Pre-Episode #5: Aiiko Morimoto

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e


PD: Oh wow! After this episode, it will finally begin our show, Holiday Paradise! This is getting more and more exciting everyone! Now, before I forget, shall I introduce you to our very Japanese (Nihon-jin) girl? Welcome!

Aiiko: Hai! Annyeonghaseyo! This is Aiiko Morimoto desu!

PD: (laughs) You’re mixing your Korean with your Japanese!

Aiiko: Bianhamnida!

PD: (laughs) Kaenchana, just try to stop yourself okay? I don’t know if the other girls can understand Japanese!

Aiiko: (laughs) I’ll do my best!

PD: Now, what made you apply for this show?

Aiiko: For Eunhyuk oppa!

PD: (laughs) Wow, you got straight to the point huh? In that case, let’s just go with the flow! Why do you like Eunhyuk of Super Junior?

Aiiko: Because I feel like he has the same personality as me. I feel like he and I are both mood makers. His jokes always makes me laugh even though some times I can’t really understand them (laughs). Also, whenever he smiles, I feel like my heart is about to burst because its beating so fast. Whenever he dances, he dances with so much power and determination that makes my blood flow in the other direction. Whenever he sings or raps with his voice, though soft, I feel like it’s breaking into my normal steel heart. I also-

PD: (laughs) You’re the first one to be giving so much praise to an idol in such a short time without a breath!

Aiiko: (blushes) I really love him…

PD: (laughs) That’s definitely a good thing! So what about your chosen group? Super Junior also?

Aiiko: Aniyo!

PD: Then?

Aiiko: U-Kiss.

PD: Oh?

Aiiko: Their idols. When their debuted, unlike other idol groups, they began to raise their popularity through determination and through hardships that they had to endure before they are who they are now. They’ve had it harder than others and the fact that they haven’t yet given up yet, makes them one of the best idol groups there are!

PD: (laughs) So if you have to chose between Eunhyuk or U-Kiss who’s it going to be?

Aiiko: Please don’t make me chose!

PD: (laughs) That was a joke! So, dream date? I bet you think about it all the time!

Aiiko: Well I dream about dates with Eunhyuk…sure…

PD: (laughs) Well, now I don’t think it’s a dream! It’s going to become a reality pretty soon! Since in the show there’s a couple date segment-Oh no! I shouldn’t have said that!

Aiiko: Really? I really get to go on a 1 on 1 date with Eunhyuk oppa?

PD: (laughs) Ne! So, what’s your dream date? Our writers are recording this so that we can tell Eunhyuk privately so he knows!

Aiiko: I just want something simple…I want to be doing something that others don’t normally do like scrolling at a beach…I want to sit on a roof.


Aiiko: (laughs) See? It’s something unique!

PD: Why would you want to sit on a roof?!

Aiiko: It’s refreshing and on a high point, the air is always the freshest. I like fresh air and it always makes me smile. I would also like it if the boy, doesn’t really have to Eunhyuk-

PD: (rolls his eyes)

Aiiko: …could make me a hot chocolate with marshmallows with some home baked choc-chip cookies…that would be bliss!

PD: So wait, all you want to do is sit on a roof, breath in fresh air, drink hand made hot chocolate with marshmallows and choc-chip cookies?

Aiiko: (nods)

PD: Really?!

Aiiko: (laughs) Don’t make me look simple! To me, that is something I want. A time I want to share with my soul mate where we can talk and watch the sun set…It’s important to me.

PD: (laughs) Okay, but seriously? You’re dream date as got to be simplest so far! I got one girl wanting to scroll on the beach and have another that wants the (poor) boy to rent a boat!

Aiiko: (laughs) It may seem small, but to me, like I said before, it’s important.

PD: Okay. Well, I don’t want to make fun of you anymore. Guessing by what you said about your date, I’m guessing that your dream present is just as simple too?

Aiiko: (laughs) Kind of, not really.

PD: (raises eyebrows)

Aiiko: I want him to make me a photo book.

PD:…ehh?! Whaat?!

Aiiko: I want him to make me a little scrap book with pictures he took of me secretly and then he would write little messages in each of them…

PD: That is definitely not simple!

Aiiko: (laughs) If he loved me, he would be doing it anyway. It’s all about how much love and care he has for me which I find more important than anything else because only love can solve problems.

PD: Suppose the guy did do that for you, what would you do for him back?

Aiiko: I haven’t really though about that yet,

PD: (smirks)

Aiiko: But I’ll see what I can do when something like that actually ends up happening. (laughs)

PD: (mutters: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it does!) So, with all that has been said so far, I’m guessing that you’re a person that likes unique things.

