Remember How You Became Mine?

Thats How You Became Mine

Sorry for the wait guys!

I was debating whether I should make this a OneShot or a full on story. I'm going with my original OneShot plan, but there might be a sequel to this story. I'll ask you guys later.

Please enjoy!


BoMi smiled as she walked out of the bathroom. Today was her one year anniversary with her boyfriend, Kim Jaejoong. It was almost surreal to her that for the past year she's been dating THE KIM JAEJOONG. BoMi knew she was a lucky girl and made a promise to cherish her life with Jaejoong.

Since it was there anniversary, they decided to sleep in until 11 am. One of the most restful sleeps both have gotten in a long time since they were always very busy, especially Jaejoong.

It was now 12 noon and BoMi was starving. She peeked into the kitchen where she found Jaejoong making breakfast for her. About 6 months ago, BoMi moved out of the apartment she shared with her two best friends, So Yerin and Lee Tae Sun, and into Jaejoong's penthouse. The move was worth it as the loving couple now have more time to themselves.

"Jae oppa~" BoMi called as she advanced forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm Hungry"

Jaejoong chuckled, "Araso Aegi-ah"

He slid the eggs out of the skillet and onto the awaiting plate. Turning around he gave his hungry girlfriend a quick kiss and placed the eggs on the table along with the rice, kimchi, sausage, and bacon, before quickly slipping out of the room for a moment.

BoMi's mouth began drooling over the food on the table. People may think it weird that she eats her bacon and eggs with rice, but that was just how she did it; an Asian thing. Before she can pounce on the food, Jiji rubbed her head against BoMi's leg and meowed quietly, asking for her breakfast. BoMi flashed a bright smile. How can she almost forget to feed Jiji?

"Here to wish momma a happy anniversary??" BoMi cooed as she knelt down to scratch Jiji's ears. "Now where is Chang Sik?"

As if on que Chang Sik ran in with Jaejoong at tow.

"They both want to wish us a happy anniversary" Smiled Jaejoong as he presented BoMi with 24 deep red roses.

BoMi's eyes lit up as she took the roses from him. "Aigoo~ Thank You Oppa! They're beautiful!" She sniffed the roses and threw her arms around his neck. Jaejoong laughed and burried his face into her hair, slightly lifting her off the ground. "Anything for you."

Chang Sik started to bark, interrupting the sweet couple moment.

"Looks like someone is hungry." Jaejoong said as he let go of BoMi and pulled out the dog food and a can of cat food.

As Jaejoong served Jiji and Chang Sik breakfast, BoMi filled a vase with water and placed the roses carefully inside. The roses were stunning and made her feel warm and loved. She placed the vase on the table next to the food and took a seat.

Jaejoong slid in the seat across from her and lifted his fork, "Happy Anniversary BoMi-ah" he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Happy Anniversary Jaejoong Oppa" BoMi leaned over to give him a peck on the lips.

Both smiled and began eating their breakfast, all the while talking about the party their friends planned for them that day at Yerin and Tae Sun's apartment. The party was to start at 3 and last until..........whenever. Just like all the other parties they had, there was no set time for it to end, they just left when they felt like it, which usually was around 3 am the next morning.

After Brunch the two quickly washed the dishes and got ready for the party, secretly grabbing their presents for each other. by the time they were done getting ready it was already 1:54 pm and Yerin was reminding them to pick up some wine on the way to the party.


To: BoMi

From: Yerin

Girlll! Can you also pick up some wine on the way here? :)


To: Yerin

From: BoMi

WOMAN... You're the host of this party, how dare you make me run errands for you.


To: BoMi

From: Yerin

Bish I don't care! You know you want some wine.


To: Yerin

From: BoMi

Aish! ARASO... I hate you.


To: BoMi

From: Yerin

I love you too! :)


BoMi sighed as she read the last message, of course she didn't really hate Yerin, in fact she loved Yerin as if she was her twin. But of course, they were soo close, insults were always a way they showed their affection.

Jaejoong glanced at BoMi, he knew about the wine having recieved a text from Yerin 10 minutes before. However, he didn't mind since this gave him full control over which alcohol would be served at the party. He smirked, Junsu wouldn't like that. Unlike Junsu, Jaejoong and Yoochun were notorious drinkers; Jaejoong being the worse of them. BoMi often scolded him about drinking too much but she would soon forgive him because Jaejoong always acted extra cute when he's drunk.

"Ready to go Babe?" Jaejoong asked as he grabbed the car keys and looked in the mirror one last time, adjusting his vest.

"Yeah... I'm done" BoMi replied as she applied her lip gloss and tossed it into her bag. They both were dressed in a simple yet classy manner, as expected from the fashionable couple.

