
Hunter's Moon: Enforcers of light

Sunny woke up at around seven A.M. sunlight filtering through the pale yellow curtains, that covered the two windows of the room she  with Sooyoung.

Sunny jumped out of bed and happily got ready for the day. Humming softly to herself.


Am I corny enough to make the song this one

Yup I am!!!)

About twenty minutes later, the bundle of blankets and pillows that layed on Sooyoung's bed began to move, and moan.

"what's the big Idea" Sooyoung asked, in between yawns “its barely seven"

"no" Sunny calmly answered, throwing a plush doll at Sooyoung, "its past seven, and you should be up"

Sooyoung simply groaned, before exploding out of bed throwing pillows, blankets and various stuffed toys clear across the room.

"YAH!!" Sunny screams at the bathroom door, which Sooyoung has already closed behind her, " I wish you stopped doing that every morning"

Sooyoung chuckles, and steps into the shower.

Murmuring under her breath Sunny starts pacing the room, picking up the various blankets and dolls strewn across the place.

By the time Sooyoung comes out of her shower the room, is quite clean, and Sunny is still mad.

"Shinkskin if you do that one more time"

"you'll skin me alive, with Azazel, heal me with Raphael, and then do it again, and again"  Sooyoung cut her off, "you tell me every morning"

"well when are you going to listen then?" Sunny asked, still irked at the adorable giant, but no longer mad. "lets go already Taeyeon called, breakfast is ready"

At the mention of breakfast Sooyoung dashed out the room, into the rest of their small two bedroom flat. Taeyeon's room was at the opposite end of the hall. it was obviously the smaller room, Sooyoung, and Sunny shared the master bedroom. Taeyeon had beat them at a game of Kai Bai Bo, and won the right to her own room.

Taeyeon was sitting in the kitchen table, cleaning a set of Kunai throwing knives, while drinking coffee. It meant bad news for the two others.


Every morning Taeyeon being the leader would get up, make breakfast and wake the other two.

"Soo, Sun!!" time to get up, Taeyeon said, while shaking the two girls, "breakfast is all laid out."

"Yah its way too early" Sooyoung complained, from under her covers. "its barely Six in the morning"

"what Six!!" Sunny joined in jumping out of bed, "what's wrong with you Tae, this is definetly not working"

"Yeah" Sooyoung also got up, and joined Sunny, who was slowly cornering Taeyeon against the bathroom door, "you're our leader, not out Drill Sergeant"

“heck you put Drill sergeants to shame” Sunny said, “We are not morning people, we don’t want to be conscious before seven”

"fine" Taeyeon said, raising her hand in a defensive gesture, "if you don't like it, wake up however you want, but if you take too long, there will be a punishment"

"fine" answered both Sunny, and Sooyoung before going back to their respective beds.

"I will come up with a system for this"

Later that day, after they had all gotten back from their day classes, Taeyeon open the subject up again.

"I come up with a system" she said, with a straight face, "its quite ingenious if I do say so myself"

Sooyoung, glanced nervously at Sunny.

"its simply, you see I have my own morning ritual" Taeyeon when on, ignoring the look Sooyoung, had shared with Sunny, "It takes aout three minutes to fully clean, and maintain my sword, and basic tools kit."

"every morning I will get everything ready, you two have about twenty minutes after seven to get up, showered, and ready"

"that's about the time it takes me to finish working on Micha'el, while I finish the rest of our basic equipment, knives, Stars and the such. we can share a nice breakfast"

"alright" said Sunny, worried about where this weapon talk was going.

"I follow the same process every day, Stars followed by under armor, and lastly Knives" Taeyeon continued, "you punishment, if there needs to be one will depend on what Item I am working on, alright"

"yeah, yeah" answered Sooyoung barely looking up from her plate.

The next morning they received their fist punishment, they had still been sleep when Taeyeon had finished her morning ritual. As punishment Taeyeon had awoken them by dumping a bucket full of Ice water on each of them. That memory has usually been enough for them to be up early each morning.

*flashback end*

"were in trouble" Sooyoung whispered down to Sunny.

"soo much trouble" Sunny answered.

"wipe those looks off your faces" Taeyeon said, looking up from the Kunai she had been sharpening, "your fine, I got up early this morning"

Relief was clear on the girl's faces.

"why?" Sooyoung asked, as she began piling pancakes onto her plate.

