Mischief Ensues

Choding's Plan

Sungyeol hid behind a corner, sneaking small peaks as Myungsoo continued to laugh and joke around with Woohyun. Why does he keep spending time with him? Sungyeol’s jealousy was building up more and more. He couldn’t stand it anymore. Myungsoo had already made it clear that he liked him, and Sungyeol liked him back. Then out of nowhere, he starts spending almost his entire day with Woohyun. What could they be doing, and why did it seem like they were sneaking around?
Sungyeol was devising an extremely devious plan inside that Choding brain of his. He quickly ducked out of the dance studio and headed down to the lobby. If Myungsoo was gonna be like that, Sungyeol could play his game too.
He whipped his phone out and dialed his partner in crime; Sungjong.

“Sungjongie~ I need a favor. Will you meet me at the dance studio?” Sungyeol chimed.

“Eh? What kind of favor?” Sungjong replied with static over the phone.

“I’ll tell you when you get here.”

Sungyeol slapped his outdated phone closed and smirked in triumph.


Sungyeol explained his harebrained scheme to Sungjong, over dramatically might I add.

“So Myungsoo hyung likes you?” Sungjong tried to clear up the misunderstandings.

“He said he did, but now he’s spending all his time with Woohyun.” Sungyeol said, his voice laced with disgust.

“Well it’s not really Woohyun hyung’s fault.” Sungjong went on to defend his blameless hyung.

“I don’t care! He knows I like L and he likes me, he should know not to spend all his time with him!”

Sungjong dropped the matter, in an effort to stop Sungyeol’s childish rage. He urged Sungyeol to explain this “Master Plan” he had.

“So, if L wants to make me jealous we’ll do the same right back. He may have Woohyun but I have someone even better.” Sungyeol smiled.

“Who?” Sungjong asked oblivious.
Sungyeol raised an eyebrow at his cute maknae and slung an arm around him. Sungjong realized what Sungyeol meant and immediately began to reject his plan.
“NONONONONONO. There is no way I’m gonna pretend to be with you. You can find someone else.” Sungjong threw the tall boy’s arm off his shoulders and rose to leave but Sungyeol grabbed his wrist and begged.

“Please~ It’s just one favor, I’d do it for you. Come on, what if you saw one of your closest friends flirting with the person you....” Sungyeol trailed off and hung his head.

“The person you what?” Sungjong couldn’t hide his curiosity.

“The person you....love....” Sungyeol turned away to hide his burning cheeks.

“Hyung...I didn’t know you loved Myungsoo.” Sungjong walked in front of his hyung to look him in the eyes.

“Me neither....”

“Then of course I’ll help you.” The happy maknae beamed.

“Really?!” Sungyeol picked his head up to stare at the younger who nodded in confirmation. He wrapped him in a bear hug and lifted him up off the ground.

“Okay, okay. Hyung. Calm down.” The black haired boy finally dropped the air depraved Sungjong.

“Come on.” Sungyeol pulled the still gasping Sungjong up the flight of stairs.


The two dark haired boys snuck around on the second floor looking for the cheating pair. It didn’t take long to find the two extremely handsome boys sitting on the floor, sweating buckets from dancing too long. Sungyeol clenched his teeth at the sight and had to walk away to collect himself.

“Hyung, are you sure you wanna do this?” Sungjong asked, obviously worried.

“Yeah. Now hurry up and laugh.” Sungyeol commanded.


“You heard me. Laugh.”
When Sungjong just stood there, unsure of what to do, Sungyeol decided to take matters into his hands. He lunged at the maknae and tickled him vigorously. The feminine boy quickly broke out into extremely loud, high pitched laughs. The minute Sungyeol heard Myungsoo and Woohyun coming to see what the commotion was all about, he threw his arm around Sungjong and joined in on the laughter.
When the two visuals walked in they found a teary eyed Sungjong holding his stomach and a equally excited Sungyeol, laughing right along.

“What’s so funny?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh nothing, just something I told my Sungjongie.” Sungyeol even cuddled into the giggling boys neck for added effect he turned and smirked at the confused L and pulled Sungjong away.
The second they walked out the door, Sungyeol was giddy with joy.

“Did you see his face? He’s totally jealous!” Sungyeol jumped up and down in glee, but he halted the minute the door opened and Myungsoo emerged.

“Ummm, Sungyeol? Can I talk to you?”

“Oh yeah, yeah, sure.”
He followed L into the studio and gave a thumbs up to Sungjong, who replied with a smile.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Woohyun exited when the awkward couple walked in.
Sungyeol watched him walk out with a grimace distorting his handsome features.


“Hey guys.” The rest of Infinite greeted Woohyun and Sungjong who emerged from the staircase.

“Where’s Sungyeol and L?” Dongwoo asked.

“Upstairs, they’re having a lovers quarrel.” Woohyun explained.

“What why?” Sunggyu, being the caring leader he is, asked.

“I’m not sure.” Woohyun plopped down on the couch by the others.

All averted their attention to the maknae who began to explain Sungyeol’s ridiculous idea.

“What? There’s nothing going on between me and L.” Woohyun replied in disbelief.

“Try telling him that.”


“What was that all about?” Myungsoo confronted Sungyeol.

“What was what about?” Sungyeol replied nonchalantly.

“You know what. All that flirting crap with Sungjong.” Myungsoo was quickly getting tired of this act.

“I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” Sungyeol answered snootily.

“What the hell are you talking about?”
Sungyeol finally burst.

“All that time you were spending with Woohyun! Why would you do that?! You know I care about you, and I thought you cared with me! I-I.....I love you....” Sungyeol whispered the last part and his eyes darted away.
Myungsoo couldn’t hide the look of utter shock on his face.

“What? You...love me?”

“Yes, okay, yes! I love you Kim Myungsoo and I thought you felt the same way!” Sungyeol’s eyes burned with passion as he stared into Myungsoo’s stunned ones.

“Of course I care about you Yeolie. I wasn’t with Woohyun because I wanted to date him. I was spending time with him to get tips.” Myungsoo finally revealed the truth.

“Tips?” Sungyeol’s voice wavered.

“Tips on dating. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kinda new to this whole dating thing. I wanted everything to be perfect for you.”
Sungyeol’s lips formed an “O” in realization. Myungsoo walked towards his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist.

“I would never do that to you. I love you.”


“What’s all that noise upstairs?” Sungjong asked “Are the hyung’s arguing?” The innocent maknae didn’t understand the meaning behind the loud shouts he heard from upstairs.
His hyungs all smirked at his pure mind.

“I don’t think they’re arguing Sungjong.” Sunggyu smiled.





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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: erted myungyeol
Chapter 1: The last line! OMG! I know what you did there! This is so cute! >3<
babyrey #3
Chapter 1: uhm... i love your fic, can i translate it into vietnamese? thanks...
Chapter 1: Ahahah Maknae's innocent mind ahah ^^
Chapter 1: waahahhaha poor maknae dosent know anything...that's fluffyy!!
Nadjell #6
Chapter 1: Cute :3
Sungyeol is lovely
Chapter 1: lols yeol gets jelly easy :3
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 1: Hihihi this is so cute <33
Chapter 1: Very cute, well after reading a sad/angsty story this definitely is the cure! =D
Milkboy_sehun #10
Chapter 1: Lol omg the ending.