


"Hey baby." You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist. You tried to pull away but their grip tightened. "Let go of me Joon." You exclaimed as you felt his hands travel around your body. You groaned when he on your sweet spot. "Ugh baby tell me you love me." He whispered as he rubbed your leg. You kept your cool and spoke up, "Joon, I don't like you. So just leave me alone." You felt his breath on your neck. "Baby just admit that you like me so I could you." You were getting annoyed by his touch. You kicked his shin and tried to run away but he held tightly onto your wrist. "What the Joon?! Let go of me!" You turned around and punched his chest. He fell on his knees, groaning. You quickly made a run for it. 
You kept running. You didn't know where you were running to. You suddenly fell to the ground. You looked up. A tall handsome figure stood in front of you. "Mian... I didn't see you." You apologized as you got up. "Are you blind? How can you not see me?" You were shocked when you heard him yell at you. "Oh... mian..." You mumbled again, which made him even angrier. "What the is wrong with you? Just leave." He pushed you to the side harshly. 
You continued walking. You were upset about Joon and what happened earlier with the mysterious boy. Once you got home, you threw yourself on your bed and closed your eyes. "I hate my life..." You whispered before drifting off to dreamland. 
* * * 
Morning came by fast. You lazily dragged yourself to the bathroom to get ready. Today was the first day of school. Honestly, you were excited. A whole new school. A bunch of new people. It was your chance to be someone new. You let your hair down today and fixed your bow. "I think I'm ready." You said as you grabbed your backpack and ran out the door.
You didn't want to get lost, so you constantly checked your school map. You finally found the right room. You entered and quietly took your seat. Everyone was staring at you. "Okay class. My name is Mr. Hong. Today we will introduce ourselves and get to know each other." The teacher happily exclaimed as he entered the classroom. "Let's start with you first." He pointed at a girl that sat in the front row. After everyone introduced themselves, it was your turn. "Annyonghaseyo, my name is Park Yoonmi. I hope we can all be friends." You beamed as you sat back down. "And last but not least. Your turn, student." You turned to your right. A boy was sitting next to you. He didn't stand up. "I'm Byun Baekhyun." He mumbled as he continued his sleep. 
Aish what kind of a person is he?! Sleeping in class and disrespecting the teacher... You turned your attention to the teacher who looked confused. The rest of the day went pretty well. You actually made a lot of new friends. After school, one of your friends ran to you. Her name was Kim Soomi. "Yoonmi-ah. Let's have some fun at my house tonight, okay? Some of my other friends are going to come and I want you to come too, please." She begged. You thought for a while. *well, I have no homework since it's the first day of school...so I'll go.* You nodded as you smiled. "Sure, I'll come." 
At her house
You brought spare clothes with you since you'll be sleeping over. You sat on the floor like the rest of the girls. "Let's play truth or dare!" Soomi exclaimed as she grabbed a bottle from her kitchen. At first you declined...but they forced you to play, so you gave in. Soomi spun the bottle first and it landed on Haewon. She picked truth and Soomi asked her if she had a crush on anyone. Haewon nodded shyly. "Who?!" They all asked. Haewon chuckled, "You're only allowed to ask 1 question!" The girls pouted. This time Haewon spun the bottle and it landed on Eunji. She picked truth and Haewon asked her if she ever did it with anyone. Eunji lowered her head in embarrassment. "Only once!" She whispered. The girls all awed in shock. "Really? We never knew! How come you never told us?" Soomi asked. "I was too embarrassed..." Eunji mumbled as she played with her fingers. 
The game continued for about 30 minutes. Now, it was L's turn. Yes, that's her name...L. She's very secretive and she barely talks. It's not that she's shy, she just chooses not to talk. And she rarely smiles or laughs. She speaks in a low voice and she wears dark clothes...maybe she's emo...or gothic? She spun the bottle and it landed on... ME?! "Truth or dare?" L asked. *If I pick truth she'll probably ask me a love question...if I pick dare, there isn't much she could dare me to do...so I'll pick dare!* you thought before finally picking your answer. "Dare." You said and waited. "Nice choice." She stared into your eyes. Her face was emotionless. "Your dare is..." She began. You listened very carefully. "To become the mean and cold Baekhyun's friend!" You stayed calm. That seemed easy. The girls raised an eyebrow and stared at you in shock. "How could you be so calm? Baekhyun is the most cold hearted person I've ever seen. He's really mean to everyone." You smiled, "It's okay. I'll make him my friend." Soomi scratched the back of her head, "You really think it's that easy? I feel so bad for you. What if he hurts you?" You continued smiling, "I'll be fine. Don't worry. Anyways, I'm going to bed." You got up.
*Well I'm still going to try my best. I hope everything turns out well...* you thought before lying down on your sleeping bag and falling fast asleep.
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