"I got a meeting with the leader of the Paladins" Taeyeon answered while putting away her whetstone. "its pretty early so, I'm about to leave"

"the leader of the Paladins?" Sunny asked, confused, "you mean Tiffany"

"yes, and no" answered Taeyeon, while putting on a light blue coat over her simple tight jeans, and white Tee ensemble, "yes its Tiffany, but its the first formal meeting between, squadron leaders, so for now she is the Leader of the Paladins"

Taeyeon left, the two girls eating breakfast alone.

“What do you want to do today?” Sooyoung asked, shoveling pancakes into , “we’re free today right”

“Not me” Sunny answered, “I got a couple classes today”


“yup” Sunny look up at Sooyoung, “go outside today, last time you stayed alone, we found the place trashed”

“yah, that wasn’t my fault”

“whatever” Sunny rolled her eyes, “Just do something”

“yeah, yeah”


Tiffany finish typing her report, over their last mission. It had been a total bore, nothing but a few Draviat demons, It had taken longer to reach the stupid cave, where they had been holed up. Luckily we had slayed them before they could attack any humans, do they did give an old farmer quite a fright, and taken his best plowing cow.

Things had been quiet, just a year ago paladins were being called in to exterminate hords of high level Demons, Tiffany’s own squad had been called in to deal with a Drakonian. Drakonians were close cousins of dragons do, no slayer had seen an actual dragon in ages.

Now a days  however things had slowed down, It worried Tiffany, their last two missions could have been completed by trainees. something wasn’t right...

Knock Knock

Tiffany was shaken out of her reverie by two knocks on her door.

“come in”

The heavy oak door swung open to reveal Taeyeon, dressed casually in a light blue coat, and tight jeans.

“Good morning,Tiffany-sshi, squad leader of Paladin unit JeTiYul” Taeyeon bowed, “Kim Taeyeon, Leader of Slayer unit TaeSooSun, reporting for mission assignment”

“stand down” Tiffany said lazily waving Taeyeon’s bow off, “There’s little need to stand on formalities, around here”

“As you say Panny” Taeyeon answered with her dorkies smile, while putting her taking off her coat, “so to business?”

‘Damn, look at body, I would so...

‘The hell is wrong with me, what am I thinking’

the way that shirt hugs her, I wish I could rip that thing off;

“Yah, control your self your no Byuntae!!!”

“excuse me!!” Taeyeon asked surprised by Tiffany’s Sudden outburst. “Did I do something wrong”

“No, no” Tiffany answered, “Please forget I said anything”

‘I said that out loud, what's wrong with me, must control byun thoughts’

“Yeah business”

‘Damn Tiffany, you just realised you like girls three months ago, and now you're lusting after a Slayer, control your self’

“right, the council send me this letter here” Tiffany passed a sealed envelope to Taeyeon. The envelope had the official seal of the S.M council on one sign, and TaeSooSun written in bold black script on the other.

Tiffany continued to stare at Taeyeon, while the other girl, opened the envelope, and read the letter inside.

‘she’s cute, and that body is tight, but I am her superior, so I must behave’

“So” Taeyeon said looking up from the letter, “our two units have been assigned a joint mission, in the mountains around Yuchi-ri, in Gangwon district”

“yeah, apparently the villagers spotted a few tracks, they seem to belong to Direwolves”


“I know its going to be simple” Tiffany answered,

“alright as leader of TaeSooSun, I accept the mission”

“Good, Now that we’re done” Tiffany said, rising, and grabbing her bag, “Are you up for lunch?”

Taeyeon smiled, and grabbed her coat.

‘Now control your Byun thoughts Tiff, no matter how good that coat looks on her, control yourself’


Sunny Had left for class almost an hour ago, And Sooyoung was still sprawled across the large couch in the living room.

“I should do something” Sooyoung said absent mindedly, “but that requires effort”

So there she laid, in a pair of green capri pants, and a white T shirt, for another thirty minutes.

Riiiingggg, Riiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggg

“Hello” Sooyoung picked up her phone, in the laziest manner possible.

“Soo are you still on the couch?” Sunny’s voiced whined over the small speaker.

Soo: “no, how dare you accuse me of being lazy, I am not on the couch”

Sun: “Oh, is that so? then tell me where are you?”

Soo “I am at the gym”

Sun “is that so then I can come by to see you there right? its only 40 minutes from my school”

'Drat! What do I do?'