They slipped on their shoes and said goodbye to Jiji and Chang Sik, then locked the door and walked down to their car hand-in-hand.


They reached Yerin and Tae Sun's apartment at 2:55 pm. 5 minutes early, just how BoMi liked it. Jaejoong slipped his arm around her shoulders as they rode the lift to the apartment located on the 7th floor. When they reached the floor, Jaejoong quickly dragged BoMi to the door, eager to open the wine he brought.


"Yah... Oppa.. You're going to break the apartment if you keep ringing the bell like that.." BoMi said as she looked up at the man who claimed to be 6 years older than her. A smile lingered on his lips as he continued to press the button fervently.

"WHAT THE DO YOU WANT" Tae Sun yelled as he opened the door. His hair was disheveled and he was wearing sweats and a black tank top under a green hoodie. He look like he just woke up.

BoMi rolled her eyes, "I'm Sorry, last time I checked we were having a party for my anniversary." She muttered pushing past him, slipping off her shoes in the process. "Now why aren't you ready yet oppa?? Go take a shower!" She scolded as she gave him a push towards the bathroom.

Jaejoong laughed at how the both of them never changed, no matter how much older they get. He brought the wine into the kitchen where he found Yerin placing the cake into the fridge.

"Yerin-ah, I brought 4 of the best wine the store had" Jaejoong said as he placed the bottles on the counter.

"Are you sure thats enough for you?" Yerin teased. She knew how much Jaejoong loved to drink; he could down 4 bottles of hard liquor easily.

"I won't drink too much tonight. I don't want to get scolded too much on my anniversary" Jaejoong flashed his stunning smile. He knew he didn't want to be drunk tonight, one of the best nights of his life. Of course he didn't want to say that out loud, they all knew what will be happening later that night. Jaejoong grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured himself a full cup, ignoring the look from BoMi. Yerin simply rolled her eyes as she heard her best friend scolding her boyfriend on how much to drink and how much not to drink, Yerin hated to be scolded but when it was someone was totally fine.

There was a shuffleing noise at the door and it opened revealing Kim Junsu with presents in his hands and a suprised look on his face. "....Why wasn't the door locked..?" He questioned as he kicked off his shoes and went to give BoMi a hug and the present. Junsu shrugged off the thought as he walked up to the counter with a look on his face as he saw the bottles of alcohol. He wasn't going to complain but seriously though, alcohol wasnt as great as everyone thought it was.

BoMi thanked Junsu for the present while slipping Jaejoong a look, he WAS the last person to enter therefore it WAS his fault the door was unlocked. NOT HERS.

The four of them gathered in the kitchen munching on the pigs-in-a-blanket (WITH BACON) and chatting about their day.

"Where is Yoochun?" Yerin asked. He was the only person who was missing from the mini gathering. The rest of them shared a look, they all knew that Yoochun had a crush on Yerin but because of the Pabo she was, Yerin had absolutely no clue at all.

"Late as usual" Tae Sun said as he walked out of his bedroom in presentable clothes.

BoMi scoffed, "Like you should be talking" she retorted, only to recieve a look.

"I didn't ask you, did I ho?"

Jaejoong wrapped an arm around BoMi's waist, "Don't call my girl a ho." he made a face at Tae Sun, "Except shes my ho." he mumbled, recieving an elbow to the chest.

Yoochun arrived 20 minutes later with a huge smile on his face and an extra bottle of wine. However, the moment his eyes met Yerin's, his smile slightly faltered as slight nervousness settled in. It was quite obvious that he liked Yerin, but the girl was too oblivious to such things to even notice. However BoMi was determined to get her two friends together. Since she and Jaejoong were together, and Tae Sun was with SunMi, It was obvious that Yoochun and Yerin had to get together. This way they can triple date. Junsu can just tag along as the 7th wheel :) Forever Alone Kim Junsu~


After Dinner, Jaejoong and BoMi opened their gifts in front of their friends, while sipping the wine and chatting in the livingroom.

BoMi had given Jaejoong a new Vacheron Constantin Les Cabinotiers Watch, one of the most expensive watch brands in the world. In return, Jaejoong gave her Chopard Diamond and Emerald Necklace which was rumored to have costed 3 million dollars. Everyone was suprised, but Jaejoong didn't care how much the gift costed, he just wanted to make BoMi happy.

BoMi smiled and picked up the next present sitting in front of her simultaniously reading the label.

"Oh my God. Tae Sun oppa actually spent money..~" BoMi sarcastically exclaimed as she unwrapped the couple hoodies he gave her and Jaejoong.

