
What I Mean To You


At first glance, most people assumed Baekhyun was gay in a stereotypically flamboyant way because of his love for eyeliner and glitter but in fact, in the nearly six years of knowing him- Kai had come to learn that appearances don’t always reflect personalities. Out of all his friends, Baekhyun was the most reserved. He liked his privacy and Kai had never met even one of his past boyfriends. He heard about them from time to time, Baek complaining briefly about how so-and-so (Kai never quite caught their names) refused Baekhyun’s ideas of spontaneous and romantic Paris trips because they were “economically irresponsible,” even though Baekhyun was an heir in his own right and could buy a piece of Paris if he wanted.


His friend fell for down-to-earth types, ones with less prominent fame and more underground connections and respect. He claimed that was the only way to meet anyone decent, that everyone at the top was apparently too warped in their own bull. Kai didn’t know whether he agreed with this or not but he admired Baekhyun’s determination to do whatever he felt like doing, to reject any status quo they’d grown up with.


So he couldn’t be completely mad at getting into the opening party of what was sure to be a successful club in the long run, like all of Baekhyun’s previous projects. Except he also knew it had an expiration date. Baek liked to create from scratch, making dreams come to life, but he quickly moved onto the next thing while others may have chosen to cling harder.


Kai wasn’t a psychiatrist but something about it made him wonder if Baekhyun was avoiding the risk of disappointment and commitment. Maybe he’d been hurt too much once before.


“What are you thinking so attentively about?” Luhan nudged him in the truck. The afternoon had flown by at hyperspeed. Sehun had insisted they go shopping for new clothes since all of his stuff was supposedly “last season.” Of course, a diva can’t shop alone because then no one’s around to compliment them- that meant dragging Kai around, along with Kyungsoo and Luhan who, naturally, didn’t have any complaints because shopping sprees were always Sehun’s treat.


Kai looked down at his black jeans, grey studded tank top, and leather jacket as if just realizing what he was wearing. It was okay, he decided. He was used to these types of clothes during performances but he always felt more home in sweats. Kyungsoo had also changed. The clothes that’d nearly made him have a breakdown were replaced. He’d protested any color, as well, saying he wasn’t really into standing-out. Not like Sehun who had opted to wear... well Kai wasn’t sure what it was but there was some hot pink and baby blue going on. Luhan had taken a similar route only with lilac and a bright yellow.


Kai rolled his eyes, thinking about how into themselves they could be. But better overconfident than not confident at all.


“I’m wondering how I got myself into this,” he said, just as Sehun pulled into up to the front of the building, he couldn’t see it clearly because it was so dark out. Apparently, the earliest club openings start at is 9 pm.


“Watch, by the end of the night, you’ll be wishing we came sooner,” Luhan said, reaching over Kai and opening the door. “Now, hurry up and get out before all the cute guys are taken.”


Kai followed Luhan’s orders, not wanting to be lectured anymore. It wasn’t that he didn’t like parties or fun in general, though his friends might say otherwise, but these kind of sets up turned sour easily. These big get-togethers with numerous idols, pretending they’d never heard of each other when they probably spent a few hours on AsianWiki making sure they did know everyone. He prefered more organic settings, more variety and experiences. He hated socialites. They were the people he’d attended school for too long with, the people that sneered at anyone “lesser” than them and grew up to be the same people that insisted they were his friend. The more he worked, the more he earned, the more they wanted to take his name and use it for themselves. Oh, yeah, Kim Jongin. I went to school with him. We were great friends. Not.


Kai snapped out of these thoughts as he felt a hand around his wrist.


“Hey, aren’t I suppose to be the quiet, mysterious one,” Kyungsoo said, wrinkles in his forehead from worry. “What’s up?”


Kai let out a breath, in hopes his anxiety could be blown out from his mouth, banished from his body.






What a terrible host he was to Kyungsoo. Shouldn’t he be the one needing taken care of?


“I don’t believe you,” Kyungsoo gripped tighter. The truck pulled away from the curb on the other side of them, a valet had taken the keys from Sehun who was now whispering something into Luhan’s ear- both boys were turned and unaware of the conversation behind them.


“I never was good at lying,” Kai responded. But before either of them could say anything else, Sehun called over that it was time to go in and the comfortable weight of Kyungsoo’s hand was dropped from Kai’s wrist, making him feel half empty for some reason. He tried to push the gathering thoughts aside, the muddled feelings that were beginning to clog up mental drains that had just been cleared from his somewhat vacation in America. Didn’t he leave to become better? But here it was beginning to crash back down again.


