* the departing and the coming *

Mr & Ms Perfect : COUPLE

The next day .

" annyeong haseyo unnie . i heard that these will be the end of your project with paro chan we are very sad like you but i hope you'll still talk with our kris oppa" a girl smiled and give seohyun a goguma candy

 " thank you so much " seohyun smiled and waved goodbye

 " aish . gomaroro dont be sad . . let's go for awalk or something when the class ended making paro chan happy for awhile " kris chirped making seohyun nod their fans were fangirling when they saw kris pat seohyun's back while their members are very grumpy and sad

 " guys . you look like a horrible walking zombie " kris uttered

 " hahahah . funny  " jessica mumbled

 ' seriously what's the problem luhan ah?  sunny unnie ?" seohyun asked and shaking their bodies teir members are giving so much dark aura

 " we are just dissapointed that's all " taeyeon confessed making kris and seohyun sigh

 " aigoo . please accept unnie arasseo . . besides were happy just like this " seohyun smiled

 " but were not " sunny said making seohyun flare her nose which a bad thing one thing to be precised SHE"s MAD!

" okay . . arasseo we understand " yoona fakely smiled and cling to seohyun's arms

 " yah . why did she change so sudden ?" chen asked making the girls frown

 " if i were you , i will like her so stick with it let's go " taeyeon said and walked

The class start again kris and seohyun still argue but ended up laughing with themselve .

" the class is so boring right ? kris appa?" or kris oppa ani . . alpazy ! " seohyun mumbled while kris is still pokerface

 " arasseo . seo umma , ani seo donsaengie . aH! RIGHT! GOMARORO! " kris said in sarcastic way making seoyun glared to him

 " aigoo . .im so sad . .what should we do ? our babies will be gone soon . . " yoona pout

 " dont worry . we will save every moments with our babies " lay smirked which a defintely a bad sign

 " so what are you thinking lay ?" kris asked crossing his arms on her chest

" okay okay . . chill i have a plan " lay smiled and the three of them stared in cofusion


" so let me ask again why did i agree with this ?' seohyun asked looking to the big wall infront of them

 " since we want to have fun with paro   " kris smiled

 " aigoo . . just jump you guys you can do it . lay and yoona will wait for you in the other side " lay yelled when he's on the top and suddenly jump on the other side

 " yah! let's go gomaroro . we shouldnt waste time " kris said jumping to the top

 " but i - " seohyun stuttered staring to kris

 " are you afraid ?' kris asked in worried tone

 "IM NOT ! " seohyun exclaimed "

 " then climb here ! " kris yelled

 " but it's against school rules " seohyun fought back kris rolled his eyes

 " duh ! just go and we will explain it later " kris suggested but seohyun didnt flinch

 " YAH! what' taking you so long !!!! " yoona yelled

 " aish!! arasseo " seohyun jump on the top but she felt dizzy when she saw how high is the wall kris already jump

 " JUMP! " kris yelled but seohyun just gulped

 " i cant! " seohyun exclaimed

 "YAHH!!! you!! go down there " a teacher caught seohyun making seohyun stumbled a bit

 " YA!! seo baby jump now !! or else were going to be detention right now " yoona said

 " SEOHYUNAH! you can do it!!! go " lay said when the teacher run towars their direction

 " dont worry . i'll catch you . .i wont let you fall " kris said while seohyun just bit her lips and closed her eyes jumping to the wall

 " gotcha ! " kris chirped when seohyun open her eyes . kris face and hers were  just inches apart and they both look each other while kris is holding her bridal style

* THUMP ! *

" mwohh!! again " they both thought but suddenly lay hit kris arms making him flinch

 " YA! go run!! " yoona exclaimed while holding the baby basket along with paro chan

 " thanks " seohyun mumbled and run away with the others

 but kris just stare her back and touch his heart

 " what are you seriously up to ?' kris mumbled clutching his chest but suddenly seohyun gripped his wrist making him gasped

 " what are you doing ?!! i dont want my brother to go detention you know ?!" seohyun smiled dragging kris behind 

 " yeah . i am just her brother " kris thought while seohyun dragged her.

Meanwhile. .

