Chase The Morning


Taemin is yanked from the streets of Seoul one night and saved from certain death. Now able to live forever, Taemin struggles to keep his brother safe from his own kind. But enemies can often be hard to identify, as Taemin finds out when he goes up against the people he thought he hated. (Second Arc in the Opera Trilogy)



Sequel to this story : (I do recommend that you read it first, if only to gain a background to the universe I've created)

This will not be one of those bloody, vampire stories. If you came here expecting True Blood or Vampire Diaries or Twilight, I promise you won't find it.

I know the vampire genre is overused but I promise that I will make this as unique as I possibly can. I hope you can give the story a chance ^^

Title taken from the song of the same name in Repo! The Genetic Opera.


WARNING: I have very much screwed up people’s ages. 


(main image not mine)


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inevitablefluff #1
Chapter 9: and because family are the people who will trust and accept you for who you are and love you unconditionally. Family is home.
inevitablefluff #2
Chapter 9: I know I wasn't supposed to read the taoris yet. But I'm not really fond of reading stories other than yg and exo-related fics but here I am.
Whilst the 3rd arc was more on romance, this, on the other hand was more on the challenges you have to face, and the sacrifices and emotional turmoil you have to accept due to the cost of living your life, and every chapter never failed to make me tear up so much, like I can really relate with the story. and this is the first fic ever that was not yg or exo-related that made me cry so much to last me a week. Thank you, authornim. You really are a wonderful writer. <3
AnimeNightcoreKitty #3
Chapter 9: Ah! I love it! It was so adorably cute how protective Taemin was to Hyunjae!!!
Chapter 9: Oh I absolutely loved this.
I'm gonna go re read all the taoris chapters again /even though theyre pretty sad Lol/
;___; I'm glad there's a happy ending. Jungmin will get better in time, Taemin will finally be with taesun and even though Taemin will have to say goodbye to hyejun one day...he'll still have his happy ending as well /my feelings/
Chapter 8: That made me so sad ;______;
suzetteisblue #6
Chapter 9: Wow that was so ____ing sappy. Also if Jungmin was being drugged then I forgive him for some of his behaviour (that which we see in the fic) but as Kibum and Jonghyun said that he was being a ____ to all of his changelings and such and made it seem as though that had been going on for quite some time then I still hate him.
Chapter 9: ksngfjdnbvijdfbvidfbijvbdfuefv YES YES YES but why end.
This is amazing. One of my favourite fanfictions, you're an amazing writer.
Saravy #8
Chapter 9: Wahhhh!!! So good! I love that Taesun and Taemin are together now.^^ *sniffs* This chapter was so precious. Glad that Jungmin is getting the help he needs, though. Yes, he's a jerk of the highest form, but if he can get better and be a better person/vampire, then yippee. Well, for Hyunjae at least. That kid is too adorable.

All in all, I really loved this story. I honestly thought that I would definitely like it, but not nearly as much as I have come to like it. I love it now. This whole story is really good, as I've told you before. I like that all the people you use and their functions in this world you have created. Really, you've done an incredible job. I'm off to start reading the 3rd (hopefully not last) part. :D
Beniikyuwon #9
Chapter 9: :< can't believe it ended. Jungmin :< poor man >.< he seemed so tender when he talked to Hyunjae :c I'm glad he's strong enouhg to keep living. So beautiful. Can't wait to read the third part.