Jealousy and bad food

Chef Jinki and a very jealous Taemin

Taemin wasn't sure what he was expecting when he walked in the kitchen of their dorm but whatever it was, it surely wasn't a dishevelled looking Jinki covered in unrecognisable substances as well as the kitchen itself.

The kitchen was a sight to behold. There was flour everywhere, flour and egg yolk. Taemin saw something suspiciously-gooey-and-sticky object on the floor, the brownish yellow colour of it making him lose his appetite. There was a half empty bowl of what looked like pancake batter next to a puddle of the same batter on the kitchen top. The huge pan on the stove contain something that looked like a steak gone wrong, every single inch of the meat charred. Grey smoke was coming out of another pot and a plate containing what looked like burned pancakes was next to it.

But all that was not nearly as bad as the leader's state. His hair was peppered with flour, like snowflakes on a blade of grass, there was egg yolk stain on his t-shirt and strawberry jam on his nose. Though he did look as if he was just put in a tornado eye, Taemin could not help but squeal a little inside from how adorable the leader looked.

It seemed that Jinki wasn't paying any attention to his surrounding, he was too busy biting his tongue that peeked out in between his plush pink lips and frowning in concentration as he tried to open the cap of the salt bottle. When he couldn't, he puffed out his cheeks and let his breath out in a quick whoosh in frustration. Taemin had a sudden urge to just pinch those cheeks until they turned into delicious red tomatoes, making his hyung look even more adorable, if that was even possible.

Just then Jinki was about to turn on his feet and when he did, he would have seen Taemin and the maknae could not have that because he wanted to observe Jinki's tries of cooking more. So he quickly hid away from the door and peeked through the door's hinges. Jinki didn't seem to realise that someone was observing him, because once he turned around to put the salt back on the kitchen top, he turned around once again to 'salvage' his 'steak'. With a pair of chop sticks he tried to turn the meat but it seemed that it was stuck to the pan. It was almost animated, the way Jinki almost declared a war against the poor slab of meat. He kept on tugging and pulling onto the poor thing like it would be the last thing he was going to do. Taemin almost giggled but stopped the sound from reaching the oblivious leader by clamping his hands over his mouth.

After a while of wrestling with the meat, Jinki seemed to finally give up on it. He threw both the chop sticks and the pan on the kitchen top and quietly swore under his breath. The maknae's eyes widened with shock because Jinki was someone who barely ever swore. He was one of those people who thought swearing to be a sin! So it was very shocking to see this other side of his hyung.
What confused Taemin even more was, why was Jinki doing all this anyway? Everyone, including the dubu leader knew that Jinki and cooking was never a good idea. And as far as the maknae could remember, Key had banned the leader from his territory (the kitchen) after Jinki almost burned down the place in trying to boil sole water for his coffee. So, why was he even in the kitchen? Sure, Key wasn't around but Jinki usually respected all the members' wishes, so why? It made no sense.

Just as Taemin was pondering about those questions, another one kept on nagging at his mind. Who was it for? If Jinki was cooking for himself, he would definitely go for chicken, not steak. Also, Jinki liked blueberry pancakes but from the batter on the sink, this seemed to be something else, there was no blueberries to be seen. All the other members were supposed to be gone too because their vacation of two days started and all three went to their respective homes. Taemin's parents went to Jeju so he couldn't go and Jinki sort of stayed as well. Something about not wanting to leaving the maknae to fend for himself for two whole days. So, the cooking had to be for someone else, someone who definitely wasn't Jinki or the other members. The sudden pain in his chest at the thought of Jinki making so much of an effort for someone, was not too shocking for Taemin. He never denied his feelings for the leader. He knew it very well that he was indeed head over heels for Jinki. Simply, he loved him.

It wasn't love at first sight because the first time he met the honey voiced leader, he was barely a teen. Love and what it was meant nothing to him. The attachment he felt for his hyung slowly but surely grew to a point where he could not imagine his life without the leader by the second year of their debut. The thought of the band disbanding and them being apart scared him to death. What he never thought though was that Jinki could find someone to love as well. Someone who wasn't Taemin. Just thinking about it now made him want to cry his eyes out until there was no more tear left. He didn't even get to confess his feelings, it was all too late. Patting his chest, he was about to turn around and leave through where he came from when a loud gasp stopped him.