" xiumin , luhan where are seohyun kris yoona and lay ?" the teacher asked making xiumin choked

 " ah . .they went to the clinic " luhan answered xiumin just slapped his forehead

 " and why are they taking so long ?" the teacher asked again 

 " becau-

 " because they didnt go to the clinic ahh. they decided to went to the HOSPItAL! " xiumin exclaimed while the teacher raised his brow

 " yes teacher . actually they went to the backyard " luhan slipped  his mouth xiumin now slapped his forehead

 " he was saying . . they went to the backyard to sent us their assignments . since they dont want their efforts to be wasted teacher " xiumin fakely smiled luckily the teacher believed them and continue his clas

 " thank you for the good reason luhan" xiumin hissed

 " aish. .dont talk like that were great BUDDIES " luhan chirped making aegyo infront of xiumin making him choke

In the other hand . lay and yoona decided to go somewhere making seohyun and kris left with themselve

" are you sure ?" seohyun asked

 " neh seohyun ah. . dont worry im going to check out what's wrong you two have fun " yoona smiled while lay is on her back

"and im here for her " lay exclaimed and seohyun sigh

 " arasseo you two be careful " kris said , yoona and lay left

 " are you sure they wil be okay ?" yoona asked

 " yeah . and i want to have a date with you today " lay chirped

 " just like i thought . " yoona chirped and run with their baby

" aigoo . .where should we go first ?" seohyun asked kris

 " i dont know  " kris uttered

 " tsk . such a useless alpazy brother . . anyways . let's order food " seohyun chirped while kris called the waiter

 " what is it maam ?" the waiter asked making kris little annoyed when he saw the waiter is blushing when he saw seohyun

 " ehem . .if i am right i was the one who called you " kris state with a little irritation in his voice making the waiter rub his neck and smile

 " i want two pasta and goguma latte that's all " kris uttered and the waiter bowed of course looked again to seohyun

 " looks your sister is famous when it comes to man " seohyun mumbled making kris rolled his eyes

 " since we are talking about sisters and brothers . . you know what ? you should call me oppa " kris smirked while seohyun scoffed and giggled

 " and why should i call you oppa ?" seohyun asked in sarcastic way

 " since im older than you " kris uttered making seohyun frown

 " but i dont want to call you oppa . an alpazy oppa ? haha " seohyun laughed but kris pulled her chin and looked at him straightforward

 " dont call me oppa and im going to kiss you " kris warned but seohyun didnt looked away

 " so ? are you falling in love with me mister ?' seohyun asked

 " nope . but i wont hesitate to kiss you here if you wont call me oppa " kris warned again but seohyun didnt budge

 " kiss me if you can" seohyun smirked making kris looked to her lips and gulped.

" NYAHHHHH!!!!" paro chan cried making separating each other and quickly kris patt paro chan's back and she stop

 "i told you . . you cant do it " seohyun mumbled looking to pao chan

 " tsk . call me oppa! ' kris exclaimed then paro chan giggled

 " look even she agrees " kris smiled while seohyun just rolled her eyes

 " OPPA! happy ?" seohyun said making kris blushed a little

 " OMO!! is it me ?! or the great wu yi fan is blushing ! " seohyun exclaimed making kris touch his cheek

 " YAH! im not ! " kris fight back

 " you are ~" seohyun teased

 " IM NOT !

" YOU ARE !'

" madam . order is here ! " the waiter said making them stop and served the food

 " madam . im sorry but can i ask you if  you are seo joo hyun from angels haven magazine " the waiter asked

 " oh yeah , i am " seohyun answered

 " ah. . chinja ! omo!im your biggest fan NoonA can i take a picture with you?" the waiter asked while seohyun just nods

 " kris take us some pictures " seohyun commanded but kris just crossed his arms

 "hey kris im talking to you " seohyun said

 " magic word " kris mumbled while looking to paro chan

 " why are you being like this ?" seohyun said

 " it's okay . im just going to call my friend to tak-

 " wait . your friend ? is this friend a girl or boy ?" kris asked suddenly

 " ah. boy he's also a hu-

 " then im taking it . seat down " kris commanded the waiter just nod and seat beside seohyun . they are so close making v sign and


" thank you so much noona " the waiter bowed

 " oh it's my pleasure o what is your name by the way ?" seohyun asked making kris cough

 " ah .. i am cha hak yeon noona but they call me N " the waiter said and looked the other side which is s cheering for him

 " so they are your friend ?" seohyun asked again

 " neh , noona we also called ourself vixx " N said making kris scoffed when seohyun heard him she kick him under the table

