happy or not ???

lucky star : cat & mouse


Taeyang give a letter to his head teacher, Mr Park Yoo Chun, to apology about him mistake. Then Mr Park reply the letter that he hope taeyang can changed to be a good and responsible student. The mistake that taeyang did , sprayed the school's wall . In the letter , the teacher said "If there are any further incidents of this kind, you likely to be looking at an anti-social behaviour order, as well as a permanent exclusion." In additon the teacher adviced, "as things stand, you remain excluded until the October break. I hope to see a marked improvement in your class work, attitude and behaviour once the new term begins"


'He's not a happy man,' GD says, reading the letter from the head teacher.

'Never has been', Taeyang shrug. 'He worries too much'

GD shoots me a dark look. 'At least they're letting you back into school,'he says. 'Your letter showed maturity, Mouse.You apologized, took responsibility for your actions. You actions. You realized you were wrong'

Taeyang take a bit of Mars bar and grin.

'Mouse?'GD asked carefully.'You do know you were wrong, don't you?'

'C'mon, GD !!' Taeyang say. 'It was hardly the crime af the century, was it? It was joke !'

'A joke?' he echoes. ' Mouse, your idea of a joke happens to be most people's idea of mindless vandalism !'

'Mindless? C'mon! That wall looked a whole lot better once I'd tagged it - they should have given me a grant for improving the environment or something.'

GD clenches his teeth, as if he's in pain. He peers at me over the top of his trendy black specs with sorrow green eyes. 'Mouse' don't you ever learn?' he asks. 'It wasn't easy persuade Mr Park to keep the police out of this. You don't need me tell you what that would have meant......you already have a police record.'

'Not a bad one.' Taeyang argue. 'Just for tagging a bus stop!'

GD shakes his head. 'I'm not kidding, Mouse - you can't pull any more stunts like this. Every time things start going well for you, you do something stupid and mess it all up. I'm beginning to think it's a cry for help!'

Taeyang just a choke on his Mars bar. 'A cry for help? Are you serious?'

Social workers always think there's a deep, dark reason lurking behind everything you do - some burried rauma that only a psychologist can dig out of you. Bite your nails? You obviously had a deprived childhood. Wear your fringe too long? Must be hidding something. Don't like carrots? Man, you're just about a ready for tne nut house.

GD sits back on his trendy back swivel chair smoothing down his Nirvana T-shirt and crossing his legs incient, faded bootleg jeans. He thiinks this kind of stuff makes him look cool, friendly, acessible,.Taeyang think it makes him look ike a sad old loser.

'It's wasn't a cry for help,' Teyang say. 'It was art'.

'Hmpphh,' he says. 'Well. The next time you're feeling arty, but yourself a sketchbook.'

Taeyang laugh out loud. The things Taeyang want to say just won't fit between the pages of a sketchbook - they need to be painted six feet tall, by moonlight, with your heart beating fast and your mouth dry with fear.

'Why, Mouse?' GD asks, giving me this full-on, sad-eyed stare. 'I just don't understand why'.

GD has this whole range of dissapointed, guilt-trip looks he likes to wind me up with, but Taeyang refuse to feel bad.Taeyang paint on walls because it makes me feel good. That's much as Taeyang going to admit - to anyone.

Taeyang not about to go digging around in the past for a bunch of deep, dark reasons for why Taeyang not perfect. It's just not up for discussion-all the bad memories are packed away in boxes Taeyang will never need memories to opean again. Start looking at all and Taeyand do unravel faster than a sweater with a hole in. Seriously-it's just not happening.

GD shakes his head. 'Out of here, Mouse,' he says. 'Time's up and we're getting nowhere. At least the school have agreed to take you back after the October break- I suggest you use this time off reflect. You need to make soe changes- and fast.'

Taeyang stand up and shrug on my zip-up hoodie.

'Thanks for your support and understanding,' Taeyang say brightly . 'It's means a lot.'



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