Merit - Jessica's test part 2

Hunter's Moon: Enforcers of light


So yeah i played Skyrim, hope you guys like it ^o^)

Sunny POV

Taeyeon helped me treat, a few of the more serious wounds, the Cerberos demon had managed to land. The effort of using Azazel had drain too much of my energy. I couldn’t use Raphael to heal myself.

“Nice going SoonKyu” Taeyeon whispered next to my ear, “Not your brightest idea”

“I really thought I had it this time” I defended myself, more pissed at Taeyeon for using my Korean name, than at my failure to control Azazel.

“Excuses, You simply wanted to show off in front of Sooyoung”

“Did not!!”

I really didn’t, but that didn’t stop a hot wave of blood from flooding my face.

“So I take that nice red complexion, that could put ripe tomatoes to shame, means yes” Taeyeon smirked.

“Shut up. Tae!!” I shouted, causing one of the paladins, to turn and give us a weird look.

“Mianhe” I quickly apologized.

After she shifted her attention back to the other paladins, I turned to glare at Taeyeon. Her face however had lost of playfulness, there was a deep frown on her child-like face.

“Its started”

With her help, I managed to lean on the railing.

Sooyoung had her shield ready, and she held the key to the chest on her right hand.

She inserted the key into the chest, and turned it sharply. with an explosive hiss, steam escaped from the chest, and the lid slowly fell back.

Inside, a humanoid shape rose from the steam.

Taeyeon, and Sunny, gasped at the contents of the chest, it was a Shade.

Sooyoung cursed, and jumped back drawing her sword.

“The hell is this!!!” Taeyeon shouted at the Paladins. Roughly grabbing Jessica by her shoulder, and turning her around to face her. “A Shade!!, those things are so high up the the Demonic Food Chain, only full squads are allowed to face them.”

Jessica glared coldly at the short brunette, and brushed her hand off her shoulder.

Yuri quickly got in between them, trying to control the situation. I only saw this out the corner of my eye, my eyes never left sooyoung. There was a hundred pound weight at the pit of my stomach.

My hand was already on the railing, I was about to jump back into the Battlefield to help Sooyoung, but a firm gripping hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“This is the task that has been set for her, we may have chosen the method of testing, but the Demons were provided by the council” Tiffany coldly explained, “If either one of you two interfere, she will be dismissed from your squad, and sent back to the academy, or possibly kicked out of S.M. such is the will of the council, no one will interfere”

That stopped me short, the council governed over all Hunters, their word was law.

“Tae?” I looked over at Taeyeon, waiting for her reaction.

Her Face was cold, as she finally said,

“We will not interfere” She glared at each one of the Paladins, none of which flinched from her stare. “Yet, but if something goes wrong I won’t just attack the Demon”

I nodded, and turned my gaze back to Sooyoung, who was backing away from the Shade.

Tiffany simply nodded as if she expected nothing less.

In my mind I had already decided that if things turned ugly, i would help sooyoung, and leave Taeyeon to deal with the Paladins. As strong as they may be. in an emergency Taeyeon could call upon powers far beyond, anything this Paladins had seen before. screw the council, she wouldn’t let Sooyoung come to harm.

The Shade slowly got out of the chest.

“Name your self Slayer” Its voice was like a knife striking rock. harsh, and gritting.

The shade had no facial features of any kind, it was simply a shadow, a silhouette of a warrior, in steel plate armor. A large Scabbard on its hip.

“My name is Choi Sooyoung” Sooyoung held her head high, baring her strong jaw, as a sign of defiance. “I am the heir to the mantle of the Choi family klan, I wield Gavri’el, Messenger of heaven, envoy of your destruction.”

The Shade simply Chuckled,

“You will fall to my blade” He drew a large single edged, sword, almost four feet long.

“Today you shall fall to me, demon” Sooyoung answered, “You will learn to fear the might of the Choi clan”

My heart swell with pride, at the strength, and confidence in Sooyoung’s voice. It had been like that for several months now, whenever, I entered a room my eyes would be immediately drawn to her, as if my pupils were magnetized to her face. Every time our skin touched, or even come close to touching electricity would flow back and forth.

I knew exactly what it all meant, but I wasn’t ready to face any of it. Taeyeon wasn’t helping either, forcing us to spend time together, by pretending she needed to practice alone. Not that I minded spending time with her, but it hurt too much, to feel so much. And have none of it reciprocated.

The Shade lunged forward, Its large sword cut through the air. It bounced off sooyoung’s shield. Sooyoung responded with a savage strike to the creature’s now exposed abdomen. The Shade however was simply too good, and it jumped back. Narrowly avoiding the Sharp edge of Gavri’el.

Sooyoung decided to press her advantage, and attacked. using her shield again to get under the Shade’s guard. But instead of using her sword, she kicked the demon.

The blow landing on the right temple of the Shade. Causing its head to twist sharply, instantly breaking its neck,

She did it!!

I celebrated in my mind, Sooyoung had apparently defeated the Shade. A low laugh reverberated across the room, it emanated from the Shade. The Demon simply took a firm hold of its head, and twisted it Back into place with a sickening crunch.

I flinched at the disgusting sound.

“Very good Slayer, we’ll have some fun now”

Again the Shade attacked. This time however sooyoung had no chance to counterattack. The Shade continue to press the attack, and Sooyoung slowly lost ground.

It took me a minute to realize it, but the bracelets on my wrist were glowing, Raphael on my right was blue, and Azazel on my right blood red.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Taeyeon shake her head. warning me to control myself. I closed my eyes, and breathed deeply, until both bracelets stopped glowing, Azazel took longer, the sword wanted to bite into flesh again, its blood thirst was as always insaciable.

