Fourteen: Invitation

A Change Of Heart

It was Tuesday afternoon and TOP and Youngbae are walking down the corridor since their classes were already done. The plans for Daesung's birthday were already set, they're just waiting for the day to come and they're good to go. They already informed and invited some of their friends to come and join them.



"So Dara really did moved to Jiyong's place?" Youngbae answered after hearing the news from TOP. He is playing with the keys of his car with his finger, twirling it around nonstop.



"Yeah." TOP simply answered. His hands were shoved inside his pockets and he's walking in a very cool manner.



"Why?" he asked.



"Well, Dara is supposed to move to Pretty Boy's house, but my beautiful Bom disagreed to it since Dara is living with her. She then called me the other night, telling me to call Jiyong and bring him to her house. She forced Jiyong to agree to let Dara stay there for the meantime. In the end, Jiyong wasn't able to do anything." TOP explained.



"Why can't they just live together?" Youngbae asked, "They're both girls anyways."



TOP chuckled after hearing that question for  the second time. "That's what Jiyong told her, but she said they can't live together."



Youngbae then shook his head while smiling. "It seems like we'll be seeing something new to Jiyong very soon." he said while smiling boyishly.



"Yeah. I'm actually seeing it already." TOP smirked as they continued walking. "By the way, whose car are we going to use?" He asked.



"We'll use the van of Seungri's sister."Youngbae answered as they make their way to the garage. "Speaking of that rat, I haven't seen him today."



"Daesung too." TOP added.



"Where the hell are they?"Youngbae said. He opened the door of his car and get inside. TOP went to the passenger seat and opened the door. "Oh, by the way, where's noona?" he asked while fixing his seatbelt.



"Girls day out." TOP answered and the two sped off from the university. Youngbae just chuckled after hearing TOP's answer.








Jinyoung was about to pass a classroom when he saw someone familiar inside. He took a few steps backwards to see clearly if he was right, and he is. For a moment, he stood there, not knowing if he'll talk to the person inside the classroom of not, but then, he decided to try his luck. He knocked on the door, and the person inside looked at him. She gave him a warm smile after recongnizing him.



"Jinyoung-ssi." she said.



"Annyeong Dara-noona." He said and went inside the room. "What are you still doing here?" he asked.



"I'm meeting up with someone." She answered and smile d again to him making him blush.



"Oh. Is it Jiyong-hyung?" he asked the girl while walking closer to her. He sat on the table for a few feet away from her.



"Ani." Dara answered while shaking her head. Jinyoung's mouth formed an 'o' after hearing her answer.



"Oh. Noona, congratulations" Jinyoung said all of a sudden while smiling.



"Why are you congratulating me?" she asked in confusion.



"Oh? You don't know?" he asked. Dara shook her head to him. He then began opening his bag and started looking for something inside. "It's the annual event for the university's festival." he said while still fiddling inside his bag.



"What event?" Dara asked in curiosity. He saw Jinyoung pulling out an almost crumpled piece of paper and made his way to her. He passed the paper to Dara and she took it.



"University's Goddesses?" Dara asked and continued reading the flyer. "What is this about?" Dara asked.



"Well, every year, the university is having their annual festival. And to make the festival exciting, they decided to come up with an event that will make the students come to the last day of the festival. They called it the University's Goddesses. You were nominated as one of them." Jinyoung explained. " They've conducted the survey one week ago and seems like you made it to the final round."  he finished.



Dara was speechless after hearing that she was nominated as one of the university's goddess. She shifted her gaze from the flyer to Jinyoung.  "What should I do?" She asked him.



Jinyoung looked at her, surprised by her question. He blushed after remembering something. He looked at her shyly. "You don't have to do anything noona. But you should be there on the event day." He said. He roamed his eyes around just in time to see someone open the door. A man appeared through the doorway and stopped after seeing Dara with someone else.



"Noona." he said and smiled to her. His blonde hair almost covering his squinty eyes.



"You're here. Where's Seungri and Bom?" Dara asked as she stood up. "Can I keep it?" She asked Jinyoung making the latter nod. She put the flyer on her bag and started walking to Daesung.



"They're in the meeting place. Let's go?" Daesung asked. "What about him?" he added and looked at Jinyoung who was standing near Dara.



"Come on. Let's go out together." Dara said and pulled Jinyoung' s arm. They went out of the building and parted ways since Jinyoung's house is just on the next block. Daesung and Dara, on the other hand, went to the parking lot where Daesung's car was parked. They went inside and after securing their seatbelts, they went on their way.




Minutes later…




Dara and Daesung arrived at the bar where Seungri and Bom were waiting. They'll be having a 'mission', as what Daesung calls it, to the bar they went to even though Seungri is against it. They made their way inside the bar and started looking for Bom and Seungri. They spotted them in one of the tables, and so, they made their way to them. Seungri was the first one to see them as he nod to Daesung and smiled sweetly to Dara.