 " YAH why did you do that ?!! " kris growled touching his leg while paro chan just giggled

 " arasseo . were going to enjoy your food " seohyun smiled and the waiter bowed with a happy smile

 " let's eat " seohyun chirped

" yaH! are you happy paro chan leaving us ?!" kris growled 

 " im happy ! because someone appreciates me not like someone out there " seohyun mumbled eating her pasta

 " YAH! are you talking to me ?" kris exclaimed 

 " do you think im talking with a ghost ?" seohyun said in sarcastic tone

 " gomaroro ! bear buttwoman "kris mumbled

 ' YAH!  you ! ERRRT ALPAZY! " seohyun fought back

 " aish . im just joking let's not fight for today neh ~ " kris smiled but seohyun just glared to him something fishy about him today

 " why are you being like this ?!! " seohyun said narrowed her eyes

 " ani .  oppa is just good to you " kris smiled making seohyun more confused

 " this guy . .


" IS SERIOUSLY CRAZY !!" seohyun exclaimed when she saw the entrance of the horror tunnel

" but it's good besides paro chan will likeit " kris smiled meanwhile paro chan just clasped her hands looking at them with innocent eyes

 " i am really right ! something fishy !! and this is it ?! im not going " seohyun exclaimed crossing her arms

" but i want to go there " kris whined making the people looked at them since they were lining up

 " yaH! i told you i dont want to go there just go with paro chan " seohyun mumbled

 " how dare you do this to me ?!!! i am a really great father " kris explode making the crowd looked at them

 " yah . shut up you wu yi fan " seohyun mumbled putting her finger to signalling him to shut up

 " you dont know how hard to become a great father . . and i want to have a family potrait ! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME !?!! am i not enough?! " kris exclaimed again the crowd starting to looked at them weirdly whispering something they cant possibly know

 " yah im going to hit you if you dont shut your mouth this instant " seohyun grinned


 " OKAY !IM GOING!!! " seohyun exclaimed the crowd clapped while kris just smile and both of them went there

 " dont those tricks again ! " seohyun mumbled clinging to his arms

 " that's what you get from irritating me ! " kris exclaimed

 " yaH! just find the exit . . im sure paro chan is scared " seohyun mumbled kris loked paro chan but she just giggled and laugh looking the scary models

 " she's not scared . the mother are " kris exclaimed making seohyu gasped 

" im not scared im not used to " seohyun mumbled clinging tighter to kris arms making kris chucle when

* BOO !*

" AHHH!!! " seohyun screamed

 " HAHAHA !" paro chan laughed making seohyun pout

 " look she's not scared you are " kris smiled making seohyun frown

 " i hate you ! KRIS ! " seohyun mumbled and stormed off

 " YAH where are you going ? " kris asked

 " YAH" kris yelled but seohyun just walked straight

 " i really hate him . .how can he do that to me ?!! brothers sister you fool " seohyun mumbled and looked around

 " where am i ?' seohyun asked herself . she walk slowly and saw some skeletons and blood

 " BLOOD ?!! !" seohyun gasped and screamed running everywhere

 " I DONT LIKE BLOOD!!!!!! GIVE THAT THING OFF " seohyun screamed looking her suroounding punching every person who scare her

 " ouch" she heard someone mumbled making her gulped and nervous

 when she walked a little forward , she saw a room and with curiousity she open it and it was full of blood and again some scarry stuff

 " BLOODD!!!! KRIS OPPA!!!!!! " seohyun screamed on the top of her lungs , without a second she felt something hard on her head when she looked up she saw kris

 " i thought you are lost good thing you used the magic word " kris smirked

 " oppa ! " seohyun exclaimed and hugged him tighter. both of them went out and paro chan felt asleep but they dont stop from circling the lotte world   . without noticing the sky was already down

" oh . it's already late ?" seohyun asked in herself

 " i think we played too much im kinda tired " kris mumbled and seat to the nearest bench

 " you done a great hob today " seohyun smiled and touch paro chan's head

  " you are going to miss her dont you ?" kris asked

 " neh  .. we will surely going to miss her " seohyun smiled while kris is looking at her and smiled when he remebered about something

" about earlier on the horror tunnel . .why did you scream too much ?" kris asked making seohyun's eyes widened

 " you dont care " seohyun mumbled and looked away her hands on her thighs

  " im your oppa! if you dont remember " kris smirked .

