that doesn't mean that it'll end soon)


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RubyMoon123 #1
Chapter 1: btw i love ALL the pictures u choose to go with ur story chapters, they go so well <3
RubyMoon123 #2
Chapter 1: Its written very well (as always) and i think it makes a nice story STARTER. you shud continue on it, its too short!!! plz continue to write on it either after uve finished my lucifer or wenever u just need a break bocz i think no, i KNOW tht it makes a great story STARTER but u NEED to continue.
~Keep up the good work <3
Chapter 1: Omg this is so sweet. ;3;
koreanheart1006 #4
Chapter 1: Hey! Hi! This is the first fic I've read since signing up--YAY!!! You should feel honored!