Yes I am Your Number 1 Fans


What do you think will happen..when someone,your number 1 fans become your wife???It's gonna be good?or bad?

Kim Sa Ra was born in 1989,this year she is 22 y.o.She loves,really really love Super Junior.Her bias is Kyuhyun and Siwon.Don't you dare asking her to choose one between them!!!She has a dream to be a designer someday,and she focused on it.She is Korean,but she lives in HongKong for abaout 7 years.Now she is back to Korea to full fill her dream,becoming a designer,and meet the boys!!yesss,Super Junior.Sa Ra has no chance to attend any of Super Junior abroad concerts,she hope after move to Seoul she can attend one of their live music performances.

But everything run out of the blue,she is not only meet the boys,but also marry one of the boys,Choi Si Won.Waaaaoooooow...daebak isn't it?or is it bad?

This story is abaout their journey... ^^


Hai,this is JeA,this is my 1st FF,I'll try my best to give the best ^^

so readers,would you help me to finish this FF pleaseeeee....I beg you :) comments and subcribes are very lovely ^^

This story is not real

Based on my own idea,I didn't copy anyone's work,so if it's similar to any stories,it's pure a coincidence

English is not my mother laungange,so if any wrong English,vocab or grammar or anything please forgive me

And if something is bothering you,or is not clearly enough to describe or anything..please let me know

And sorry there's no poster yet #bow

Thank You,I love you ^^


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Chapter 7: Hii there!! I'm SO surprised that no1 has commented yet! That's strange!! This is a really interesting c! I really like it! Hehe

On the latest chapter, u talked about multifandoms! Keke I'm a prime example! Hehe but if I have 2 rate myself I would SO be an INSPIRIT!!! And a namu lov hehe!

Kyu is my bias 4 suju! Just thought 2 throw that out!!!