Hey there,Guess What? I love you.



The next few days flew by quickly. Teen Top were still distant with Ljoe no matter how many bonding activities you did with them, same for 100% and Changjo. It was now Sunday afternoon, you were getting ready for the trip. You hair wasn’t messed up, and you were wearing non nerdy clothes. *I wonder what I’m going to bring...* you thought, as you looked through your clothes. The doorbell rang, and you went to answer it. You opened it, to find Chunji and Ricky by the door.


“Eunmi!” Ricky sang, but his eyes widened and his mouth hung agape when he saw you.


“Bwoh?” you said, and slammed the door on their faces. You looked at the peephole, and saw Ricky and Chunji blinking, looking positively confused.


“Open up!” Chunji shouted, and started pounding the door.


“Ani!” you panicked, and started running around, looking for your glasses.


The door just opened and you froze. Chunji peeped inside, and saw you. “Excuse me beautiful lady, but where is Eunmi?” Chunji asked politely.


Ricky pushed Chunji in, and took a look at you. “Do you think we have the wrong address?”


Chunji shook his head. “The secretary said this was the address, it’s right!” he said stubbornly.


Ricky took a step closer to you. “Hmm....”


Chunji checked your face. “I think I know her...”


Ricky gaped. “Eunmi?”


You blushed and started messing up your hair but Ricky grabbed your hands. “Ani, don’t mess it up!” Ricky cried. “It looks amazing this way, how come you’re not like this at school?”


You hid under a pillow. “How’d you guys even find out where I lived anyways?” you moaned.


“The office.” Chunji said with a tone of duh in his voice.


“Why are you here?” you groaned.


“To help you choose out your wardrobe, we don’t want you to wear nerdy clothes, we want you to wear stuff like this!” Chunji exclaimed.


The doorbell rang again. You plopped yourself up and then answered the door. “Hell-” your eyes widened. “Changjo, Ljoe, what are you guys doing here?”


Ljoe pushed you aside and entered the house. Changjo followed after him, with his hands stuffed inside his pockets. Suitcases were outside.


“Are you guys ignoring me?” you shrieked. Ricky and Chunji hid behind pillows.


“We’re staying here for the night, our mom is in one of her moods.” Changjo said while bringing the stuff in. *Moods?* Chunji thought.


“Your mom told us your address.” Ljoe said.


You tapped your foot impatiently. “What moods?” you asked.


“The drunk and want to you mood, what else?” Ljoe sneered.


“Where’s your dad then?” you asked.


“He left us when you left us.” Changjo answered monotonously. *That’s... sad. Who knew they had such a sad life?* Ricky and Chunji thought.


Ricky’s stomach growled. Ljoe and Changjo both turned to where they were, and looked at the pile of pillows. “Who’s here?” Ljoe asked nervously.


“Oh, Ricky and Chunji.” you answered casually.


Changjo threw the pillows, and saw Chunji’s hair. Chunji came up and chuckled nervously, “Hey.”


Ricky popped up and looked at you, Changjo, and Ljoe. “What’s up?” he chirped.


Ljoe and Changjo froze. They just told someone their family problems. “I’m going to get some chips.” Changjo said hurriedly, and rushed to the kitchen.


“Bathroom.” Ljoe muttered, and rushed to the bathroom leaving you and Ricky and Chunji.

“So...” you looked at them. “Wardrobe time?”



“So why are we at the park with Ricky and Chunji?” Changjo muttered.


“No need to be shy around these people Jo oppa!” you smiled and pinched his cheeks. “They’re friends!”


“Why are we at the park with Ricky and Chunji?” Ljoe repeated Changjo’s question.


“Because you guys are going to have some bonding time, and we're in the same group together .” you sighed.


“We are?” Changjo asked. “Because we were planning on leaving.” he walked away, but you grabbed his ears.


“No, you are going to play with them.” you said murderously.


“Are my ears your toys or something...” Changjo muttered.


You pushed him to Ricky and Chunji. “Now go talk!”


Ljoe backed away slowly. You saw him and pushed him to Ricky and Chunji. “Aish... I hope it works this time.” you muttered worriedly.


“Um...” Chunji awkwardly said.


There was a deep awkward silence, until Changjo couldn’t take it anymore and stepped up.