" Shut up and thank me. You should already be greatful for my presance." Tae Sun simply said as he lifted the glass up to his lips.

"No. and HELL NO" BoMi retorted as she admired the sweaters in the box. "Excuse me, I said thank me .. You ungreatful ..." Tae Sun looked at BoMi with a serious look.

BoMi was about to answer when Junsu burst out laughing, "You guys never change do you?? Always insulting each other like that."

"You never changed either you baby face man. How can you dance to Intoxication and Tarantallegra if you look like a child." BoMi said as Yoochun and Yerin tried to hold back a laugh. Junsu looked at BoMi with feigned hurt, "EXCUSE-AH ME, I AM THE ANGEL XIA" he exclaimed as everyone burst into laughter.

"Then how come its soo hard for the 'Angel Xia' to get a girlfriend if you're soo cute?" Teased Yoochun who high fived Yerin, earning a meaningful look from BoMi who had her eyes on Yerin and Yoochun.

"You don't have a girlfriend either Chunnie oppa!" Yerin laughed. Everyone in the room looked at each other knowing fully well that Yoochun planned to confess to her soon. He coughed in order to get rid of the awkwardness that fell upon him.

"Well Tae Sun was the only one who had a girlfriend here until Jaejoong got together with BoMi here.." Yoochun said as he picked up his wine glass. "Such a small world we live in, BoMi worked at the cafe Jaejoong loved going to and we knew Tae Sun because he was dating SunMi.."

Everyone smiled remembering the past. BoMi was working at The Cherry Cafe when Jaejoong first started going to eat there during his breaks. Of course, it was originally just a one time thing, until he met eyes with his waitress. He was speechless at her beauty, for once a simple girl made the almighty Kim Jaejoong stop and do a double take. Being the Idiot he was, he treated the girl coldly as first in order to hide his feelings, however she simply smiled and continued to be quite polite to him. From that day forward, Jaejoong would always visit the cafe during his breaks in order to just see the girl and talk to her. It wasn't long before they got closer and knew more and more about each other.

BoMi wasnt like other girls, she didn't scream or freak out when he came near her just because he was famous. She knew he was a singer and she loved his music, but she respected him as his own person and saw past that stage front knowing he was a normal person in the inside.

Soon Junsu and Yoochun found out about her and they began to approve of their hyung liking such a girl, she was beyond a caring person which they both loved. She also happened to be best friends with one of their backup dancer's boyfriend. Such a small world this was.

BoMi smiled as she looked to each of her friend's faces around the living room, ending with Jaejoong. They shared a look knowing the other was having the exact same thought, the memory of how BoMi first ended up being his.



Tae Sun sat on the floor of B.A.P.'s practice room, sweating from the new dance rutine they just covered for B.A.P.'s comeback. As their backup dancer, Tae Sun worked really hard in order to keep up with all the dances they had and their busy schedule. He looked up as he heard his phone beep from his bag.


To: DNA Tae Sun

From: Yerin

YAH. Where are you bish? Its almost 5 pm and we need to talk to JYJ before their next schedule.


To: Yerin

From DNA Tae Sun

Damn hold up I know! I just finished practice, I'll be home soon.


Tae Sun sighed as he heaved himself up to his feet and said goodbye to the rest of the dancers and B.A.P.

"Bye Hyung! Say hi to SunMi for me!" Daehyun called after the retreating Tae Sun who was already halfway out the door.

Tae Sun raced home. Today was it... The day he planned to get Kim Jaejoong of JYJ and one of his best friends BoMi together. He has been planning this out with Yerin, Yoochun, and Junsu for a while. Quite a while actually, to the point where Jaejoong found out about his little plan and nagged at Tae Sun for keeping it away from him. Now all Tae Sun had to do was get Jaejoong to man up and ask BoMi out on a date. The man may be called the -God of DBSK but he was a nerve wreck when it came to BoMi. He needed the help they can provide him with.

Tae Sun unlocked the door to the apartment and walked straight to the kitchen grabbing a drink from the fridge. Yerin walked out of the bathroom to see him rummaging through the food.

"Yah oppa! Do you want this plan of yours to work? You better call your girlfriend to see if we can FaceTime JYJ now."

"Shut up" Tae Sun simply said as he took out his phone and dialed his girlfriend's number.



"SunMi-ah, are you practicing with Jaejoong and them?"

"Yeah we just finished. Are you going to FaceTime them now?"

"Well just have them FaceTime Yerin later when they're ready to talk yeah?"

"Araso, they probably will soon. I'll talk to you later okay oppa?"

"Mkay, bye bye Aegi-ah"

"Bye Oppa!"