Sooyoung, and the Shade continued their duel, neither able to gain a concrete advantage over the other.

“doesn’t this test seem a little suspicious?” I whispered to Taeyeon.

“You're right” She answered. “This isn’t regulatory, something is going on”

“I bet it has to do with that incident last night”

“No I don’t think this is a payback thing, besides they would target me if that were the case.”

I shook my head.

“no, they would come after us, not you. after all you’re our leader”

“I suppose you're right” Taeyeon answered, “But still the Set Animal, the Cerberus, and now this Shade”

“What about them”

“they are high grade demons, the type Paladins often use to prepare for large scale battles” Taeyeon said, her frown deepening. “to get their hands on this creatures, they must have approval from the entire council”

Sooyoung cried out, as the Shade cut her thigh, leaving a large cut, very deep. Sooyoung fell to her knee, and barely managed to roll, away from another strike.

“So you think they are testing us in behalf of the council” I asked confused, the Council was made up of the heads of all the major clans, and other Senior Hunters.

Sooyoung, was back on her feet, still fighting viciously. Both had injured their opponents.

“Yes, I think the council, is using this opportunity to test our strengths” Taeyeon looked troubled. “there’s also a special mission lined up for us, and this will prove weather we can handle it.”

“So Sooyoung, should be using everything available to her right?”

“I don’t know Sunny, If I am wrong, it won’t do to show too much of our abilities to these paladins, the less people who know the better.”

The Shade crumpled to the ground, Sooyoung had severed the major tendons, in the creature’s legs. Taking advantage of her opening she stabbed her sword deep into the Shade’s chest.

The Shade howled, but its screams soon turned to laughter, it stood up, and gripped Sooyoung’s sword with both hands. Sooyoung simply stared disbelieving, as the Shade pulled itself of the Celestial Bronze blade.

“very close Slayer, you almost had me, but your weapon must go across my heart” The Shade, shook its head sadly, “You my dear, missed by this much”

Sooyoung’s face paled has the Shade swung his massive sword.

My heart contracted in pain, as blood spurted from a diagonal wound from her Shoulder to her hip.

“Alright, the council, and it regulations” Taeyeon cursed under her breath.

“Sooyoung forget the regulations, finish this Demon” Taeyeon shouted at Sooyoung, “And when I find out who in the council come up with this little idea, I will personally skin them alive.”

we all stared at Taeyeon, shocked by her sudden outburst. I never seen Taeyeon this mad, before. She always considered herself our guardian, always taking on the responsibility. Now she looked like an angry mother bear, about to chew the head off a foolish hunter, who had gotten too close to her cubs.

The Paladins, had no previous experience with Taeyeon, but they like everyone else at S.M knew better than to speak against the council, and to hear this shorty brunette speak like that, it was simply shocking.

Another Attack from the Shade brought Sooyoung, out of her shock.

“Time to finish this” Sooyoung smiled at the Shade, “Gavri’el


Here’s what I am going to do, when Either sunny, or Sooyoung, or any character, calls out an Italicized word, they are referring to a weapon, when the word is Bold, it's an incantation.

This one means “god is my strength”)

Her sword began to glow, with a soft golden light. Which quickly spread to her body, covering her limbs like a thin luminous second skin.

“Its on Buddy”

The Shade was blinded by the holy light.

Sooyoung Bashed the Shade with her shield, The Shade Stumbled back. Sooyoung kicked the Demon, it flew through the air, and landed with a loud huff.

Sooyoung approached the fallen Shade, The demon tried to raise its sword in defense, but sooyoung stepped on the blade, before it could leave the floor.

“I won’t forget th...”

Sooyoung cut the threat short by stabbing the Shade’s heart, finally banishing the creature.

Sooyoung smiled, and turned to face the platform, were the three Paladins stared at her in shock.

“does that mean I passed?”


Cool right, now I don’t know what to do for Tiffany’s test, I done a group challenge, and a solo challenge. (Yuri’s unity in battle test) and Jessica’s individual Merit test) what can I do for Tiffany;s test? Help please comment any ideas.

Or just Comment it inspires me to take the time to sit down and type, every time I get a Comment or new Subscriber. )

~Paladin out~


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Promise to have something up tomorrow or friday


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veeyuzuu #1
Chapter 14: heyyyy.. when will you updates?
i hope you will updates soin author-nim..
im waiting too.long already.. :(
Totoro_lover #2
Chapter 14: XD Go Sunny! That was so cool >< Sunny was so awesome! Thank you for your update ^^
Totoro_lover #3
Chapter 13: This is daebak!
Chapter 13: This is so amazing! XD
Zulmrih #5
Chapter 13: Taeny moments taeny taeny please
Jwoods #6
Chapter 12: ell that was a nice little chapter along with some explanations and some new character's nice.
Jwoods #7
Chapter 11: Nice action good thing that taeyeon did what she did in time and the action sequences where superb and that scorpion very nice good work.
Jwoods #8
Chapter 9: Oh some hmm.. "action". Well anyway nice chapter and good thing with the direwolve's remind's me off game of throne's also i hope that they use there power's to take down the troll.
Jwoods #9
Chapter 8: Bonne bonne good chapter There's starting to be some tension which can only bode well for he character's and make for an excellent story hope that there all this good.
Jwoods #10
Chapter 7: There's the character development that I wanted along with the back story's. I also approve of how you showed us a secret technique that is never supposed to be used I hope that it comes up again.