The Invisible Character


Whenever you read a story(or fanfic) the female main character would always be this bubbly, brave, courageous, unbelievably kind hearted yet super beautiful (either originally or after a makeover in the story) person. But what if you were one of the invisible characters in those kind of stories? What if you were merely the kind of girl the main character would brush shoulders with in the school? What if you were the girl who would see that happy popular couple strutting down with their extremely well known good looking posse following behind them down the hallway of the school? And yes, you were that girl, the girl who would always secretly want a fairy tale story like that to tell to her future children yet try to conceal that fact in reality so that it would make her seem so typical and weak. Wouldn't you wonder what this girl's life would be like or maybe what it would become like? 
This is a you story but to make it easier I would just write in a first person context okay? 
This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm not really sure how this all works and my story might not be very good nor have a good flow so just be a little patient with me okay? Hehe.. 
Oh and this is copyrighted? I see that fanfic authors always write this here haha okay.


Lee Jae young/ You: (junior)
A very ordinary girl who loves writing, loves music and loves singing and secretly likes dancing but is a total dummy at that. She loves playing ball games but is terrible at long distance running. She is a shy girl with occasionally brave moments. She sometimes daydream but always tries to tune her mind back to the hard reality she is living in. She is a quiet and obedient student with good but not outstanding results. With a very forgettable face, no one really notices her nor remembers her name. Although she has a tone down personality, when she is with her close friends she can be crazy and talkative at times. As a person who is afraid to offend people she tries very hard to please the people around her. However she also has some flaws of her own like having a bit of a scrawny body and a pair of glasses sitting on her nose. Personality-wise, she can be a little afraid of new things and new people but once in a while she would psych herself to be able to something crazy or bold. (imagine that you look like a tanned IU if you want or anyone else you want) 

Kim Myungsoo: (junior)
An extremely good-looking guy who had been in the same class as you, this year being the second year in the row. He is a very popular kingka with his group of equally popular friends called infinite whom he usually sings and dances with. He is usually very quiet in class, usually lazy but still gets average grades as he is pretty smart. He doesn't talk to anyone in class as none of his friends are in the same class as him. Always having that cold icy and neutral look on his face, it attracted a lot of girls in the school. Secretly you have a tiny crush on him because of his looks and his demeanor and because of his smoldering eyes but as you didn't really know his personality the crush was only a very tiny one. He goes by the nickname L.

Jonghyun: (junior)
He is a new transfer student together with 4 other people and together they call themselves shinee. Great at singing and dancing. Loves music and is in the music club together with infinite and shinee and you. After he heard you sing when you were alone in a classroom he had started to notice you. He is a playboy and loves to tease and bicker with you. 
Yoona: (senior)
She is the school's sweetheart and is a very kind hearted girl. (basically like the main character type which I've described above in the description). Had a whole fairy tale like story with donghae the previous year going through all the struggles with donghae's fan girls. She is the music club president (which you are in).
Donghae: (senior)
School's biggest heartthrob. Sweet, kind-hearted, dreamy looks, brave.
Krystal: (junior)
Your best friend who is pretty popular because of her looks, sportiness and bold personality. She can be a bit flirty and bold with guys but never crosses the line. She is a trustworthy friend whom you can exchange secrets with. Being a bold person herself, she would always try to encourage you to be bolder too. A different class from you this year.
Infinite members: (can fight too)
gentle, slightly stingy but very kind hearted and calm
 bubbly, talkative, smiles a lot, a little bit of a playboy
smiles occasionally but laughs a lot if you are close with him, playful
Silent, peaceful personality, smiles but very seldom (best fighter)
Childish, very sweet, talkative 
Smiles a lot, friendly, although he looks feminine he is actually not like that
Very clumsy, sweet, generous, caring, soft-hearted
Talkative, witty, playful, sharp tongued, yet caring
Silent, caring, observant
Cute but does aegyo very rarely, sweet, protective, playful
Super junior: (rare appearances) senior kingkas
Girls generation: (rare appearances) senior queenkas
Kara: (junior)
Old childhood friends from another school 
Older brother, very protective, extremely popular with girls and was ex kingka of your school but no one really knows
Your brother's best friends


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Chapter 4: So I'm here to comment at long last! I said I was going to earlier but then life got in the way...darn you life! But, life is on the back burner for awhile as I comment so here we go!

I didn't read anything about the characters in the foreward. Why? Because I dislike doing that. I mean, I have nothing against writers who put bios about their characters in the foreward, all power to you! I mean, I'm just not going to remember all that little stuff about them Taemin being cute as opposed to Minho who is he again? See, I don't even remember. Though, I guess it's all because of my own y memory.

As for the story itself, it's about an invisible character right? So, I didn't expect it to take the turn it has at all. I was definitely expecting something totally different. What was this something different? Well, I won't go into the details about it. But, your description and title don't match the story for me so far. We'll see how you take it, I'm sure it'll be interesting! :D The content itself is good though! The main character's personality is very fair, very normal, not cliche. I like that :)

This isn't a review, this is just what I think of the story so far, okay?

Also, JYP is there? What? He has time for that? Well I guess he does get around hahaha.
rion_01 #2
Chapter 2: This's nice^^ Somehow, I'm looking forward to Jonghyun. lol Update soon~ <3
Chapter 2: i really like it so far :D your writing is good! fighting!
Jewellovestaemin #4
You said to come and read your fanfic... Hmm I has to say that I'm interested so update!