It started with a dance and ended with love.

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this is a story about you any zelo. simple


love blosoms for zelo toward you when you hurt your self while danceing... oh and he is watching you and then helps get you to the hospital and find out a big secret out about you. a secret that not even you know.


You look up at zelo and realize that you have pulled him so close to you that your mouths are cm from each other; you look in to Zelo’s eyes and he looks back, you take a quick look at him lips, not meaning to but then notice that he did the same, you both slowly close the last few cm between your mouths with a kiss, it was sweet and passionate at the same time, Zelo’s lips where so soft and sweet, you slowly stop and then look at each other  and are about to go in for another kiss when

a teaser to see if ya like it.

this part is quite far through  but still. 



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Chapter 9: one word CUTE
cupcake96 #2
Chapter 9: Sooo cute ♥♥♥
B1-F4_jaehyung #3
Chapter 6: i like it.. :) pls update soon..
B1-F4_jaehyung #4
Chapter 5: pls update soon..
Pls update Soonnn :D
B1-F4_jaehyung #6
Chapter 4: pls update soon.. :)
Chapter 1: Mmmhh It's interesting so far!! :)
Wow!!! Im hooked!!! Please update soon! ^___^
SooTaeSica #9
This seems nice,update soon, neh? ^^