"Where is she?" Daesung immediately asked after sitting beside Seungri. He roamed his eyes trying to find someone, his voice was louder than usual since the booming music was eating their voices.



"Counter."Seungri said loudly while pointing his pouting lips towards the direction of the counter. Daesung followed his gaze and found there the blonde chic, sitting.



Dara and Bom also looked at the direction Seungri pointed. Dara pursed her lips after recognizing the girl while Bom squinted her eyes to see the girl clearer through the dark place.



"That's her?" Bom asked and took a glance at Seungri before turning her gaze back to the blonde chic again. "Will she even talk to us?" Bom asked as she look at the two guys beside her.



"Her name is CL. And she is Seungri's most hated person because she ignored------ Oww!" Daesung whined after Seungri whacked the back of his head. "Yah! How dare you? I'm older than you!" he shouted. Seungri just rolled his eyes.



"Let's try." Dara said and stood up. Bom followed her and asked the two boys to watch their things.



Chaerin was sitting alone and drinking her cocktail. She's wearing a brown coat, and leather jeans. Her pointy heels are resting below the stool she's sitting. Her blond hair is dangling freely on her shoulders. As usual, she's ignoring all the guys who are trying to talk or get close to her. She just finished ignoring the 10th guy  when Dara and Bom approached her.



"Hi!" Bom greeted. Chaerin looked up at her after placing down the glass she's holding. "I'm Bom, and this is my friend Dara." Bom introduced herself and Dara who was standing beside her. Dara smiled at her and waved her hand like it's their first time meeting each other.



Chaerin just nodded. "CL" she answered. Bom smiled at her when Chaerin answered.



"I was wondering if you wanna join us on our table?" Dara asked her while pointing to their table where the two boys are sitting and waiting for them. They were looking at their direction, like silently praying that she would agree to their offer. Her gaze then shifted back to Bom and Dara who was still standing beside her.



"Sure." Chaerin answered and stood up from the stool she's sitting. She smiled faintly at the two after placing a bill on the counter and they started walking towards their table.



"I heard you're attending Kyunghee University?" Bom asked her while they were walking. Sometimes, they would bump into someone who was either busy dancing just drunk.



"No." Chaerin simply answered making Bom look at her. She raised her brow in confusion.



"No? Then why are you there the other day?" Bom asked. They stopped at their table and took the vacant seats.



"To see someone." She answered after taking the seat. She looked at the two guys in front of her. Daesung is smiling but Seungri isn't looking at her .



"Hi. I'm Daesung." Daesung introduced and offered his hand but Chaerin just looked at it.



"CL." she said without taking Daesung's hand, making Daesung smiled awkwardly at her while nodding his head. He then turned his head to his side to look at Seungri. He frowned after seeing him roaming his eyes around the hot girls dancing in the middle of the dance floor. He nudged him but he did not budge.



"Seungri," Bom called him. She saw him roll his eyes before turning his head to them and focused them on Chaerin.



"Seungri." Seungri introduced himself dully. Chaerin just nodded and shifted her gaze away from him causing Seungri to do the same.



For a moment, there was an awkward silence that engulf them, with only the booming sound from the speakers can be heard. Dara's eyes were shifting from Bom to Daesung to Chaerin to Seungri and vice versa. She knows this would happen since Chaerin isn't that friendly to other people. Daesung started talking to Chaerin to ease the awkward moment.



"CL, what course are you taking?" Daesung asked. Chaerin looked at him for a moment after gulping the cocktail she drink.



"I don't go to school." Chaerin answered, her hand still holding her glass.



"I saw you at Kyunghee the other day." Seungri said all of a sudden, making the three look at him.



"I met up with somone." Chaerin answered without looking at him.



Seungri snorted after hearing her answer. "You're not a student and yet you're going inside a university just to meet up with your boyfriend?" Seungri asked sarcastically. He then took a gulp of his beer while giving her a disgusted look. He then placed the glass down with force and wiped his mouth using his handkerchief.



Chaerin looked at him, her face still serious. She was about to answer but Daesung beat her to it.



"Ah, CL. Do you want to come with us this Saturday?" Daesung asked her. He saw Bom eyeing Seungri but he ignored it and focused on Chaerin.



"No, thanks" Chaerin answered immediately even though she haven't heard where are they going or why are they going out on Saturday. She took a sip from her beer but placed it down immediately after not liking the taste of it.



"Awww. It's my birthday. Come on, join us." Daesung said.



"It'll be fun. Plus, we'll be going to a private property, so there are no disturbances." Bom said but Chaerin shook her head.