Aiiko: (laughs) I love them. Because so many things these days are too repetitive and I get bored of things that everyone else in the world may have. Or most anyway. So yes, I’m a unique girl. I’m also outgoing and I can be very impulsive depending on the situation. I’m a quick learner and I like telling people that I’m not feeling one way when I am. Because I want to see who cares enough to fish it out of me despite my anger or whatever emotion I’m feeling then.

PD: Since you came into the topic yourself, you want to continue with what kind of people you like and dislike?

Aiiko: I like girls who, like I just said, care for me and isn’t afraid of me. No matter what is wrong with me at that time, she will always be there for me, even if I get violent and slap her, she’ll still do her best and won’t distant herself away from me.

PD: You have a friend like that?

Aiiko: …no…I don’t have a friend like that…But! I plan on getting one soon! (Smiles slightly painfully)

PD: (embarrassed) So, what about girls you dislike?

Aiiko: I dislike girls who use trickery to trick you into doing or saying something. I’ve had an episode once when a girl used sweet words to get another person in trouble. I dislike girls like that and whenever I see someone who has the potential to become like that, I tell everyone so everyone can steer clear of them. But then again, not everyone listens to me and once they come to realize who she is and what she can do, they’ve done things that they regret and can’t go back.

PD: So you have a good eye.

Aiiko: (laughs) I guess you could say that!

PD: So, hobbies?

Aiiko: I like photography of nature. I like taking close ups of the sky, the sun, the moon, the flowers and even, the grass! I like putting them together and making one large scrap book for it. Because of my love for photos and scrapbooking, I make them for presents to friends and all. Without scrapbooking, I don’t know where I would be!

PD: So…no music?

Aiiko: Of course I love music! Otherwise I wouldn’t be here! (laughs) But I was assuming that you would already know that and all since like I just said, that’s why I’m here. (laughs)

PD: (laughs) Anything else?

Aiiko: Texting.

PD: That is definitely, not a hobby what so ever!

Aiiko: It is in my books and that’s all that counts!

PD: (rolls his eyes) Right, anything else you like that is actually classified as a hobby?

Aiiko: Hey! Why are you being so mean to me?! You were so nice to the other four girls before!

PD: Because it’s fun to tease you!

Aiiko: (eyes harden) Really?

PD: Yup! (smiles largely.)

Aiiko: --doesn’t say anything—

PD: Aiiko?

Aiiko: --still nothing—

PD: Yah! What are you doing?! We’re recording here!

Aiiko: --death glare at PD—

PD: Okay, okay! I’m super sorry for teasing you! Please, please, please, continue recording the show! Please?

Aiiko: Whatever. Let’s just hurry up and finish this. {monotone}

PD: (cringes) Okay…so, um, what are the things you like and dislike?

Aiiko: Likes coffee, pink, electronics, and spicy foods. Dislikes cheese, onion, being alone.

PD:…okay…and…uhh…what are your…habits? (scared)

Aiiko: Rude.

PD: Erm…is that…it?

Aiiko: (death glare) How more into detail do you want me to be?!

PD: (frightened out of his wits) S-sorry! [turned to camera, scared as hell] Well, it’s been a…fun…time here! With 3 more girls left {Aiiko is in the background doing a silly dance and the writers laugh}, shall we wait to see who they are and how they will bring laughter, sadness and anger to our show?

{PD turned around and catches Aiiko doing a silly dance moves from all the laughing he saw the writers do; his eyes widen}

PD: You were acting!

Aiiko: (sticks out her tongue)

PD: But…but…you seemed actually angry!

Aiiko: (waves her hand) I went to acting school.

PD: (speechless)

Aiiko: Yah! Loosen up already! I just wanted to scare you! Don’t tease me ever again okay?

PD: (nods willingly.)

Aiiko: (turns to screen since she realizes that the PD is in no condition to finally finish the show) This has been Aiiko Morimoto and thank you all for watching my pre-episode of Holiday Paradise! Bye!

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
(y) !! <3 !!
angelica-swagirl #3
OTL i havent noticed you updated<br />
this reminds me king of idols XDDD aweeeeh poor onew rejectedd
Oh wow o.o I thought you actually deleted this to be honest x.x;<br />
Thanks for updating it though ^^<br />
It is a little short but it's better than nothing<br />
Try to update again soon.
your poster is ready for pick-up :)
HinaMomochan #6
angelica-swagirl #8
HERE!!! :3
HinaMomochan #10
Can't wait ^_^ HWAITING