
♥Oh My Soojung.♥


We went out earlier the next day to visit my family. It is finally time that I properly introduced her to my family.
Krystal was still preparing herself by choosing what to wear.

"This is so frustrating." She whined. "What do you think I should wear sweetie?"

"I'm sure you'll look great in anything. How about a dress?" I suggested.

"Dress? This one?" She asked and held up a baby pink dress that had some glitters.

"Hmm..." I tried to picture her in my mind. "Yeah, try it."


Krystal went into the wardrobe and changed herself rather quickly.
Soon, she came out of it, with a really mature image with her hair all tied up.
Although she looks pretty as always, it was an image that doesn't suit her...

"How's this?" She asked and held the side of her waist while looking at me.

"It's fine but this looks...a little old." I commented with a smile. "Something brighter?"


Krystal just giggled and pulled me into the wardrobe.
I stared up at her collection of clothing with awe. Girls really are girls frankly speaking...
The amount of clothes Krystal had was twice the amount of mine. But I have no complains though.

Krystal pulled out a checkered tube dress to match with her khaki coat. But I felt that it was overdoing things.
She pouted and pulled out a brown one this time.
This one emitted a very strong feminine aura that I seem to like.

"Try this one." I nodded and walked out of the wardrobe.

"Okay." Krystal giggled and started changing


After a few minutes, Krystal walked out with the brown dress on her body.
My eyes glittered at the sight of my goddess. She blushed and made a twirl, showing every angle of her body to me.
The somewhat tight dress displayed her curves throughout her body and yet it remained innocent with the thin fabrics that hung from her waist to her legs.

"I would want this down." I sighed and pulled her hairband off her hair.

" how do I look now?" She asked.

"Stunning." I smiled and tidied her hair that covered her skin before turning her around to face the mirror.


Krystal thanked me for the compliment and helped me with my sleeves.
When we are all done, we rushed off to our destination anxiously.

Meeting my folks was even easier than I thought. They showed no objection to Krystal at all.
In fact, they had already started addressing Krystal as their daughter.
I am also very happy and glad that my parents didn't stress anything to her.

"I expect you to do the right things from now on Javier." My father reminded. "Although with Krystal by your side, I have no doubts that you will get stronger."

"I know father." I nodded my head. "Krystal means everything to me. And I am so happy that you all don't have any objections to our relationship at all."

"Hope that we'll get along with Krystal's family in the mere future." My mum replied with a smile.

"I'm sure we will..." Krystal grinned and held my arm tightly.


My parents went home after our lunch together, leaving us to decide if we want to go shopping or just head home.
Since the day was still early, Krystal and I went shopping at a mall nearby.

"Ah, that bear look so weird." Krystal frowned and pointed to a random plush bear in a shop.

"Let's have a look. I might buy it for you." I and pulled her into the store.

"Yah..." Krystal wailed and tried to walk off but no avail.


I took up the bear and held it up in front of Krystal. She maintained eye contact with the bear but soon laughed.
She pushed the bear away but I held it back to her, continuing to .

"I suppose this is how I look like to you on the first day huh?" I asked. "Strange?"

"Yeah. You were exactly the same." She laughed and walked away.


I was surprised by her answer to my question truthfully.
Putting the bear back onto the shelves, I walked out of the shop to find her leaning against the railings, looking at something.
I walked over and turned her around to face me.

"So I am really like that bear?" I frowned and asked.

"Not anymore." She patted my shoulder and said. "Your heart taught me how true expressions can be in life."

"What do you mean?" I asked, gripping onto the railing around her.

"Never judge a book by the cover." She leaned close to my body and laughed. "You see, you have such a strong appearance but you are so kind inside..."

"Really?" My mood lighten up and my arms brought Krystal close for a hug.

"Yes sweetie." Krystal chuckled softly and patted my back. "You're good looking too though. Definitely not as strange as that bear."


I laughed at what she said and gave her a peck. Krystal is by now, used to my hug and kisses. All she'd pulled off was a blush at most.
I'm happy though...She isn't uncomfortable around me one bit.
Putting my arm around Krystal's waist, we continued walking around the mall.

We passed by a store that sold the most vibrant of flowers. That reminded me that I have never bought a bouquet for Krystal.
I shall plan a surprise for her later on.

"Sweetie, I need to go relieve myself." Krystal suddenly said, making me stop.

"But where's the washroom?" I asked and looked around the mall.

"I'll find it by myself." Krystal said walked away.

"No, I'll go with you." I smiled and held her hand as she looked. "I'm not going to let you take a break from me."

"I don't know whether to be happy about it or to start dreading it." She joked and held my hand.

"What you've just said can really hurt me you know?" I laughed and saw the washroom. "There it is."


Krystal quickly tugged me along and threatened to pull me inside.
As I saw a crowd laughing at us, I just let go of our hands and told her I'll be waiting out here.
She pinched my cheeks and laughed while seeing me blush before her.


"What do you mean you have him on your hands?!" Krystal shouted, echoing through the mall.

"Come on babe. Don't shout..." Myungsoo chuckled. "You won't want to see him hurt."

"What do you want?!" Krystal wailed.

"Come meet me at Alpha warehouse. Located by Seoul harbour." Myungsoo laughed. "Come alone though, or else..."


Myungsoo stomped me, making me cry out in agony.
I heard Krystal's voice through the phone and desperately tried to talk to her.

"Don't come for me Krystal !" I shouted. "Be safe..."