Tae Sun nodded as he put down the phone, "Get the laptop" 

10 minutes later Yerin recieved a FaceTime call on her Macbook from Yoochun. Opening up the call she was greeted with JYJ sitting on a red couch in their recording studio. Jaejoong looked nervous because he knew that it was getting closer to the moment where he would have to muster up the courage and ask the girl he's been liking on a date.

"Hi Oppas" Waved Yerin as Tae Sun took a seat next to her. Each of the boys said their greetings and waited for Tae Sun to voice out his final plan. However, he simply said, "Ask her Out..."

Jaejoong was taken aback. He didn't expect Tae Sun to just simply say it, even though Jaejoong knew it was coming. But for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He may be seen as the man who gets all the girls but when it came to BoMi, he just couldn't approach her so easily. Tae Sun knew this, but he also knew that Jaejoong had to grow some balls soon or this relationship will get no where and BoMi wouldn't know about him liking her either.

"You know Jaejoong.." Yerin slowly said. "BoMi likes you too."

"WHAT?!" Jaejoong exclaimed clutching onto the laptop in front of him. He didn't know that fact at all. Actually up to this moment he simply thought that BoMi look at him like a friend and not as a man who had raging testosterone levels and needed a release, preferably from her. Though he didn't like to admit that much.

Yoochun scoffed, "Hyung please, you didn't know that?? It was soo obvious." Junsu nodded in agreement.

"See? Now like I said before, be a man and ask her out" Tae Sun said taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Its not that easy" replied Jaejoong, "I can't just ask her like that. Besides, where do I even take her? If you hadn't noticed I cant exactly go out in public too much."

"Hyung didn't you say you were gonna take her to that really expensive, REALLY EXCLUSIVE, resturant and then to the Han River that you ALWAYS go to and NO ONE is around?" Junsu said giving Jaejoong a look. It was known that this was Jaejoong's plan since the beginning but he never had the nerve to actually do it. It wasnt such a bad plan anyways since the resturant seated guests in their own private rooms.

Jaejoong looked away. He knew that was a good plan, and a briliant one to be exact since he was the one who came up with it. Yet Jaejoong still had the fear of rejection when he would ask her. Wasn't it natural to feel this way?

"Thats a good plan oppa. BoMi loves the Han River....and... FOOD." Yerin laughed. "She will eat anything"

That was when the conversation got out of control. Each of them began talking about their favorite foods and asking Jaejoong to make all the dishes for them to eat. Yoochun begged his hyung with all his might. He loved Jaejoongs cooking especially when it was the time where he can just play The Legend of Zelda while he waited for food.

Suddenly the front door opened and everyone froze.

BoMi walked through the door exhausted from work at The Cherry Cafe. She was slightly dissapointed though. She didnt see Jaejoong or the rest of JYJ visit the cafe today, it was always the highlight of her day when they came and she was aple to see Jaejoong. But business was slow today and she left work early since there were no more cusomers.

"Oh...BoMi you're back." Yerin slowly said turning her head back to the laptop screen to see Junsu and Yoochun silently laughing as the frozen Jaejoong.

"Yeah work was slow today." BoMi said. she walked past them and into the kitchen to grab a drink. Luckily the laptop wasnt facing her so she had no clue that Yerin and Tae Sun were talking to the members of JYJ. Tae Sun and Yerin exchanged a look. They weren't sure if they should leave the call on or just end it right then and there.

"What are you guys doing?" BoMi asked as she walked over and sat down on the couch next to Yerin.

Yerin frantically tried to close the call with JYJ as Jaejoong started to freak out that the girl he liked was indirectly there in front of him. Yet it was too late, BoMi already saw the screen and stopped Yerin's hand from closing the browser. "What are you guys doing.. Why is Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu on the screen?"

"Well you see.." Yerin started.

"Its Just that..." Junsu slowly tried to explain.

"Everyone out!" Tae Sun exclaimed as he got up from where he was sitting, "He leaned over and looked back at the screen. "That includes you two. " He nodded at Junsu and Yoochun.

With that Yerin, Junsu, and Yoochun all stood up at the same moment, ignoring Jaejoong's protests. Yoochun threw his arm over Junsu's shoulder and walked out of the screen. BoMi can hear the door of the studio opening and shutting as they left Jaejoong in the room. BoMi turned her head and begun to stand up as Tae Sun pointed at her and said "Woman I said Stay"

BoMi nervously sat down, she was just about to have a one on one conversation with Jaejoong and she was beyond nervous. This was the guy she liked, the guy she acutally liked just because he kept going to the cafe she worked at. Little did she know, He was feeling exactly the same as she was right now.