Jinki's gasp resonated through the kitchen walls and reached the maknae's ears, making him stop in his track. It sounded as if he was in pain and without even thinking about it, Taemin's legs already strode towards the leader's bent body on the kitchen table. He was clutching onto one of his fingers and Taemin could see something red oozing out of his hold.
He quickly snatched the leader's hand to his and dragged him to the sink, turned the tap on and let cold water flow over the deep cut on his chubby finger. All the red made him a bit nauseous but he didn't even pay attention to that. To be honest he didn't pay attention to anything other than tending to his hyung's wounds. So, he missed his longingly the older was staring at his face as he concentrated on holing the elder’s arm at the right angle so that he would not get hurt but his wound would be cleaned too. Neither did he notice how the leader’s heart beat was as fast as his own nor the way his lips stretched into a soft smile.

'Why do you have to be so clumsy all the time? God! I swear you were born to make me have mini heart attacks every day!' His voice was cold and a bit mean but Taemin didn't mean it like that. It came out all wrong. He wanted to comfort the leader and say soothing words but instead he let his jealousy reign his actions.
Jinki's smile faltered a bit and his head sort of fell, eyes glued to the floor. The small happy one was now replaced by a sad apologetic smile.

'Mianhae. Hyung is a pest for being like this. I'll try to do better next time.' His voice was quiet and a bit sad and Taemin didn't like it. It wasn't like Jinki at all, he's the bubbly, always happy go lucky type of guy. His voice always reverberated with joy and happiness and that's how Taemin liked his hyung's voice. When he looked at his hyung's crown of soft brown hair, he could not help but feel a little guilty. He wanted to apologise to Jinki and he wanted to do it looking straight at hose large brown eyes so that his leader would believe him. He knew that if he didn't, Jinki would probably keep blaming himself for burdening his dongsaeng, the leader was kind of childish like that.

Taemin cupped the elder's cheeks and tilted up his face do that they were face to face, eye to eye. When Jinki tried to get out of his grasp, he tightened his hold and kept the other's face in place. Looking deep into his eyes, he said,
'You're not a pest hyung, neither are you a burden of any type. I'm just worried about you hurting yourself. Arasso?'

Jinki's face brightened as soon as he heard that, more than that, his eyes were sparkling again. Taemin sighed in relief and turned the tap off.
'Let's get this treated before you get an infection, ne?'
Saying that he didn't wait for his hyung's reply and just dragged him off to the kitchen table and pushed him to sit on one of the chairs and wandered off to find the first aid kit.
'There's one at the top shelf of that cupboard.' Jinki chuckled as he saw how frustrated Taemin looked, rummaging through the shelves of the kitchen top.
Taemin nodded and smiled at the leader thankfully and got the small blue box out.

He took a seat next to his hyung and got the tube of savlon and a plaster out. Seeing the savlon Jinki flinched a little bit. Taemin smiled at his hyung's adorableness. Which 23 year old got scared of savlon's stings in open wounds?
'You'll be fine hyung! You can hold onto me if you are too scared.' He smiled reassuringly.
Jinki with his huge chocolate eyes looked at Taemin all scared and pleading, but nonetheless he did hold onto Taemin's arm and closed his eyes.
'Do it quickly Minnie. I want it to be over and done with as soon as possible.'
'Ne hyung.' Putting the savlon on a cotton ball he cautiously dabbed it on the cut on his hyung's finger and chuckled as the hold on his arm tightened.
'You'll cut off my blood circulation, hyung.' He chuckled and put the plaster around the stubby finger. When Jinki whimpered, he swept down to put a small kiss on the plaster and as soon as he did, he sort of regretted it. He sat up straight quickly, hoping that Jinki would not read into the kiss. The leader's eyes were still closed right as was his hold in the maknae's arm. So he was safe it seemed.

'Hyung, it's done. You can let go of me now, before my hand dies or something.' He joked.
Jinki slowly opened his eyes, just a fraction and peeked through it. He looked so cute, like little rabbit peeking to see if there was a fox around or something. Once again, Taemin wanted to just hug him to death. Jinki opened his eyes fully when he noticed the plaster on place and smiled. Taemin's heart lurched forward at that signature eye smile of the dubu leader. He wanted to trace that smile with his own lips but just then his eyes fell on the food on the stove. White smoke was coming off the pit now and he remembered that Jinki had been cooking for someone. His heart fell and he retracted back.

'So, why are you doing this anyway? Is someone coming around?' Taemin blurted out the question that nagged him for so long.