Soo "we can have lunch"

Sun "great see you there"


With a groan Sooyoung got up from the couch, and left the apartment. But not before grabbing the last slice of lemon pie.


It was Tuesday morning, and since there were no missions to prepare for, jessica had classes, Tiffany had a meeting Taeyeon. All which left Yuri alone, so she decided to head to the gym, get in a good workout before meeting Jessica.


“hey Sooyoung” Yuri turned to greet the taller girl, “wanna join me”

Sooyoung got on the walker next to Yuri. The two girls ran in silence for several minutes.

“So where is Sunny?” Yuti broke the silence, “You two seem joined at the hip”

“She has class today”  Sooyoung answered, “What about Jessica?”

“at school as well”

Show me, show me, show me, show me

“Hey thats my Jam” Sooyoung began singing along, “Bright bright, oh, thump thump

I like every little thing”

“han numne sseueuk jinachyeo bwado neo hanaman ggok nae seutairin geol” Yuri picked up the next line.

“You’re a pretty good singer” Yuri said

“You’re not too bad yourself”

“So you, and Sunny?” Yuri asked after a couple more songs.

awk, gasp, gak”  Sooyoung choked on her water. “ What!?”

“Chill, Chill” Yuri quickly tried to appease the other girl, “I just meant you two look close, but it seems you like to be closer” *Wink*

“YAH” Sooyoung almost shouted back, “that's none of your business, besides there’s Taey...”

“I mean what about you and Jessica, you two seem pretty chummy”

“Taeyeon?” Yuri asked, with a huge smirk on her face, “So Sunny likes Tae, but you like Sunny? What fun!!!”

“Wait, Its not like that”

“Well then how is it?”

“Sunny used to be with Taeyeon, but it wasn’t serious not to Taeyeon anyway, Sunny was head over heels for her, but Tae...”

“No need to say more, I know what you mean” Yuri cut off Sooyoung, “It was like that with Jessica, and Tiffany”

“What did you do?”

“Well I confronted Tiffany, Told her how Serious Jessica was about, How it wasn’t fair for her to lead her on like that, Tiff may have been blind, but she didn’t mean to hurt Jess” Yuri’s eyes seem far away, “Tiffany broke it off, and Sica got back to her regular self, after a while”

“Those two were sneaking behind my back, I knew what was going on with them, but pretended otherwise. eventually Sunny must have done something, and Taeyeon but a stop to the whole thing” Sooyoung, “both still think me in the dark”

After about a minute of silence

“Things are looking up” Yuri broke the silence, “I am with Jessica now, and I honestly believe Sunny likes you....

beep beeep beeep

“Yuri Here” Yuri spoke into her beeping Wrist watch communicator.

“Yuri our mission has been moved up, we leave in twenty” Tiffany’s voice come over the small speaker.

Yuri looked up at Sooyoung, who had just received the same message from Taeyeon.

“Lets go, I’ll drive you”



Author’s Note

Author’s Notes are boring so I will stop writing, such long ones, and just let you “the  Reader” enjoy the story.

To Love, Loot, and Taeny


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Promise to have something up tomorrow or friday


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veeyuzuu #1
Chapter 14: heyyyy.. when will you updates?
i hope you will updates soin author-nim..
im waiting too.long already.. :(
Totoro_lover #2
Chapter 14: XD Go Sunny! That was so cool >< Sunny was so awesome! Thank you for your update ^^
Totoro_lover #3
Chapter 13: This is daebak!
Chapter 13: This is so amazing! XD
Zulmrih #5
Chapter 13: Taeny moments taeny taeny please
Jwoods #6
Chapter 12: ell that was a nice little chapter along with some explanations and some new character's nice.
Jwoods #7
Chapter 11: Nice action good thing that taeyeon did what she did in time and the action sequences where superb and that scorpion very nice good work.
Jwoods #8
Chapter 9: Oh some hmm.. "action". Well anyway nice chapter and good thing with the direwolve's remind's me off game of throne's also i hope that they use there power's to take down the troll.
Jwoods #9
Chapter 8: Bonne bonne good chapter There's starting to be some tension which can only bode well for he character's and make for an excellent story hope that there all this good.
Jwoods #10
Chapter 7: There's the character development that I wanted along with the back story's. I also approve of how you showed us a secret technique that is never supposed to be used I hope that it comes up again.