Love Hurts

Love Hurts


Sungyeol glared at a female that's making her way towards to cashier. It's not any ordinary female. It's that person's girlfriend. Anyway that female doesn't even care if Sungyeol existed. She only set her eyes on a particular person working just behind Sungyeol. Sungyeol's colleague, Myungsoo.
"Not her again. She's so irritating and whiny. Why does Myungsoo even like her? Atrocious!" Sungyeol thought as he ignored that female who's trying to get Myungsoo attention. Myungsoo was busy brewing a cup of Americano for a customer who's waiting impatiently at the side of the counter, since Myungsoo isn't that skilled in making one. Sungyeol is, but well he's not helping Myungsoo due to his fury. He hated that girl. He knew being jealous and a doesn't help him get Myungsoo, but he is very disappointed that Myungsoo actually has such low standards. 
"Myungsoo oppa! Oppa!" That girl called for Myungsoo in a sickening voice that almost made Sungyeol puke. He couldn't take it anymore, it's so disgusting. Sungyeol took off his apron and went to the workers' resting room to take a breather from such disgusting act from that annoying girl.
Almost everyday that girl will come and look for Myungsoo and stick to him like super glue. Then she will ask if Myungsoo can be excused for a few hours so that she can talk to him and cling onto him like a koala bear. That will leave Sungyeol alone to handle the customers that never seemed to stop ordering coffee. Those customers must be severely addicted to caffeine just like him. 
"Yes? My dear give me a minute, I will be done soon!" Myungsoo replied as he tried his best to make an Americano at least half as good as Sungyeol's. Where's that idiot when he needed him?
"Sungyeol, I will be going out for a while. Erm, sorry but can you manage the customers? I will be back real soon!" Myungsoo came into the resting room and asked.
Of course, if Sungyeol said no, that girl will make a fuss out of this and it will be the third world war. And if Sungyeol said no, he wasn't sure what Myungsoo will think of him. Petty. Or even selfish. So that only leaves with one choice - Yes.
"Thanks!" Myungsoo took off his apron and ran off in lightning speed. What about that girl make him so into her? She's just like a whiny immature 5 year old kid! Sungyeol sighed and stood up, telling himself that this isn't the first time so he ought to be used to it. Unfortunately, as much as he is used to it, he still hated the fact that Myungsoo is hers, and not his. 
Myungsoo came back to the cafe with different sizes of shopping bags, and not to forget that annoying girl who came into the cafe clutching onto Myungsoo. The only word that comes across Sungyeol's mind then was ''. He doesn't know any better word to describe that girl. Why does Myungsoo like this kind of girl? Because she's rich? No, she's not that rich. Because she's pretty? Please, there are even more prettier girls out there, so why must it be her? Because she's modest and have good personality? Sungyeol rolled his eyes. She's never modest and does not act like how a girl should act. 
So all Sungyeol could conclude is that Myungsoo likes girls who are annoying. He rolled his eyes at Myungsoo who's trying hard to carry all the shopping bags while his girlfriend was chattering away and was oblivious to the fact that Myungsoo is having a hard time with the shopping bags. Sungyeol sighed and came up to Myungsoo, grabbing all the bags for him and placing them at an empty space beside the counter. Even though all these bags were that 's, Sungyeol couldn't bear seeing Myungsoo suffering with the bags.
"Watch and learn, ," Sungyeol muttered as he went back to the counter and started brewing a cup of Americano. He then passed the Americano to Myungsoo who was sitting down with his girlfriend at a table.
Sungyeol couldn't believe what was happening after he placed the Americano in front of Myungsoo. That actually took it and drank it naturally as if it was served for her! Sungyeol was so pissed that he wanted to slap her, but decided not to create chaos in the cafe. He still have work to do.
A few weeks later, Myungsoo came into the cafe smiling widely. Sungyeol saw that and wondered what happened. Myungsoo came out of the resting room and walked towards Sungyeol.
"Sungyeol ah! I have something for you!" Myungsoo smiled and was hiding something behind his back.
"What?" Sungyeol turned and looked at Myungsoo, trying to not show that he's actually very eager to know what's behind Myungsoo's back. Ring? Flowers? Snacks? Lunchbox? Wait, why is he thinking about all those? Myungsoo doesn't even know his feelings for him!