Myungsoo hung up the call and tossed me into the van with Yoochun's help.
With no given warning, they sped off, leaving me rolling around the van to inertia.

"Changmin, I need your help !" Krystal called Changmin and wailed.

"Calm down Krys, what's the matter?" Changmin tried to calm her down and asked.

"Myungsoo's got Javier. They are near Seoul harbour, in a place called Alpha Warehouse." Krysyal explained. "I'm going over now..."

"Don't be reckless Krystal. Wait for us !" Changmin warned. "At least let me arrive there before you go in."

"I can't wait that long..." Krystal sighed and hung up.



I opened my eyes to the sudden flash of light on me.
The rays of light that burst through my eyelids blurred my vision for that slight second.
I tried to cover my eyes but I then realized that I am immobile.

"Well, well, well...Look who's up." Myungsoo smiled and slapped my face.

"Myungsoo..? Where am I?" I asked, trying to ignore a severe pain in my head.

"This is nowhere." He laughed. "Just a place where no one's going to find you."

"What?" I looked around and saw that I was in a warehouse. "Wait...where is Krystal?"


Myungsoo chuckled and paced around in front of me.
He kept absolutely quiet and stared at me with his cold and heartless eyes.
Yoochun took up a metal pole and hit me in the abdominal, making me cringe in pain.

"She'll be here soon." Myungsoo laughed. "When she does, that chair over there shall serve as my pleasure but your pain."

"What do you have planned?!" I yelled, tugging onto the metal chains around my wrists that spread my arms apart to poles.


That's right. I am chained up as if I am there to be tortured. Although...that may seem true for now.
Myungsoo continued laughing and asked Yoochun to hit me yet again. I groaned in pain and growled at Myungsoo.

"What do I have planned?" Myungsoo chuckled. "I want to take Krystal's everything tonight."

"You jerk...don't you dare! " I coughed in agony.

"He needs more beating...Yoochun." Myungsoo laughed and walked to the chair and took a seat.


Yoochun let out a soft laugh and started hammering the pole into me.
This can't go on...I won't last to protect Krystal if this goes on.
To my horror, Krystal came in the moment I threw blood out onto the concrete flooring before me.

"Javier !" Krystal's tears started flowing down when she saw me. "No...stop all these..."

"Leave babe...I'll be okay." I groaned before Yoochun kicked me in the guts. "Go..."

"I can't allow that can I?" Myungsoo laughed and walked up behind Krystal and grabbed her within his arms.

"You jerk, you said you won't hurt him !" Krystal struggled and shouted.

"Just try to move. Move even more." Myungsoo slurped and said. "I'll make sure the next hit to him goes through his stomach."


Hearing that, Krystal immediately stopped struggling and exchanged glances with me.
Myungsoo chuckled quietly and walked to the chair and held up a chain.

"Come here Krystal...Time to make me happy." Myungsoo grinned and shook his leg as he waited.

"Don't..." I struggled to say, making Krystal cry even more.

"I'll be fine..." Krystal nodded her head sadly and walked over to Myungsoo.


With Krystal's approach to him, Myungsoo's arrogance just got even larger.

"Sit on my lap babe." Myungsoo chuckled.

"Okay..." Krystal shut her eyes and sat on his lap. "What's next..?"

"Sit on me quietly." Myungsoo snickered and touched her hips. "This body that I should have gotten long ago..."

"Stop..." I struggled to break free but Yoochun just punched me.

"Javier..Ahh!!" Krystal screamed as Myungsoo started groping her body even further.


I watched in horror as Myungsoo continued working on her body.
But the entire event just got worst as a loud crash in the background stopped us all.

"I believe that's enough..." Jaejoong's cold voice echoed through the warehouse. "Myungsoo, come here."

"Why hyung? Krystal is mine..." Myungsoo wailed.

"Get here this instance or else..." Jaejoong glared at Myungsoo, making him flinch.

"I don't want to...I want to enjoy this momen-" Myungsoo suddenly gasped and fell to the ground in pain.

"I told you..." Jaejoong chuckled. "Yoochun, come over here. I need to talk to you."


The three of them walked away with laughters filling the background.
Krystal took the moment to ran over to me, trying to release me.
Myungsoo let off a soft cry, making Krystal turn around.

"What are you crying about?! Release my lover now !" Krystal shouted.

"I will...if you'd listen to what I have to say..." Myungsoo's remorseful eyes looked up at us, making Krystal agree to listen.


I watched as Krystal walked over to Myungsoo. Somehow, I wasn't worried...


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kaffeepraew #1
Please write myungstal couple again -/\-
ilovehuahua #2
OmG this fic is awesome!!:)) hmm...what about a sequel?? :P
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Chapter 24: that was your drawing? woaaa you sure are talented!
Eririn #5
Chapter 24: Yay, its a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: Please make another story like this again!!!!! I really love it. Thank you author-nim. Good job!
Thanks to the people that paid attention to this story.
Sadly this story has ended.
I hipe you've liked it some how.
Feel free to check out my stories, and perhaps some stories that are coming after this.
Thanks to the subscribers, thanks to the upvoter, thanks to all tje readers, couldn't have done this without you all.
Have a pleasant day ahead peeps.
Hope you like my handdrawn portrait!
Chapter 22: Yeay. . .i danced crazily right now. . .
the reward was awesome, Javier and Krys deserve that. . .
Yuhuuuuuu. . .