Unrequited Love

 Hanuel's POV:


'Haneul, This is it. Time to let them be proud of you.You're now going to Seoul'

 Haneul thought as she inspects her flight ticket.

She's now in L.A.X airport,sitting on a bench waiting for her flight to board.
Haneul decided to check her twitter for awhile on her Iphone.

"wow! i've got too many mentions today huh"  Haneul mumbled after reading the mentions.

Since she can't reply to all of them she just tweeted.

"Im in L.A.X waiting for my flight.i'm gonna miss you L.A" after she clicked Tweet she kept her

Iphone on her handbag.


'Ah!one of the best latte ever' she thought while happily sipping her latte.

"AHHHHHH!!! Oppa!!!" The screams startled her and made herlook around. She saw a crowd just

a few meters away from her, mostly girls holding sapphire blue banners with 'SUPER JUNIOR WE

LOVE YOU' written on it. Some were even waving the banners excitedly blocking the view of the


Haneul knows what Super Junior is, but she don't know who they are. She's a fujoshi not a fangirl.

She followed their gaze and saw 14 handsome men walking graciously to the waiting area.

'Huh?14? then why am i seeing 15 names on the banners? Oh well.. it's not my business to know

why one of them is not there.'

"Kyaa!Donghae oppa!!!" The girl beside her screamed and run towards the crowd.Luckily,her

reflexes were that fast and she covered both her ears before her eardrums would blast. 

Unfortunately she dropped the latte she's holding on her lap.

"Oh Great! just as I thought everything would turn out fine today" Haneul cursed under her breath

while searching for a tissue on her bag.

"Here,Let me help you miss" a guy in a cap and sunglass passing by offered her a handkerchief.

"Oh thank----" the guy already disappeared in the crowd before she finished her sentence.

'What a weird man'  Haneul thought.

   '14:00 Flight for Seoul, Korea is now boarding'

" that's my flight!!"
  Haneul said.

Haneul finished cleaning the the mess on her lap and walked towards the boarding area.







 a double update..yey!! hehe

who is that weird guy??


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AyraLovesKibum #1
i think its kibum Ü