Hey there,Guess What? I love you.


School passed by quickly after that. You managed to not get one more strike by staying next to Teen Top at all times. You and Teen Top walked out of school together.


“That was a boring day at school,” you said, “And it’s only my second day here!”


“We got a ton of homework from that crabby old teacher,” Ricky groaned.


“Which crabby teacher?” you raised your eyebrow. “All of them are crabby!”


Ricky and you bursted out in laughter.


“I wish I was in your class now...”  Niel muttered. “We have no classes in common!”


“Too bad.” you shrugged, and looked at Ricky. “But we had homework?”


Ricky looked at you weirdly. “Yes, she repeated it 5 times. Remember the piles of worksheets?”


You shrugged. “Oh yeah, I finished that in class.”


Ricky’s jaw dropped. “You finished?” he said incredulously.


“Yep, no big deal.” you shrugged, and looked around. “Is there like a cafe near? I’m hungry and thirsty...”


Ricky tugged on your arm. “Please let me copy,” he begged.


“No.” you said immediately. “So is there a cafe near?”


“Yes, there is the Starlight Cafe.” Chunji said, glad to get in the conversation.


“Weird name... Whatever, let’s go!” you yelled, and started skipping.


“Do you even know where it is?” CAP made a face.


You stopped, and blushed. “No...” you mumbled.


Chunji chuckled, and walked in front of you. “We’ll show you the way!” he started walking, and you followed after him with Teen Top.


A few minutes later, you guys arrived. There was a crowd surrounding it.

“Wow, it’s more crowded than usual.” Chunji observed.


“I’m hungry...” your stomach rumbled and you pouted.


“Okay,” CAP chuckled, and pushed people out of the way.




‘What the...’


‘CAP oppa touched me!’




Soon, a pretty line formed to the entrance of the cafe. “After you,” Niel gestured and bowed. You made a face and entered. It was even more crowded inside.


“Geez, they never have that much customers even though it’s everything free day.” you heard Chunji mumble.


“Excuse me, what’s going on?” you heard Ricky ask a girl.


“Ricky oppa! Nothing really, besides the kingkas LJoe and Changjo are here!” the girl squealed when she said Ljoe and Changjo. She pointed to a table where it was super crowded, and you can make out Ljoe and Changjo’s figures.


“Oh.” Ricky made a face and came back to you and Teen Top.


“So why is it so crowded?” Niel asked.


“Them.” Ricky made a face and jabbed his thumb to the direction where Changjo and LJoe were sitting.


“What?” Chunji said.


“Ljoe and Changjo” Ricky mumbled. “ARGH, cafes don’t get crowded when we go inside!”


“Is someone jealous?” a voice asked.


You turned around and saw 100% walking to you, grinning. “What are you doing here, we promised right?” you hissed.


“You didn’t get 3 strikes yet?” Sanghoon asked, surprised.


“No,” you scoffed. “Did you expect me to get 3 strikes this quick?”


“Don’t worry.” Jonghwan said, and then shouted loudly, “Ah, why is Teen Top hanging out with this nerd?” he smirked. “Man, what a bunch of losers.” he winked at Teen Top and you.


“Why you...” CAP bundled his fists and growled. “You wanna go?” he looked at you and winked.


“Sure, I bet you can’t even land a punch on me wuss.” Jonghwan smirked, and checked his nails as if CAP wasn’t worthy of him.


“We’re not here to start a fight Jonghwan.” Minwoo came and grabbed Jonghwan shoulder. “Let’s leave these losers alone.” He smirked.


“You’re asking for it.” Chunji sneered.


“What’s going on here? Why is it so loud?” a voice came from the direction of Ljoe and Changjo.


The crowd squealed and made a line so Changjo and Ljoe could pass.


A very grumpy Changjo and bored Ljoe came to your vision of sight. “Oh boy,” Rokhyun, Ricky, Niel, and Hyukjin sighed. “Here comes trouble!” they imitated Girls Generation.


Changjo looked down to you. “It’s nothing hyung, just a couple of bugs that need to be squashed.” he smirked.


Ljoe looked at you boredly. “Oh really? Then let’s go.” he smirked, “They’re not worth of our presence. Especially the one who’s bundling his fists. He’s really not worth it.”


CAP clenched his fists, and you knew that it wasn’t pretending at all. “Shh, it’ll be over soon.” you comforted CAP.


Changjo yawned, and Ljoe flipped his hair. “Let’s go, we need a better place to take a nap.” Changjo said, and walked away. Ljoe gave one last smirk and then walked after Changjo.




‘They left.’


‘Let’s go.’


The crowd dispersed, and then it was now an empty cafe. You looked at the direction Ljoe and Changjo headed off to, and knew where they were heading too. You looked at the empty cafe, and the steaming CAP. Teen Top and 100% looked around.


“Wow, now it’s so quiet here.” Hyukjin observed.


“AGHHHH!” CAP yelled, and everyone jumped. He stomped his feet. “I don’t know how you were friends with them, but they completely piss me off.” he raged.


“I’m going to go somewhere now, bye!” you waved, and went out the door.


“That girl, wanting to go here but then leaves us.” Chunji muttered under his breath.


Niel shrugged, and then looked at 100%. “But, since 100% is here, why don’t we get something to eat with them?” he said out loud and grinned at 100%.


Minwoo looked around and saw that nobody was here, and then nodded. “Sure.” he and 100% combined two tables together.


