Door 3

Anguish and Ecstasy

Kris's POV

        My name is Kris and I am 18 years old. I am soon to take over my fathers company(in marketing). I still attend collage, my major would be in photograpy. My father told me that since I am adopted I really don't have a choice. Since my adoption I have done so many things, like learning what to do in every buissness situation. Today my father had called me to go over his house because he wanted to show me the ropes. I live alone in a nice apartment,and my salary my paycheck is pretty fair. Right now I am working at a near by cafe,well that is until I become reach twenty. My father allowed me to work at this cafe until I turned twenty because that when he would want me to take over the company. 

        When entering the house of my father I had bumped into a young boy

        "Oh Kris you are back, sorry this child was just leaving." My father said starring back at the boy. 

        "Well then if you please exuse me." The boy smiled at my father then at me. But something was not right. The boy then left, I was going to go after him when my dad stopped me.

        "Okay Kris we have alot to go over today." My father said as he tried moving me to the living room. 

        "Father I am going after him. He looked sad" I said while still starring at the door.

        "What are talking about he is fine leave him be." My father  sighed

        "I am going dad I can't just leave him like that. I don't know what happened but I don't want him to be sad." I said about to leave.

        "Well sounds like cupid struck you in the , any way dont' mess with that brat, come on lets go." My father teased. By the time I knew it I was runnning out of the house and my Father was yelling at me to comeback.

        Not to long after I left the house I found the boy. He was walking into a cheap motel. what woould he be doing at a motel I questioned myself. I follwed him to the room he was assigned. I was suprised he never noticed I was right behind him. Anyway he went in the room I decided to not go in right away. Then after a few minuets I knocked on the boy's door.

        "What are you doing here?" The boy said as he russhed me into the room.

        '"You looked sad so I felt that I needed to cheer you up." I replied with a smile.

Tao's POV

        What in the world, what is Kris talking about, needed to cheer me up yeah right. What is he doing here anyway I dont want to meet with theses people ever again. My luck just never goes my way does it. Then I told myself, well standing here is not doing much for us. So I asked him to sit down and I introduced myself. I wasn't going to stop from telling him the truth though. 

         "Kris won't you take a seat." I gestured my hand.

         "How do you know my name?" Kris said while sitting on a cheep little sofa.

         "I know our name because it was on a letter my supose to be father had sent me." I declared.

         "What do mean, what are you talking about." Kris asked. 

         "My name is Tao I am 16 years old and and I am your father's biological son."  I said.













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jsikyun #1
Chapter 1: I really like your story its kinda sad but I like taoris in a sad way so please continue I am on your side :D