"Uhm, Hi Jaejoong-ssi"

"Hi... uh... Didnt i tell you to call me Oppa?" Jaejoong said nervously.

BoMi giggled, "Araso oppa."

Her laugh was like music to his ears, he couldn't believe anyone was able to make such a beautiful sound, Jaejoong's confidence grew and he heard her call him oppa. He knew it was going to be now or never, so it was time to grow some balls to acompany that of his and ask this woman out.

"Uh BoMi-ah... well I just want to say..." Jaejoong looked away from the screen for a moment as he took a deep breath and faced her again. "I wanted to ask you.... Would you like to have dinner with me Sunday night....." His voice began to trail off as he waited for her to say No.

BoMi was shocked, never would she have thought that THE Kim Jaejoong would like a simple girl like her. She never thought that she was a special girl with any good looks but this moment just changed her views. She blushed deeply as the thought of having dinner with him flooded her mind. "Sunday? um.. Like... a.. Date?" she nervously asked.

"Well uh... Yeah just like a date." Jaejoong said his voice shaking, "Actually I am asking you to go on a date with me.." This is it, the moment he was waiting for. His courage built up and this time he knew for sure there was a ballsack between his legs, "I'm asking you to Date me. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. I'm asking you because..." Jaejoong looked BoMi straight in the eyes, "I am asking you because i simply like you, and i have for a while now."

BoMi sat there, speechless. Her dream she had reaccuringly had now came true and the man she liked asked her out. It was impossible, it was all a dream. She shyly smiled, "Of Course oppa, I would love to have dinner with you."

Jaejoong paused for a moment, "You're saying yes?" Happiness sparkled in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm saying yes to the date... I'm saying Yes to being your girlfriend.. and... I.. I'm saying yes because.. I." BoMi looked Jaejoong straight in the eye, "Because I like you too Jae oppa."

Pure happiness can be seen in Jaejoong's eyes. It was almost like time had stopped at the most perfect moment for him. Why did he even worry in the first place? BoMi liked him back and of course she would say yes to him. He made a mental note to scold Yerin, Tae Sun, Junsu, and Yoochun for worrying about this later, forgetting that he was the one who  was worrying in the first place. He was now content, He had a BoMi as his girl and he was planning to keep it that way.

*end Flashback*


"Yah.... Love birds" Junsu said as he threw a chip to the couple staring at each other soo lovingly.

"Way to ruin the moment Junsu.." Jaejoong said as he pulled the broken chip out of his styled hair, tossing it back at Junsu.

Yerin half laughed and half groaned, "Ugh you guys are soo corny and cute its horrible!!" Yoochun turned to face her with a questioning look on his face.

BoMi looked at Yoochun then back to Yerin, "Please girl... We just have to get you a man............." She said raising her eyebrows.

Yerin rolled her eyes, "Too bad no one likes me"

.....................................the whole room was quiet............. BoMi just started laughing really hard. How can her best friend be such an idiot and not understand what was going on around her.


After opening the rest of the presents and having a few more drinks, Jaejoong stood up and gathered the presents after checking the time.

"Oppa? its only 9:26 pm.. what are you doing." BoMi asked looking up from the game she was playing with Junsu.

"Well its late and we should be heading out. I'm still sober enough to drive." Jaejoong said intertwining his hand with hers.

"Awwww don't kill the fun Hyung!" the tipsy Yoochun called raising his glass to Jaejoong dragging BoMi out of the room. Yerin sat next to him tipsy as well as she patted and ruffled his hair. Junsu was the only sober one as he rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen for a snack.

"Oppa why are we going home soo early??" Demanded BoMi.

Jaejoong stopped in his tracks, and turned to face BoMi pulling her to him by her waist and leaned in. "So I can make you mine once more..." He whispered into her ear before he lightly bit her earlobe, tugging on it when his teeth. He pulled back smirking at her blushing face and continued to drag her out of the apartment, "Bye Guys!" he called without looking back, eager to get home to show BoMi how he was the man who laid claim to her exactly one year ago this day.


Thats it guys! Thanks for reading!

It kind of ... im not that good at writing LOL but I do want to ask you guys. Should I continue this story?? like maybe a story of YerinxYoochun? or should I make it a squel of JaejoongxBoMi??

Should i even continue this story?? :D

Please tell me LOL

Thank you!


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Annymishra #1
Chapter 1: yesh pls sequel and little romantic.fightng
Kimchiu457 #2
Chapter 1: Make a sequel of bomi and joong oppa. (Make jaejoong's character original).
qualcuno #3
Chapter 1: Sequel and then yoochun/yerin