Ruby Fusion (HunHan spinoff)



Sehun likes the colour red. He particularly likes how it looks on his classmate Zitao’s hair. For the entire gym class, all Sehun can think about is how red will look on his head. He’s growing tired of his own blond hair that occasionally looks silver in some lighting. It definitely isn’t because of his stupid best friend’s comment of how he looks like an underage old man (whatever the hell does that even mean!?).


When the bell rings to signal the end of school, Sehun leaps up from his chair and scurries up the stairs where the senior classrooms are. He (im)patiently waits for their longwinded Physics teacher to finish his lesson and once he leaves the classroom, he runs in and grabs his boyfriend’s arm.


“Aren’t you excited to see me,” comments Luhan in amusement, watching as Sehun practically throws all his stationery and books into his backpack as if it is a garbage dump. “… Are we in a hurry to go somewhere?”


“I have an idea!” he tells him excitedly, too busy packing his boyfriend’s bag to notice the flash of wariness on his face. “Come on – I’ll tell you on the way.”






“You want to dye your hair red,” Luhan repeats blankly as he stands between aisles 5 and 6, next to an animated Sehun and a pile of hair dye boxes. He folds his arms and watches the younger boy pick up a box to read the back description. “But you just had it coloured blond.”


“Which shade does Zitao use,” Sehun mutters to himself, only half-listening to Luhan talking above him. He narrows it down to two boxes, L’Oreal Ruby Fusion and Garnier Nutrisse Light Auburn, and flips the boxes over again to read the description.


An exasperated sigh leaves Luhan’s lips when he realises Sehun isn’t paying him any attention. He squats down next to him and sticks his face in front of Sehun, startling the other so much he falls onto his bum. Ow. “You never colour your hair from the box,” he points out, casually taking the boxes from Sehun to check them out. “Why don’t you just go to the salon again?”


The younger boy nods sadly in agreement. “I would…” Sehun mumbles glumly, “But I spent all my allowance bleaching my hair the other time. Can’t afford to go again.” He eyes the price tags listed on the shelves and lights up when he sees a discount sticker stuck on the L’Oreal range.


“Ruby Fusion it is,” he decides happily, and pulls Luhan up from the floor with his box of pretty red future.






“I have a really bad feeling about this,” Luhan moans as Sehun generously piles the remaining red hair dye onto Luhan’s own blond hair with his tongue sticking out in concentration. “Why did I agree to this?”


Sehun rolls his eyes behind Luhan’s back but makes sure to stick a grin on his lips when he turns to face his boyfriend. “Come on,” he coaxes as he finishes the last of the hair dye. “The box says the amount is suitable for girls with long hair. It’s silly to waste half a box! Besides, isn’t it cute to have the same hair colour?”


Luhan looks at their reflection in the mirror, doubt in his facial expression. “Mmhmm. Cute.”


Half an hour later, he wonders if that has been Sehun’s intention after all. It’s cute, alright.


“My hair. Is pink,” Luhan says slowly, and turns sideways to look at an equally horrified Sehun. “I look. Like an. Anime character.”


Sehun gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing visibly in his throat, and shoots his boyfriend a meek glance.


“At least you look cute?”






Loud laughter and guffaws fill the locker room when Luhan and Sehun walk in together for their weekly track team practice. Luhan coughs lightly in embarrassment while Sehun keeps his eyes trained to his sneakers.


“Nice hair colour,” Yifan snickers, and Luhan elbows him unceremoniously because the idiot has already about it in their morning classes. Yifan flicks a glance at Sehun and laughs harder. “I heard of couple shoes and couple clothes, but couple hair colour?”


“Even your faces match the colour of your hair,” Yixing says innocently, or perhaps not so, when Sehun catches him hiding his face behind Zitao to chortle at their misfortune.


Zitao has a -eating grin on his lips as if he knows the reason behind their sudden colour change. He runs his hand through his fluffy red hair and the grin changes into a smirk. “You two look like you have candy floss on your head,” he says bluntly.


Sehun sinks into the bench next to Luhan, who has his face buried in his hands, and carefully pats Luhan’s shoulder. “On the bright side, your hair looks yummy enough to eat?” he comments timidly.


Luhan lets out a strangled groan. “Never am I going to listen to you and your ideas again,” he mutters. “Never.”


The younger boy pouts into his hands. How is he supposed to know the outcome colour will be different if they use it on blond hair? Either way… Sehun is never going to colour his own hair again. No wonder salons charge 70,000won per dye job.


As he changes into his running outfit, he catches sight of Yifan’s new hairstyle and stares. His eyebrows furrow thoughtfully and Sehun brightens. Maybe Luhan and him will look less cute if they shave the sides of their heads?


“Hyung!” he yells, running after Luhan who takes one glance at his face and sprints. “I have an idea!”


A/N: Uhh... this was totally unplanned for. But their new hairstyles were totally begging to be written... Image from here.


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Wrote another spinoff for HunHan /shot


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BillyBudd #1
AHHHH everyone appreciates that fluffy slice of life once in a while :)
faithlu #2
Chapter 1: this is adorable
Chapter 3: LOL!!! SEHUN!!! When are you going to learn your lesson? Hahahahahaha!! XD
Chapter 1: HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!! "Guh." LOL!!! Can't stop laughing at how true that happens! XD
Chapter 3: what again, Sehunnie??
Chapter 1: soooo cute n fluffy ;)
yuu8713 #8
Chapter 3: LOL just as I thought when I 1st saw the pink duo: the cotton candy couple! ♥ HunHan is the definition of cuteness w/ their pink hair right now XD~
this version of how they both got a matching couple hair is so cute,I love it~ :3
Chapter 3: Well, this was a REALLY pleasant surprise. XD This was SOOO cute and sweet. I want cotton candy now...