Sweet Love

Lollipops For Sale!


They just make you happy.Its sweetness just lingers in your mouth after a single bite. That was the feeling when I met Sunggyu. It felt so good after meeting your Mr Right .It lingers in your heart forever. It was Love At First Sight.

It all started on a beautiful day. Where birds chirp and blah blah blah.


I didn`t want to do my school assignments.They were just to mainstream.

A beautiful day like this should be spent eating ice cream or chill at a cafe. That was when an idea entered my mind.

There was this candy shop down the road.

It sold Caramel Apples,Chocolate Cookies,Popcorns.And my favourite. LOLLIPOPS

So I walked briskly down the road.Admiring the scenery of Seoul.

When I reached the store,I did a quick observation.

Hmmm.Classic interior.Tasty Candies.

And a charming shopkeeper.

His eyes were.... I don't know.Tiny? 

Well,at least he did not see me ''stalking him'' from afar

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Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim!!! Hahaha
anyahe #2
Update soon please ^^