Red Velvet Cupcakes

Change Of Heart


Ailee’s POV

I walked up to KiKwang’s door and rang the doorbell; I quickly heard many footsteps and the door finally opened. I stood there seeing my best friend Amber and KiKwang fighting to open the door.


“Okay guys calm down” I said smiling as I walked into the room.

“But why didn’t you just use the key to the house I gave you?” KiKwang asked me puzzled.I held up the cookbook, 

“This in one hand, too lazy to find keys with one hand” I told him. Immediately, KiKwang swiped the book out of my hand and hit my head with it.

“OW KIKWANG OPPA THAT HURTS” I yelped holding my hand on the place where he hit me.

“YAH, WHO WAS BEING TOO LAZY THAT THEY COULDN’T EVEN PULL OUT KEYS HUH?” KiKwang said as placed the book on the counter.

“SORRY” I told him.

“Yah, you know I can’t be mad at you” KiKwang said pulling me in for a bear hug.

“Hey you know I woke up early too, and you just live right next to me KiKwang oppa”,

“Okay okay I’m sorry” KiKwang told me.

Right after Jay had moved out of this house, KiKwang moved in and became my best friend. Ever since then I always came over to hang out with him and Amber would come over also. A question then hit me,

“Wait why are we baking anyway?” I asked Amber;

“Beats me, KiKwang just called me over to help you and him bake something” Amber shrugged. I looked over at KiKwang,

“Alright alright, I overheard that some new neighbor is moving in next door to me” KiKwang told us.

“Wait I thought Ailee lived next door to you” Amber said confused.

I shook my head,“He means on the other side of him Amber” I told her.

“Oh” Amber replied.

“ANYWAY, I was thinking that we should bake Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting” KiKwang told me.

“Oh you mean like the ones I baked for your birthday?” I asked KiKwang.

He nodded. “Okay let’s get ready!” I said pulling my sleeves up.

For the next hour, we were measuring, mixing, baking, and frosting. While doing all this, it reminded me of Jay and I. Everyday Jay would come over to my house since my siblings went to college and my parents were overseas. Me and him would cook and bake to our hearts content. What our signature dessert was? Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting, Jay’s favorite. When Jay moved away I had baked him Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting just like how he liked it, but apparently he had moved away earlier than he had told me. Instead I had given it to the family who was already moving in, also known as KiKwang. Ever since then KiKwang’s favorite was Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting just like Jay; and he became my best friend. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing, so soon the cream cheese frosting had gotten on my hand.

“OH ” I said aloud when I noticed what I did.

“Yah Ailee, pay attention to what you’re doing or something bad is gonna happen” KiKwang told me.

“Like what?” I said facing him, next thing you knew a huge load of flour and sugar hit my face.

I opened my eyes and saw a huge smile plastered on KiKwang’s face.

“YAH HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!” I yelled throwing cocoa powder and water at him.

“GUYS YOU’RE GOING TO MESS UP THE CUPCAKES” Amber yelled trying to protect them.

Next thing you know KiKwang and I were pushed to the front lawn of his house throwing flour, sugar, and cocoa powder at each other.

“ARE YOU READY TO GIVE UP KIKWANG OPPA?” I yelled throwing flour.

“NO DONGSAENGS ARE SUPPOSED TO GIVE UP FIRST!” KiKwang laughed throwing sugar at me.

We then heard a voice that stopped us in our tracks; I looked over to see 3 people with their luggage.

“Can you guys stop throwing stuff at each other so we can pass through?” a girl said.

KiKwang and I immediately dropped our weapons and bowed to them

“Welcome to the neighborhood” we said in unison.

When KiKwang and I were about to go back into the house, the girl said something that kept me in my tracks.

“Jay, hurry up I want to go check out all the stores after” the girl said.

“Yeah alright I’m coming” he said.

I made a full body turn around, and stared at him. I slowly walked to him,

“Ailee what’re you doing come back we aren’t finished with it yet!” KiKwang yelled after me.

Right when KiKwang said my name, that guy lifted up his head and stared right at me.

“Are you Jay Park?” I said slowly walking up to him,

“That depends are you Ailee?” he said slowly. 


**Jay looking at Ailee**


***Don't hate me for leaving it there LOL*** new chapter soon

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diannan #1
When will u update? Plz tell, this story is amazing!!!
Chapter 5: this fic is so beautiful i'm addicted to it. i hope you can update soon
Chapter 5: i love Jaylee couple pls make sure to finish this fic i love it and i hope u'll end the fic up with JayLee couple :) <3<3<3
Dalily #4
Chapter 5: hi,,i'm your new subbie..i just found this fic and its awesome...kekeke..keep on update,,fighting..
Chapter 5: I still love how Jay's mind is stuck on KiKwang OPPA LOL
Chapter 5: You came back :), and that Hyorin needs to back off -.-. AND HELLO JAY YOU BETTER REALIZE AILEE IS MORE THAN A CHILDHOOD FRIEND YOU PABO!
asdfghjklñ; JAYLEEEEEEEEEE ❤
oh_snap_its_katt #8
I freakin' love Jaylee Couple! <333 Seriously I'm so sad that there are barely any fanfics about them so you make me really happy! :D DAEEEEBBBAAAKKKK AUTHOR-NIM! (p.s.: I hope this fanfic is
Chapter 3: OMG HYORIN DID NOT JUST DO THAT -___-", and omo I think Jay likes Ailee (Y) so cute. Why'd you end it here author nim :(
peonelopie4 #10
Chapter 1: Looking forward to their meeting.