My Life Means Nothing

Save me and Change me

"Why can't you do anything right!?!?"

"What do you mean? I don't have TIME to wash the freaking dishes. Do it yourself!"

"Excuse me? I'm your mother. You do NOT speak to me like that. Next time your don't show respect you're sleeping outside."

It's always like this. Fighting over some dumb (usually school but not this time, sort of...)

"Well my grades aren't good and i have homework, so YOU DO IT!"

"Why are you struggling so much? Other people in your grade are doing fine and sleeping a t 11 but why are you sleeping at 3A.M and still getting C's?? This is ridiculous. I thought you were smart."

"Well I'm not at this school! Everyone's smarter than me and I can't help it if I manage it all. Is this whole thing my fault? I didn't even want to go to this school in the first place!!" I scream.

"You've changed so much I can't handle it any more! You dress like an emo person, talk like a gangster and have grades like one too. Why don't you just give up on college?"

"FINE I WILL!" I yell as I slip on shoes and run out into the rain.

My life is a piece of . My family is hanging on strings, especially me. We fight everyday about the same things. My grades really do . I have no friends and my boyfriend broke up with me months ago. I hate going to school and I hate coming home.

My eyes sting from all the mascara and rain going into them and the combination of all the cuts and the cold frost numb my arms.

I've been running for at least 15 minutes and I still have no where to go. I stop in front of a shop and look into the glass.


Inside and outside.

Suddenly that idea winds into my mind again. This time, I don't push it out. I immediately start running again, towards the building in mind. It's one of the tallest buildings in the middle of no where.

What idea you might ask? One that apparantly "brings sorrow to all" except for that doesn't seem like my case. Seriously. I think this will bring everyone joy. Especially me.

Get it?

After 10 more minutes of using those track skills I learned, I arrive at the three story building.

Yeah, it sounds weird but it is one of the tallest buildings around. The first level is my favorite cafe in the world.

I don't visit it very often because it's a bit far but it has a lot of good memories.

I look over to the right and the ladder I expected to be there was still in place.

I slip a few times trying to climb up to the roof, in addition to not being able to see since it was raining so hard.

I made it.

I breath in one more safe breath as I look around.

This isn't my hometown, but it sure is a small peaceful place.

I look down.

A dark alley i just came from meets my eyes; perfect.

I grab the wet cold railing and lift my left leg up.

Then put it down.

I start to break. Tears start falling down and second thoughts are pushing their way into my head.


I won't be shaken.

Even if I went back now, what could I go back to?

A ty home with a ty life? No thanks.

I try again. This time my left leg gets over.

Another hesitation.

I'm afraid. For the first time ever, I'm scared of doing this.

Everytime this idea passed throught my mind I never thought that it would be this tough to ACTUALLY do it.

Comeon. You're life . Think about it. THINK ABOUT IT.

I chant it like a mantra.

Suddenly I'm on the other side.

My legs are shaking. My arms are shaking. My lips are shaking.

I convince myself that it's just because i'm cold. There's no other POSSIBLE reason, right?

I look down again. This time it doesn't look as appealing. I look up, and the grey sky meets me by spitting in my face.

I take off one shoe, watch it fall three stories down, bounce off the ground a few times and flop into a puddle.

My body won't do that, right?

I take off my other shoe. Suddenly my arm slips.

Holding in a scream, I grasp the bar again tightly.

Ever so slowly, I turn around so I face away from the railing. My arms are behing me gripping my last life line.

I move my bare feet to the edge, scraping them against the concrete of the roof top.

Then the thoughts start piling in.

What if I change my mind halfway through the fall? Then it's game over. What if I just forget this and go back? Then the game might as well be over.

No, this is for the best.

I close my eyes and push all thoughts out.

Goodbye cruel world.

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