She Is A Girl After All

That One Guy I Can't Control

Soon, everything went back to normal. Minhee and Daehyun always quarelled without stopping but there were times when Daehyun decided to stop first.

This morning, Minhee was being very moody and sensitive. She got mad over little things. She got overly furious when Daehyun forgot to add a fullstop at the end of a proposal. Daehyun didn't even know what happened. "Daehyun ssi, Can't you not make any sound? We need a peaceful environment to be able to work well!"  "Jung Daehyun ssi, I beg you to change your choice of attire. It's giving me a serious eyesore" Daehyun looked down at his blazer. It's the latest edition of Burberry. Eyesore??

It was lunch time when Daehyun finally found out what's wrong. Minhee looked so uncomfortable and not wanting to stand up. "Something wrong,Minhee?" Daehyun asked carefully, afraid that he will get scolded again. "No, just go"  "Ohhhkay" He was about to go out when he spotted something on the back of Minhee's skirt. *Is that blood?* Daehyun wondered. *Is she on her period??*  "Ehmm, excuse me Minhee ssi, You got something on your skirt"  "Yes i know. Please just go"  "Do you want me to buy you pads?" Daehyun asked in a very awkward tone. Minhee glared at him. She's very embarassed, she tried to hide it. But of course it didn't work since Daehyun already saw it.
"Can you? Please?" Daehyun realized that she was embarrassed and chuckled slowly. "Okay, I'll be fast. Wait here and..... Here." Daehyun gave his precious blazer to her. "Cover it"
"B-but"  "Just wear it. You can give it back later." Daehyun said and left. Minhee couldn't help but smile. *He's gentle. Maybe he's not as bad as I have always thought him to be* She looked at the window and waited for Daehyun.

Daehyun, on the other side, was in a awkward situation. He quickly ran to a supermarket and went to the "Pads" section until he realized there were a few girls and women there. He coughed awkwardly and went to the "Razors" section. *What should I do? This is embarassing. Why did I offer her help? Stupid Daehyun* *But I've promised her. She must be waiting now.. Okay Daehyun this is gonna be a once in a lifetime experience. You can do it* He randomly picked a lot of snacks, candies, razors,chocolates,Pepsi,Cola. Then he walked to the "Pads" section. The girls near him were squealing, seeing a young hot man.
*So many types. Which one should I buy?* He randomly picked the one that said "With wings" in it and ran to the cashier.
The cashier was an old woman. "Are these all?Plastic or Paper?"  "Y-Yes, these are all. And plastic please." "Young man, you are so caring and sweet towards your woman. Not many men are willing to buy pads" Daehyun face reddened as he payed. "Thank you for the purchases. And take care of your young lady well" the cashier winked. Daehyun smiled and quickly went to his car.

"Here" Daehyun handed the plastic bag to Minhee who was staring at the big plastic bags. "Did you buy the biggest size?" Minhee asked innocently. Daehyun choked at his water. "No, of course. Well you can proceed"  "What should I do with these candies and snacks.. and razor?"  "Well you can eat them.. and the razor, I don't know. Give it to Himchan or something"
He was about to go out when he heard Minhee said "Daehyun a, Thank you"
He smiled a bit and went out.

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kgrl123 #1
Chapter 23: hilarious...... but... i worry bout Daehyun's reputation.
kgrl123 #2
Chapter 22: oh god. Himchan.. or Yongguk.... wat did u say to people?!??!??!
TinyHigh #3
Chapter 22: Man,the last girl whoa asked Daehyun was really bold!!! XD
Chapter 21: taking someone who's upset to a bar? bad idea Yong Guk, very bad lol
Biancer #5
Chapter 20: Aaah I'm curious about what happens next :o
kgrl123 #6
Chapter 20: Daehyun!!! don't be shocked!! she never influenced u. u should know that oppa!!!
@kaygirl123 lol in a good way or bad way?? XD
@ohyeahzelo awww thank u ;))
Chapter 15: this is freaking awesome!
Update soooon~