 " i dont want to " seohyun fight back

 " tell me ppali "

" dont want to "

" tell me!!"

" dont want to aishh. "

 " or else im going to-

 " arasseo ! " seohyun finally got defeated and sigh while kris wear a triumphan smile

 " actually im not scared with skeleton and stuff i just hate blood " seohyun mumbled ( a/n : i just made it lol! )

 " but why ?" kris asked again

 " something in my past i dont want to remember " seohyun said making kris sigh

 " what's with the sigh ?" seohyun asked looking to him intently

 " because my sister is not ready to open up fully to me " kris uttered looking to the sky

 " i guess . . timing is everything brother " seohyun smiled and looked the couple passing them without noticed kris look at her when seohyun was very busy looking to the other couple

 ' i want you to open up to me . .and call me oppa . . i dont know but when you screamed i thought im going to lose my mind . .when i saw you being like that im scared " kris mumbled

 " oh did you say something ?" seohyun asked making kris cough and shook his head

 " thanks by the way " seohyun chirped

 " oh my pleasure i will be a bad brother if i just leave you right ?" kris smirked

 " but im still thankful " seohyun thought and smiled

Both of them decided to go to the school since they know that mr kim is still there . . when they were infront of the door they both stop and look paro chan who is sleeping so tightly

 " im going to miss her .  paro chan be okay arasseo . ." seohyun pout and tears fall to her cheeks

 " YAH !we should depart happily not sad " kris exclaimed and wipe her tears 

" tsk . scold youself look at you your eyes are watery . . just cry if youwant " seohyun whined making kris looked paro chan with a sad face

 " aigoo . my daughter seems so peace. .dont worry when we have time were going to visit you soon .. oh . .dont ever forget you  handsome father and also your beautiful mother " kris smiled and both of them sigh and open the door

 " annyeong mrs kim . paro chan is here " seohyun smiled and handed her the baby doll

 " so ? how is it ?" mrs kim asked making them both giggle

 " FUN ?!" both of them chirped

 " arasseo go home and rest . . dont worry this baby doll wil be so lucky to have a parents like you  , and im congratulating you for being top  1 on this project " mrs kim smiled

 " ASSA!" both of them chirped and bowed waving goodbye to mrs kim

 " that's was good " kris smiled

 " yeah . fantastiic to be precised " seohyun chirped . they are on the hallway walking straight to the main gate laughing and annoying each other .

 " seo baby ?" a guy asked in seohyun's back both of them turned around and looked who is that person

 " SEO BABY " the guy ran towards seohyun and hugged her tightly

 " OPPA ! youre baCK !" seohyun smiled it's not a simple smile but was like a smile that says she's very happy

 " who is he ?" kris asked looking to the guy who hold seohyun's hand like they were a couple


i updated agaiN!!!!!!!!



like as always . subscribe upvote and COMMENT!!!!!!!!

oh .  my poster and background are great right ?

yeah . thank you so much to mrs kwon bbang from angel two moons poster shop


all credits to you !!!!

* gif time *




THE SAEBYUL yoona!!!


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hello guys... new reader here...
first of all... I've been reading some of seokris ff... and I just found out that seokris couple called as royalist.
can anyone of you tell me why? *where have been am I? LoL!!!*
thanks guys...
Chapter 45: Wow daebak..I really like...neomu2 cuwae...congrates to have an amazing story
Chapter 45: wow, i can't stop my over flowing tears fro0 happines, i hope that realiy will become like this but sadly i won't and will never. Thank you so much authornim for this wonderful touching story. Almost all of my favorite idols are here. kindly write more stories ^^
Chapter 47: I really love this story ❤ thank you for making this story
Eycha_sk11 #5
Chapter 45: aww, I love this story.. hope u can update the sequel soon! hwaiting!
Chapter 45: Just finished reading the story & i love it!! Looking forward to the sequel ü

Thank you for writing this fic!!:D
Chapter 46: Sequel!!! Yes, I want it:)
Popopo #8
Chapter 46: Yaaay sequel:)
Chapter 45: thank you for the hard work in completing the story :)
Chapter 46: Sweet :)
I'm glad that Kris wasn't really leaving.
And finally they could confess their feelings.
Can't wait for the sequel :)