"Come one CL." Dara said. Chaerin looked at her with a what-are-you-thinking look. Dara just smiled at him. "We'll get to know each other more." She added.



"Yeah. Noona's right." Daesung said. "Please?" he pleaded.



"You're asking a stranger to join you." CL reminded them, making Daesung, Bom and Seungri look at her.



"Well, I guess you're our friend now." Daesung said while chuckling. He looked at Chaerin and nodded his head. Chaerin looked at Bom and she saw her smile. Her gaze then shifted to Seungri, but he just averted his gaze away from her. Lastly, her eyes landed on Dara and she saw her gave a small nod while smiling.









Dara closed the main door shut after arriving at Jiyong's house. It was already eleven in the evening when they decided to go home. They were successful in bringing Chaerin to Daesung's birthday. She arrived 11:46 PM and only the little lampshades were giving light inside the house. She silently  started walking towards the stairs but she jumped in surprise after seeing Jiyong suddenly coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water on his right hand. She clutched her heart and began taking deep breaths while Jiyong just took a glance at her and then continued walking to the couch and sat there. His eyes were focused on the television who is showing some basketball game. At first, Jiyong just continued watching the game, but then, slowly, his  gaze shifted from the television to Dara who was still standing near him.



"J-jiyong, you're still awake." Dara stuttered.



Jiyong just nodded and shifted his eyes back to the flat-screen TV in front of him. "Where have you been?" he asked in his usual flat tone.



"I was with Bom, Daesung and Seungri." she answered and walked to the couch. She sat on the empty space.



"I'm not asking who are you with." Jiyong said making Dara purse her lips and mentally scolded herself.



"Sorry." she apologized.



"Where?" he asked.



"Huh?" Dara asked and looked at him in confusion. Jiyong looked at her with a bored expression.



"Did you visit a club?" Jiyong asked. Dara nodded while still looking at him. "What club?" he asked.



"Uhm, the Hideout?" she answered, unsure about the name of the club they came from. Her eyes were focused up, not noticing that Jiyong took a glance at her.



"You're not even sure about the name." Jiyong said matter-of-factly. "Inform me next time if you'll be late." he said and stood up, grabbing his cellphone. He began walking up the stairs after turning the television off. He was already in the middle part but he stopped after hearing Dara call her. He turned around to look at her. She is at the bottom step of the stairs.



"I-I don't have your… ." Dara trailed timidly. "….. number." she finished. She fidgeted her fingers, not looking at him.



Jiyong began descending the stairs and Dara took a few steps back to give way to him, thinking that he'll pass in front of her, but she was wrong. Jiyong stopped in front of her and offered his hand to her. She looked up at him in confusion, and tilted her head to the side.



"Phone." Jiyong simply said. Dara, still confused, took out her cellphone and handed it to Jiyong. Jiyong took out his phone as well and started tapping his phone, searching for some number. After finding it, he pressed the call button. After a few seconds, Dara's phone rang and Jiyong ended the call. He opened Dara's phone and saved his number on her phone. He then gave it back to her and started walking back up the stairs. For a few seconds, Dara just stared at her phone, but when she heard Jiyong's footsteps, she snapped back to her senses and  called him.



"Jiyong." Dara called, making Jiyong stopped again and turn around to look at her. "Did you….already ate?" Dara asked shyly then she bit her lower lip.



"No." Jiyong answered. He saw Dara walk up to him and held his hand. Jiyong stared at their hands while Dara guided him down the stairs to the kitchen.



"I'll cook for you." She said after making Jiyong sit on the stool. "Do you have anything in mind?" Dara asked. She wants to make it up to Jiyong after going home late. Even though it means nothing, she knows Jiyong waited for her.



"I'm not hungry." he said and stood up. He was about to leave when his stomach growl. Dara heard it and immediately, she smiled and started giggling silently. Jiyong looked up at her and saw her smiling. She immediately hid her smile by making her face serious.



"Did you just laugh at me?" Jiyong asked and raised his brow.



"Ani!" Dara denied while waving both her hands in front of her chest.



"I saw you." Jiyong said and started walking to her.



Dara gulped nervously and her heart started beating fast. "I didn't!" Dara exclaimed as their distance closes.



"Yes, you did." Jiyong said and smirked.



"Ahhh!" Dara shouted and started running across the counter, afraid of what might Jiyong do. Jiyong started circling the counter, with Dara doing the same. They are at the opposite direction. For a few minutes, they've been circling the counter non-stop, until Dara gave up. "Okay, okay! I did." Dara admitted, making Jiyong smirk and walked a few steps to the stool.