Just as he said that Jinki's expression changed and his eyes widened.
'Oh my God! My pasta! Oh my God!' He quickly got up and checked the pot and gasped as he saw its content. Grabbing a mug of water he quickly splashed it onto the pot. Then he turned around to face Taemin and sighed.
He walked up to Taemin, taking his hands he ushered the maknae away from the kitchen and in front of their room. He then pushed the shocked maknae inside and ordered,
'Go in there and don't come out until I tell you to. Don't peek, don't do anything. Just get a shower and freshen up or something.'
Saying that, he slammed the door on Taemin's face leaving him staring blankly at the wooden door.

What just happened? Did he just get totally and utterly snubbed by the leader? Who was coming and why was he/she so important that Taemin was not allowed to be out when they came around? Was his suspicion right? Was Jinki really seeing someone?

The maknae's heart seemed to have died at the thought and it wasn't working anymore, his lifeless body slid on the floor. He didn't even get to confess his love. Now that the leader had his own lover, Taemin could not and would not come in between them, so his love will have to be untold and unfulfilled. His love wasn't meant to be from the start anyway. Jinki who was four years older than him deserved someone near his own age who would understand him and suitable for him. Though Taemin would live to change it, the fact still was that compared to Jinki he was immature and Jinki could never think of him as more than a dongsaeng.
He tried to reason with himself that Jinki was happy and that's all that mattered.

He sighed, wiping the lone year in his cheek he stood up and went to get his pyjama out. Life goes on and he had to accept it and pretend as if everything was okay. Even though he was dying inside but for Jinki he had to do it because knowing him, the leader would probably blame himself and break off his relationship with whoever for Taemin's sake and Taemin could not have that. He was determined to accept Jinki's new found love and he will act as if nothing was wrong. So, on he went to get freshened up.

After he was done with everything and was in his penguin pyjamas that the leader had bought him as a gift, he flopped his body down in the bed, face first. He closed his eyes and growled in frustration as all he could imagine and see was Jinki with and unknown person with a hole for a face, laughing and enjoying their meals. The other person making fun of Jinki's failed tries at cooking and the leader blushing like crazy.
'Mine! That blush should be mine! That smile should be mine! Those lips should be mine! Jinki...'
His rambling a were cut short as the door to his room flew open and Jinki was there once again, this time without all the mess. He looked dashing in his black t-shirt and jeans. His hair was clean and looked a bit wet just like Taemin's own. He looked so damned delicious that the maknae wanted to devour him whole. But he wasn't his. All thus wasn't for him, Jinki got ready for someone else. That smile in his lips were for someone else.

'Taemin-goon, would you like to come through this way please.'
Jinki's voice halted every thought that deleted through Taemin's mind.
Taemin-goon? Since when did Jinki hyung called him that? So now that he had a lover, he was going to be all formal with him? They were still hyung and dongsaeng, band mates and best friends, right?
Just when he was about to demand an answer to all his questions, Jinki's words finally settled in his mind.
Why did Jinki want him to go with him? Who did he actually invite? This wasn't a set up was it? Jinki wasn't trying to set him up with someone that could not be it, right?

'Taemin-goon stop day...well night dreaming really, anyway, just come through here please.' He bowed like a waiter in one of those posh restaurants. What was happening?
'Me? You want me to go?'
Jinki nodded and before he knew it, Taemin's legs were dragging him off to where ever Jinki as leading him to, which coincidentally was their dining room.

Taemin gasped as soon as he walked in because there were candles everywhere, candles and rose petals. He looked questioningly at his hyung just to find his face down-cast with a redder than tomato blush on his face, fiddling with his fingers. Why did he have to look so damned good in black?
' you it?' The leader's uncertain voice was like a knife to his heart. Was he actually doing that? He was asking Taemin's opinion on something he did for his lover? Fate was cruel.

When Taemin didn't say anything Jinki looked up and stared at the younger, worrying his lips with his teeth, the plush lips turning blood-red from the abuse. Taemin wanted to scream for him to stop, to stop being do alluring. He just could not take it anymore, all he could think about was slamming the older on the nearest wall and ravish those lips, devour them but he couldn't. Jinki liked someone else, all of this was just so god damned unfair.
'I'm going hyung. I don't want to disturb you and your..' He could not bear to say it so he just spun on his feet and was about to walk away when he was stopped by stubby fingers surrounding his wrist.

'Please don't go Minnie. At least hear me out. I know it's hard to accept my feelings, what with me being so imperfect and unlovable, but please, at least hear me out before you reject me.'