"Ta-dah!!" Myungsoo flashed it into Sungyeol's face and smiled even widely. 
"... This is the 'something' you want to show me?" Disappointment was clearly evident in Sungyeol's voice. No, not just disappointment. Sungyeol wanted to kill that girl. He wanted to leave the cafe now. What Myungsoo had shown him was the last thing that came into his mind. No, it wasn't the last thing, it was never in his mind. He couldn't believe it.
Right in front of him was a card with big words printed on it, 'Myungsoo's & Nara's Wedding Invitation'. So he's invited to that 's wedding? As much as he doesn't want to accept that invitation, he forcefully took it from Myungsoo and stared at it hard, as if the card would burnt into flames when he continue doing so.
"Yah! You should be happy for me! Why aren't you smiling?" Myungsoo asked and pouted.
Because I love you. Because that girl doesn't deserve your love. Because I want you to be mine and only mine. And you gave me this invitation, expecting me to smile? No way.
"Con... Congratulations..." Sungyeol forced a smile that doesn't even look like one and left the counter.
Myungsoo was puzzled at what happened but he shrug it off. He hope his best friend would come for his wedding. Yes, Myungsoo regarded him as his best friend, and thought Sungyeol thought of him that way too. But Sungyeol doesn't. Sungyeol like him. Sungyeol love him. Or should I say, Sungyeol once loved him. After getting the invitation, Sungyeol's heart broke and he hated Myungsoo now.
Reluctantly, Sungyeol went to Myungsoo's wedding venue. But Sungyeol decided not to enter. His heart couldn't take it. So Sungyeol just stood outside and peeped into the hall where the wedding is being held. Myungsoo was in suit while that girl was in a white long wedding dress. 
"Wipe that stupid smile of yours off your face!" Sungyeol said while clenching his teeth. No way can he accept the fact that the person he loved, Myungsoo, is going to get married. And sleep with that girl. Or maybe they had already slept before. Sungyeol started tear up. His tears fall uncontrollably and he decided to leave before he do anything silly and ruined the wedding.
"Goodbye... Myungsoo ah... I love you," Sungyeol sobbed and grabbed his luggage, flagging a taxi and head to the airport. He decided to resign from the cafe and go overseas to learn more about coffee and master how to brew a high quality coffee.
Myungsoo kept looking around the wedding hall for Sungyeol but he couldn't find him. He called him several times but his phone was switched off. A security guard came in and handed a piece of note for Myungsoo. Myungsoo opened up the note and was shocked at what he had just seen.
[Myungsoo-ah, sorry for not attending your wedding. I'm leaving... Goodbye. - Sungyeol]
"What?!" Myungsoo was astonished. He ran out of the wedding hall to search for his best friend, but Sungyeol was nowhere to be found.
Two-sided love doesn't hurt. One-sided love does. Sungyeol took a look at the airport entrance for a while, trying to grab onto that last hope that Myungsoo might come for him, just like couples in dramas. Nope, no one there at all. Sungyeol sighed and entered the departure hall, leaving all his emotions behind him and wanted to start a new life without Myungsoo.
Yay!! MyungYeol one-shot done! :) Hope everyone likes this too... I kinda have mental block at almost every part of the fic hahaha... It's kinds difficult for me to write fic nowadays because my school gave us so much things to do. Anyway, hope everyone enjoy this! ^^
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OMG! U need 2 make a sequel 4 this story! I NEED myungyeol! I NEED them!!! Keke great story though! Hehe :3
Chapter 1: wah this is so sad.... i can see everyone wants a sequel!!
mee too!!~~ i wanna!!
Chapter 1: Yep, yep! It definitely needs a sequel with coughmyungyeolcough. It was so sad and.... how could Myung marry someone like that?!!
Chapter 1: T^T So sad
chika1611 #5
Chapter 1: aaaah, sweet but sad. I want sequel~ *.*
strafield #6
Chapter 1: Not a happy ending :(
#honestly i need a squel... *sobs
Fell bad for yeolii~
0kpop0fan04ever0 #7
Chapter 1: Awwww poor yeollie
I really lived reading this ^^
ukissme1991 #8
Chapter 1: this was good. you should write a squeal
Chapter 1: I kind of was silently begging for a happy ending.
But~~ oh well! I think this one is fine.
I feel bad for Sungyeol though. *sigh*

I love it. ^^
Milkboy_sehun #10
Chapter 1: Yeollie~bear...T^T
Good job, it was a lovely read<3