Forever in Your Arms

Forever in Your Arms

You're at home getting ready for a date with your boyfriend, James, you've been going out for 8 months now and you're going to meet him at the mall. You there early and wait by the fountains, you turn around looking for your boyfriend and see him with his best friend Michelle. You're about to call his name when you see him wrap his arms around her waist and kisses her for a long time, you stop in your tracks just staring at them as  you feel tears streak down your face. You turn to walk away and then James turns and calls your name, you start running away, you run around a corner and stop and sit on the floor. Then someone taps your shoulder.

"Go away James, I saw everything! I don't want to see you anymore!" you scream but not moving, he squats down and you turn your head.

"What did he do?" you hear an angry voice ask. It was Zelo your neighbor and best friend who was alwasy there for you ever since you moved here in third grade.  You cover your face with your hands and lean into his chest and saying between sobs, 

"He was cheating on me, I was waiting for him for our date and I turned around and he was kissing someone else. I wasted 8 months on a stupid cheater like him, how could I have been so stupid?" you say as Zelo holds you tight and whispers,

"You're not the stupid one, he is for leaving such a beautiful girl and making you cry."

Zelo starts to say something,

"_____ i l-lik_" but you cut him off by thinking outloud.

"Maybe I should go talk to him.." not realizing what you had just said. Then you feel Zelo tense up and he holds you tighter.

"You're not going back to him ever." said Zelo through his teeth. You both are quiet for awhile then you say,

"Zelo, maybe we should get up from teh floor, we've been down here for a while." you say as you try to stand up, but Zelo keeps holding onto you.

"Zelo, we need to get up." you look at him in the eyes and try to figure out what he's thinking, then his face starts to turn pink.

"Why is your face pink? you ask laughing.

"I was thinking of something I wanted to do." he said smiling.

"Wha-" you tried to ask, but you got cut off by Zelo as he kisses you passionately, as he pulls you back to him with his arms around your waist and you move your arms around his neck, kissing him back. You both pull away to breathe, you feel your face getting red and you don't want him to see so you turn around.

"____ look at me." Zelo said, you slowly turn to face him. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." You say as you start to cry again but you don'r have time because he pulls you in to kiss him again.

~The End~

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Chapter 1: .yach, ,
.funny i think !:-)
.but it's also romantic story !