“So... what should we get?”



You went to the dukboki shop that you, Ljoe, and Changjo always went to. Just like you thought, they were inside, sleeping on one of the tables. You smiled. The way they were positioned when sleeping, it reminded you of the carefree and innocent days. When they used to be nice and hyper... you frowned. At least Changjo was talking to you, but L.Joe would only talk to you when he needed to. You walked to them and flicked their foreheads. “Yah wake up.” you flicked their foreheads again.


“Aish...” Changjo groaned, and sat up. “What are you doing here,” he looked at you.


Ljoe was still asleep, he was as stiff as a board.


“I’ll talk to you later, once I wake up LJoe,” you said irritably. You flicked Ljoe’s forehead again. “Yah wake up.”


Ljoe stayed still for a few seconds, then opened one eye. “Go away, I’m sleepy. My neck is stiff, and I’m tired. Go away.”


“So, that’s your fault.” you shot back.


“Actually, who locked us in a room?” Ljoe smirked.


“So, maybe it would have been easier if you talked to others.”


“We have nothing in common, what is there to talk about?” Changjo mumbled, and then lied down again.

You frowned. “Actually, I have to say something about that.”


“Well, we don’t want to hear it.” LJoe muttered.


You pretended to not hear that, and then smacked both of their heads. “Yah babo, why are you so mean to them?” you yelled. “It isn’t fair to them, whenever you guys are around, you embarrass them.”


“We don’t get along,” Changjo groaned.


“Teen Top and 100% didn’t get along at first, but now, they’re best buddies,” you countered, “It seems like to me, you don’t want friends.”


Ljoe sat up groggily. “Damn right we don’t,” he said.


“Why?” you asked.


“We just don’t.” Changjo shrugged. “It’s tiring to be friendly, being cold and mean is easier.”


You pouted. “That’s not the right attitude...”


“Then what do you want us to do?” Ljoe yawned. “Apologize?” He lauged softly once he said it.




Ljoe and Changjo’s eyes widened. “Whaa?” Ljoe cried out.


Changjo looked at you, and laughed. “You’re joking right? For a second I thought you were serious.”


You put your hands on your hips. “Let’s get going now.”


Changjo’s laughter halted. “What?”


“You’re serious?” Ljoe said, his eyes as wide as it could get.


“Yes, let’s go.” you pulled their ears and dragged them out of the shop.


“Owww” Changjo whined.


“Let’s go of me!” Ljoe squirmed around.


“No.” you said firmly, and dragged them back inside the cafe. There was no one inside there, but a group of 11 laughing and chatting. Teen Top and 100%.


“And so he said...” Ricky was saying, but faltered when he saw you. “Eunmi-ah!” he waved you over and saw that you weren’t alone. “And Changjo... with Ljoe?” he asked uncertainly.


You nodded, and saw CAP who was laughing before but now had an angry expression on his face. “What are they doing here?” he growled.


You pushed Ljoe and Changjo to him, and they stumbled. “They have something to say to you.”  you said, and nodded at them.


“I have nothing to say.” Ljoe sneered, and looked away.


“No comment,” Changjo muttered, and looked away.


You sighed, and then held them by the ear again. “You are going to apologize.” you hissed into their ear. “Now.”


You threw them on the floor, but they managed to regain their balance quickly and not fall on the ground. “Wow... she has a lot of strength.” Chunji muttered. “Remind me to never get in a fight with her.”


Changjo sighed, and looked at CAP straight in the eye. “I’m sorry for whatever I did, please forgive me.” he rolled his eyes, and strolled off, but you grabbed him and threw him back there.


“Not sarcastic please?” you hissed into his ear.


He sighed, and then tried again. “I’m sorry, please forgive me,” he said in a monotone voice, and then walked away and on a chair for the table for 2.


You looked at Ljoe. “I’m sorry.” he said quickly, and ran to where Changjo was sitting and took the seat next to him.


CAP looked stunned, and then you gave him a smile. “Okay apology?” you asked.


“Okay? That was great! I don’t know how you got them to apologize, but thank you!” he grinned.


You grinned back, and unconsciously looked at Changjo and Ljoe’s table. They looked back at you, and then looked away. You sighed. *I don’t know what happened while I was gone, but I need to find the old Changjo and Ljoe quick.*


WHAT NEW FAN FIC AGAIN? Don't worry, I'll update all of them. :D

Check out my new fan fic The Promise I made For You 608 Years Ago


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Chapter 14: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they r fighting :( no no no please don't make brothers fight
Chapter 13: Love Changjo soooo mucchhhhh please find someone for changjooooo may be me heheheheh only if ur gonna break his heart :)
Chapter 12: Waaa don't make the brothers fight xd and I only looked at this story as reuniting friendship so it's probably weird to have a romance (for me) haha :/
Hien13kim #4
Chapter 10: Update Please.... The story is getting really good :D
Kohlexi #5
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^
Chapter 10: Omg this is ong! I am a 17 fan" and tgeres a 12 year old kid they really dare to punch peoole like tgem wowwww but mingming ish cute! Nooooo
Chapter 10: Omg this is ong! I am a 17 fan" and tgeres a 12 year old kid they really dare to punch peoole like tgem wowwww but mingming ish cute! Nooooo
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww
Chapter 9: bwahaha! she's gonna get it now! :D
Chapter 9: Omg i really wanna know alllllll