"Cook me some noodles." Jiyong commanded and took a seat at the stool as if nothing happened, as if he wasn't having fun with Dara a few seconds ago. Dara nodded and walked towards the cabinet to get some noodles. After taking out two plastic of noodles, she prepared the  pot. Jiyong was just watching her move around the kitchen the whole time. After five minutes, the noodles is ready and she gave it to Jiyong.



"You won't eat?" Jiyong asked before eating.



Dara shook her head and smiled at him. "I already ate." Dara said making Jiyong nod and started eating his noodles. Dara just watched him as he ate the noodles she cooked for him. She can't help but smile at him. Jiyong isn't as cold as before they first met. Somehow, she can feel that they're getting closer as time passes by, even though most of those times, they're not talking to each other. His attitude is so unpredictable. One moment he is playful, then next he will ignore her.



"What are you smiling at?" Jiyong asked, not looking at her.



"Nothing." she answered.



After a few minutes, Jiyong finished eating. He went to the sink to clean the utensils he used.



"Tell me what happened last night." Jiyong commanded after he finished washing. Dara's face slowly became serious but she tried to hide it by showing her normal look.



"I already told you." she answered and started walking out of the kitchen. She proceeded in watching some drama for a while. She heard Jiyong walking up the stairs and into his room. She sighed and raked her hair after hearing the door close. "Ottokae?" Dara asked herself and shifted her eyes to the stairs even though she knows that Jiyong isn't there anymore.









Author's Note:



Annyeong yeorubun! Mianhe for my super late update >.< I'll make it up to you guys neh? After this one, three more chapters will be updated ^_______^ You like that? kekeke


Comment, comment and comment! *u*




- MsGeeDee

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Epilogue updated! + Gallery ^___^


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Chapter 45: I think this was my 3rd time to read this amazing story and one of the best daragon fanfic story ❤️❤️
Chapter 46: Re reading this amazing story and i included as one of my favorite daragon story ❤️
Tariki_inday #3
Chapter 46: One of the great stories i've read about DARAGON...
Chapter 46: This was another amazing story I was read specially my favorite character u featuring in your beautiful story and also with gallery I thank u for sharing with us.
MsGeeDee #5
Hi all, this is MsGeeDee.

It's been a while since I opened this account. I know lots of you are upset with me leaving this account behind :)

First of all, for those of you who are wishing to read the 2 years that was skipped on this story's ending, I'm afraid it won't get written, ever. Or to those saying that there were a lot of missing/unresolved plots on this story, please bear with me.

Kindly understand that this story was written way way back 2013, when I was a mere 19 year old lady and was at the peak of my fangirling days. Unfortunately, this was the maximum writing capability that I had 6 years ago.

Thank you, though. Thank you so much. For still checking out this story despite all the incorrect grammars, cringey names and scenes (who would've thought that Winner's fandom would be named INNER CIRCLE, right? what a coincidence XD ), missing plots, and the fast pacing.

For those who are wondering if this story will be rewritten/edited for a better version, I'm afraid no. This story will stay as is, mainly because I'm proud I got to finish it and despite its and my shortcomings, you guys still loved it :)

An update of my fangirl life: I still love Jiyong and Dara so much, I still support them. I went to BIGBANG's concert last 2015, and to Jiyong's ACT III: MOTTE concert (in Manila might I add lol I was so high that night that I got to see both of them, in person, together at the same stage <3 ). I still listen to KPOP songs, but is not much of a fangirl as I did years ago. I just mostly listen to the YG babies. I'm also up to date with all the controversies </3. Finally, you could say that as a fangirl, I have matured, but still love them nonetheless.

Again, thank you very much for all the love and support <3

Chapter 45: The strory are good... However, there were plot that remain unsolve for me... It feels like a lot of were skipped... But still i enjoyed reading this.. Good job !!????
Chapter 46: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. Everything abt it.
But... Its just the ending felt rush..
Know what i'm saying?
Or i just want to read more abt Kwon's effort in getting dee back... Like she went thru A LOT. Literally. I need something to justify the pain she went thru even before she left. She was pregnant while chasing kwon ffs! I'm sensitive with preggy ladies who suffered.. And i know he did something for 2 years but i want to read his pov while doing so. He also dated other girls and shived it to her face ffs! He doesn't deserve to be forgiven easily. What i'm trying to say is.. I want to see him under fire for all the things he did. I mean it.
Chapter 42: I've been holding myself back but ... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO INNER CIRCLES WHEN THERE'S NO NEWS OF WINNER'S CB. LMFAO ok continue scrolling xD
Chapter 32: Wait whut!? Bwahahahaha lol ji! After countless slow burn of chapters you hit us with i love you!? LMFAO Epic character is EPIC AF!!! HENGSHO BTXCHES!
Chapter 1: Seraph? Omo... Angelssss