WHAT? Did he hear it right? Rejecting him? Taemin? What! Imperfect and unlovable? Were they thinking about the same Jinki here? Seems not! But more importantly didn't this mean that Jinki liked him too?

'Please Minnie, I won't ask you to accept me or my feelings. I know you don't and possibly can't feel the same way for me but I need to get all of this out before it eats me from the inside.' He stopped to take a deep breath before resuming.
'I love you Lee Taemin. I love you more than a dongsaeng or a friend, I love you so much that it hurts. It hurts so much not being able to tell you exactly how I feel, to just let it all out. I wanted to tell you everything from the moment I realised my feelings but I was just too scared to lose what we already had. Our friendship means everything and I'd do everything for it. I'll forget you..So let's just be like before, okay? I know that it'd be hard but can we still be friends!? I'd die if you stop talking to me, please let's be friends okay? I promise I'd try to get over this! I promise I'll stop myself from loving you so much...' Before he could finish his little speech, Taemin muffled it out with his lips, he just could not listen to it anymore. All he heard was that Jinki loved him and that was all that mattered.
Jinki loved him. Jinki LOVED him!
He pulled away from the quick lip lock and murmured against Jinki's shoulder where he place his head.
'Don't you dare try to get over me hyung. Don't you dare try to stop loving me...because...I...l..Love you too.' He finally blurted it out, he finally let all his bottled up feelings rush out with those four simple words.

Jinki gasped when he heard those words and Taemin saw his eyes widen to a point where it looked almost comical. The look on Jinki's face was just too adorable and too precious and Taemin could not stop himself anymore. Putting his one arm around his leader's neck and the other on his hair, he pulled their faces closer and closer until there was no gap left in between. Jinki's plush lips were against his once again, there for him to tease and taste. Though at first the leader seemed to have turned into a stone statue, this time he slowly started to response, his lips cautiously moving against the maknae's, his arms on Taemin's hair and pulling them even closer.

Taemin let out a soft chuckle as Jinki moaned and tried to pull back to breathe. He too needed to breathe so he let go of Jinki's succulent lips and latched his lips onto the leader's jaw, leaving soft butterfly kisses everywhere, along the jawline, down the column of his perfect neck and finally rested on the protrusion of Jinki's famous Aidan's apple. The maknae always fascinated about how it would feel to taste it, touch it, bite it and now he could do all the above. He began with tracing the roundness with his lips and then letting is tongue peek through them and leave small all over it. When he was satisfied with tasting it, he experimentally but in it softly. The moan the reverberated through the leader's vocal cords was like honey to his ear, he wanted to hear it again. Biting it again he it and left his tongue on the skin so that he could feel Jinki's moan properly. When he did, it was like an electric shock went through his whole body, from his tongue to toes. He wanted to feel that again and so he opened his mouth to bite again.

It seemed that Jinki was getting too impatient because before Taemin could do what he wanted to, his face was pulled up and his opened mouth was invaded by Jinki's lips and his tongue. It was Jinki’s turn to devour him. Taemin saw stars, Jinki's tongue was everywhere in his mouth, mapping out every nook and cranny, leaving Taemin putty on his hands. His legs were like jelly and if the leader wasn't holding him up with his strong arms, he was sure as hell that his back would have greeted the cold floor by then. He sighed into the kids as Jinki started a battle with his tongue, it all felt so right, as if Jinki's tongue belonged there, battling with his, in his mouth.

When they finally pulled away from each other’s lips to breathe, Taemin leaned his forehead on Jinki’s and both smiled. Taemin’s was a content grin and Jinki was smiling shyly, his face flushed with pretty red, which the younger found very endearing. Taemin started at his hyung and wondered at how someone can be so perfect, his every feature angelic and more beautiful that anyone’s he’s ever seen. Whoever thought that the leader was the 4th or 5th according to Shinee’s looks was so wrong. To Taemin, he was the most handsome of them all, he’s even more perfect than the almighty Key, but Taemin wasn’t going to say that to the dorm umma’s face anytime soon though. He chuckled as he saw how Jinki tried so hard to avoid his gaze and kept on looking at the ground. Tipping the elder’s face up, he whispered,

‘Am I that ugly hyung that you won’t even look at me?’

Jinki’s head shot up and he shook his head vigorously, looking a bit scared. Taemin was only joking when he said that but he was quite amused by the leader’s reaction and said nothing, just pouted and looked away. He smiled internally as he felt two warm hands cupping his cheeks and turning his face so that they were looking at each other again.