“I’m Changjo, let’s be friends neh?” he said, and smiled awkwardly.


Seeing that Changjo stepped up, Ljoe came up. “Lee Byunghun, but call me Ljoe. Let’s be friends?” he finished lamely.


You crossed your fingers. “Please please just be friends...”


Chunji nodded, and Ricky nodded. “We’re friends!”




Ricky stifled a laughter. “Really?”


“We didn’t want to make friends...” Changjo trailed off.


“To celebrate, let’s go to lotte world, just the 5 of us!” you continued.


Changjo’s expression brightened.


“What’s with the happy face man?” Ricky asked.


“Ineverbeentolotteworldbefore” Changjo said in fast speed.


“What?” Chunji cupped his ear to hear.


“I never been to lotte world before.” Changjo grumbled.


“Neither have I, since... We’re brothers and we do almost everything together..”  Ljoe said.


“Really? Doesn’t your mom ever take you there when you were young?” Chunji asked.


“I thought you heard our conversation earlier...” Changjo said with a sad look on his face.




“No more sad expressions, let’s have fun! Since I live near lotte world, we can walk there!” you said cheerfully.


“Arreseo, let’s go!” Changjo said, smiling.


“Wow, this is so different than the Changjo at school.” Ricky whispered. “The Changjo right now is actually... not bad!”


“I heard that~” Changjo called out. “Since we’re friends, I don’t find a reason that I have to be cold and mean to you anymore.”


“Really?” Chunji asked.


“Well, it’s hard not to since I’m used to it to be honest.” Changjo admitted. “I just started being nice to you and I’m already thinking of mean thoughts.”


“Oh.” Chunji frowned.


“I’m trying though!” Changjo cried out frustratingly.


“The younger ones are the quickest to win over..” Ljoe muttered amusedly.


“What about you hyung?” Ricky asked. “You don’t seem any different.”


“I’m your hyung?” Ljoe asked.


“Yeah, I’m born in Febuary 1995,” Ricky said.


“Changjo’s younger than you.” Ljoe pointed out.


“Really?” Ricky beamed.


“Yeah, he’s born at November 1995.” Ljoe said boredly.


“Ok, nice to know.” Ricky turned to Changjo. “Call me hyung Changjo-ah.”


“H-hy-hyu...” Changjo tried to say hyung. “Aish, I can’t say it.” he groaned.


“We’ll work on it later!” Ricky beamed.


“Call me hyung!” Chunji hopped on Changjo’s back.


Changjo didn’t even flinch at Chunji’s weight, and continued to walk on. “What makes you think I’ll do that?”


Chunji pouted. “Aish, mean!” he stuck out his tongue.


“You didn’t answer my question Ljoe-ah” Ricky recalled.


“I don’t change very easily.” Ljoe sneered. “I’ll just be a bit nicer to you and Chunji, but nobody else.”


“Fair enough,” Ricky muttered.


“Aish, hurry up you guys!” you hollered. You were way ahead of them since you didn’t want to interrupt their conversation..


“Coming~” they hollered back and they ran to you.


You started running once you saw them running at you.


“Bet you guys I can get to her first.” Ricky muttered.


“Oh you’re on.” Changjo and Ljoe smirked. “Prepare to lose.”


Changjo, Ricky, and Chunji ran after you, laughing, Chango’s laugh a bit softer than the others. Ljoe just walked on, with a secret smile on his face.

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Chapter 14: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they r fighting :( no no no please don't make brothers fight
Chapter 13: Love Changjo soooo mucchhhhh please find someone for changjooooo may be me heheheheh only if ur gonna break his heart :)
Chapter 12: Waaa don't make the brothers fight xd and I only looked at this story as reuniting friendship so it's probably weird to have a romance (for me) haha :/
Hien13kim #4
Chapter 10: Update Please.... The story is getting really good :D
Kohlexi #5
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^
Chapter 10: Omg this is ong! I am a 17 fan" and tgeres a 12 year old kid they really dare to punch peoole like tgem wowwww but mingming ish cute! Nooooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is ong! I am a 17 fan" and tgeres a 12 year old kid they really dare to punch peoole like tgem wowwww but mingming ish cute! Nooooo
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww
Chapter 9: bwahaha! she's gonna get it now! :D
Chapter 9: Omg i really wanna know alllllll