‘That’s not true Taemin. You are perfect. I love are..perfect,’ Once again he was looking away from the maknae, a tomato red blush spread across his cheeks,

Taemin could not take the leader’s cuteness anymore and once again his lips attached to the plush ones of Jinki and though the kiss was a chaste one, a strictly lip to lip touch, it still took both their breaths away. Small kisses were trailed across Jinki’s whole face while Jinki leaned his forehead on Taemin’s, a soft smile playing on his lips. Taemin felt complete as he looked at his leader’s face and sighed. Pulling away, he smiled as well and his eyes fell on the set table with Jinki’s cooking.

‘Hyung, though I’d like nothing more than to have you as my dinner but I really am hungry. Should we try out your mouth-watering cuisines?’

He chuckled once again as he saw Jinki’s flustered face as he almost choked on Taemin’s words. He was redder than an apple and quickly scrambled up on his feet and stammered,

‘Y..yes…let’s eat.’

He quickly grabbed Taemin’s hand and dragged him to the table and sat him on one of the chair. As Taemin looked at the foods in front of him, his appetite sort of died. Everything was one or the other shade of black and grey but when he saw Jinki’s famous eye smile and his expectant stare at the maknae’s plate full of charred stake and watery pasta. Rebuking himself for even thinking about not eating and making Jinki’s smile disappear, he picked up his fork and knife.

The meat was a bit tough so he had to kind of gnaw into it with his knife, while he was doing it, he looked up and sent Jinki a goofy smile, the returning smile was an encouraging one. He scooped a spoonful of pasta, put the stake piece on top and slowly put it in his mouth. It tasted awful.

‘How is it Minnie? Do you like it?’

He nodded and tried to smile but the taste on his mouth was so bad that the smile looked like a grimace instead but Jinki seemed to be happy so he didn’t say anything.

‘Eat more Tae, I made lots of it.’

Taemin smiled for Jinki but inwardly groaned. The things he did for his love!

When Jinki was sure that Taemin was eating he too started to eat. However, unlike Taemin, the first mouthful did not went past his mouth. He threw it back on his plate as soon as he took the first bite.

‘Yuck! This is disgusting. Don’t eat it Tae!’

He tried to take Taemin’s cutleries away from him, but the younger hid them behind his back.

‘No hyung, you made it. I can’t let all your love and care go to waste. I’m gonna eat it all.’

And just to prove his point he took a big bite of his steak and smacked his lips,

‘Yum, Jinki-love tastes really good.’

When he looked at his hyung’s face next, he was surprised to see tears watering the leader’s eyes. Panicking a little he tried to reach out to his hyung,

‘What’s wrong? Why are you crying hyung? What did I do?’

His hands were caught mid-air as Jinki grasped them with his stubby fingers and led them to his lips and placed soft kisses on it.

‘I love you so much Tae and it was really nice of you to eat that. Why are you so good to me?’

Taemin could feel his heart do flip-flops. Every time he heard those three words from Jinki’s mouth he felt like being on the seventh clouds. He nuzzled his nose on the other’s soft hand and smiled.

‘I’m not nice, you’re the one who’d nice, for loving me. I wish I could show you how much this all means to me and how much you mean to me hyung and if eating your cooking shows that, then I’ll gladly do it a thousand times, no matter how burnt they are.’

Jinki pulled his hands back and pouted,

‘So, they are burnt. What taste of love, you just taste burned meat. You don’t have to ear anymore.’ He got up and started to clear the table. Taemin chuckled at his hyung’s sudden mood swings and got up to hug his new lover from behind. Nuzzling his nose on the crook of his neck, he chuckled,

‘Hyung, I love you. I love you. I love you. Now turn that frown upside down, he angled his head so that he could stare at Jinki’s face. Jinki was blushing again and though it seemed that he was trying hard not to, the corners of his lips were pulling up in a smile, Taemin urged it with a poke to his cheek with his nose.

‘Just gimme your smile already. I did eat your cooking for you, so the least you can do is fill me up with your smile, right?’

At that, a huge smile spread on Jinki’s face and he giggled.

‘Sorry Tae, your hyung’s not exactly good with stoves, ovens and food. I guess we’d have to order out today, ne? What do you want?’

Kissing his hyung’s cheek, Taemin whispered,

‘You hyung. I want you for dinner,’

Without waiting for Jinki’s answer, he started kissing and the elder’s neck.

‘I love you hyung,’ He murmured in between his kisses.

‘I love you too silly.’ Jinki laughed in between the moans that escaped his mouth and bit onto his lips as Taemin led onto the sensitive skin of his nape.

‘Mmm, so delicious.’

Both of them chuckled and Jinki turned around and both of them hugged each other and sighed contently. Taemin felt complete as he rested his head on his lover’s shoulder and took a big whiff of his leader’s natural scent.

‘Hyung, I love you.’

He waited for Jinki’s reply but instead of the usual I love you, he was started with Jinki’s shirk.

‘Oh my God! It’s so late, it has already started!’ He pushed Taemin away and ran to the living room.

Taemin just stood there speechless as he saw his newfound love waddling away from him. He followed his leader’s wake just to find him cuddled up on one of the sofas, the TV on in front of him. So, he ditched Taemin and his cuddles just to watch Pokémon? That is so Jinki!

He chuckled and sat next to his lover who was too engrossed in the cartoon and cuddled up. Well, Taemin would make do with whatever time he got with his hyung. And if watching Pokémon together was how they got to spend time together, so be it.

He rested his head on his hyung’s chest and watched the cartoon with him, their fingers linked together. Theirs would never be a ‘normal’ relationship, far from it really but as long as Taemin was next to Jinki, he was happy.  



woooshhhhh....this was LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG...I hope you like it though...and as a compensation for the longgg story......just for you guys...SOME SHINEE GIF :D :D :D <3

D'awww...why so precious? Forever turning my gollum mode on... >.<

Onbutt is so damn cute <3

Don't you just wanna kiss him senseless?

D'awww the Jongyu dumb and dumber brothers are BACK <3



So much love from Jinki...I'm love drunk now :D WHY IS HE SO FREAKING PERFECT????WHY??? NOT FAIR.



OH MY ING GOD...YES yes yes yes yes...i'll be a missing child with you Taemin <3 yes T.T



Forever crying at his perfectness.... T.T

come here and lemme love you Jinki <3





this just cracks me up for some reason...LOL

awww they touched they touched they touched :D

why is he so adorably awkward?

ontae ontae ontae <3


MOARRRRRR ontae <3

but this gif though? -shoots sel and dies-

OMOMOMOMOMO <3 he makes me fall in love every time....every. freaking. time.

Okay that is all I guess........

please do read and comment and if you like it...subscribe....okay? (insert puppy dog eyes)

Annyeong <3



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shinyan #1
"Taemin stared at his hyung and wondered at how someone can be so perfect, his every feature more angelic and beautiful than anyone's he's every seen. Whoever thought that the leader was 4th or 5th according to SHINee's looks was so wrong. To Taemin, he was the most handsome of them all..."

This is my legitimate feeling, and I assume the thoughts of a fellow MVP. I like to think that the other members share our thoughts somewhat, in that they think it's crazy that he is always put last (including by himself).
Chapter 1: Oh ho ! OnTae everywhere :)
Chapter 1: Super cute~
I wished I got to have a dinner with my crush lol @u@
Chapter 1: I'm really happy you like Onew!!
Chapter 1: WOW, BURNT FOOD SHINee people, Awesomeness!!Aww that was the cutest OnTae I've seen in a while Kamsamnida for it. By the your no the only one who is in love with our leader. But I'm actually you like Onew oppa!! (Please don't kill me) peace!! (°▽°)(〃⌒ー⌒〃)ゞ((o(^∇^)o))\(^o^)/( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆(⌒∇⌒)ノ"
Chapter 1: awww that is so sweet of Taemin to eat Jinki's brunt food.
Messy food Jinki is adorable. I have to go cook dinner now and I'm going to be thinking of Jinki kekeke. Taemin eating it to show his love and appreciation was lovely :) The kisses were daebak...this whole thing was :D:D I giggled from all the cuteness of Onew going to watch tv, that is true love. Just cuddling up together watching TV. Best moments in life are those kinds. <3<3<3 Love it! *hugs*

des2bfree #9
Chapter 1: hahahaha so sweet i love ontae som much....they are so cute together.......i love it so much ontae ontae ontae.....ops sory i should comment about ur story and ur story so cute and sweet i luv it.........
Chapter 1: "There was egg yolk stain on his t shirt and strawberry jam on his nose." Aww I can totally imagine him looking like that, with an adorable look on his face,of course. Such a cute story^^