Going through the main entrance and entering the club itself was like going through a cave. Many exclusive hot spots would’ve had bouncers stopping them on their way in, checking for names but Sehun, Luhan, Kai, a.k.a. The Trio by others, were clearly recognizable as they seemed to strut in, looking straight ahead like they’d been there multiple times already. The only one having trouble was Kyungsoo, who bumped into a wall twice and almost tripped over his own foot.


They could hear the faint sound of SNSD’s “Oscar” being played over chatter, as a shorter but equally stunning man appeared before them as if summoned automatically by their presence.


“So glad you could make it,” he said, already pulling Kai into a tight hug.


“Look at this blatant favoritism,” Sehun huffed. Baekhyun stood on his tiptoes, looking over Kai’s shoulder and sticking out a tongue.


“I haven’t seen Kai in forever, whereas I can’t seem to get rid of you,” Baekhyun explained as if that’d make it better. Luhan snickered at the two.


Not wanting for Kyungsoo to feel out of place, Kai hurriedly began introductions.


“You said we could bring dates so, this is Kyungsoo,” he pulled Kyungsoo over by his jacket sleeve so he became a part of the group.


“Date?” Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, before smiling and shaking Kyungsoo's hand. His eyes framed by black ink and silver glitter. He didn’t look entirely feminine to Kyungsoo though, not like others might look if they wore the same style. But he didn’t look entirely masculine either. His face was welcoming and there was a natural iness about him, but his height made him seem smaller and less intimidating. He was like a well trained puppy that could play well but bite well too if need be.


“Not date-date, but you know, like date,” Kai attempted to explain but it sounded so middle school. Do you like him or do you like-like him? Do you love him are or you in love with him? It was stupid.


“Ah, I see,” Baekhyun said, but the way he said it said otherwise. “Well, I’m a very important person so I must attend to other guests. In the meantime, look around. And loosen up, Kai. Good meeting you, Kyungsoo. We’ll need to talk some more later.” And then he disappeared just as quick.


“I still think he’s secretly a magician,” Luhan said, already forgetting which direction Baekhyun headed off in. Kyungsoo silently cursed himself for remaining so strange and speechless, like always. He didn’t even say a word and yet Baekhyun wanted them to “talk some more.” That would be great, if he knew how to talk.


“He always has these projects and we never hear about them until they’re over. It probably took a year to set this place up and I’ve only known about it for two days now. And I see him all the time,” Luhan continued, as they eased more into the crowd, which began to part almost subconsciously. Like no one actually saw them but they all knew it was time to move.


“I wonder if Kris will be here,” Sehun said, slipping his phone out his pocket, scrolling through his contacts list. “You saw him at that restaurant right?”



“Yeah, he looked good. Way healthier than the last time I saw him,” Kai said. Kyungsoo wondered what that meant. “But the job’s only temporary. I think the original conductor is sick or something.”


“Why are we talking about people, when we should be meeting people?” Luhan complained, grabbing Sehun’s phone.


“Ay!” Sehun reached over to grab it back but Luhan began backing away like a master leading his dog away with a treat.


“Come on, boy, good dog,” he smirked and in a blink was lost in the crowd.


“Luhan!” Sehun chased after him.


There was no telling what could happen if that phone got in the wrong hands. Sehun’s contact list could rival an old school book, except these numbers were worth literal gold.


“They’re such children,” Kai laughed. “If only they fessed up more than they joked.”


Kyungsoo looked at Kai from the side.


“What do you mean?”


Kai looked at Kyungsoo from the side.


“What do you mean, what do I mean? They’re totally in love.”


“How do you know that?”


“Because... I just... I do, okay?” Kai sputtered out lamely. “The way they play around and talk and stuff.”


“And stuff?” Kyungsoo questioned, errily reminding Kai of Sehun making fun of his “terminology” days before.


“Hey, you’re suppose to be on my side. Sehun and Luhan. You and me. That’s how it’s set up, remember?”


You and me.


Kyungsoo blinked.


“If I’m going to be on your side, you better gain a better vocabulary and stop butting into people’s love lives,” he teased, walking away.


Kai’s mouth dropped at the action. This was out of character for Kyungsoo. Just when Kai thought he had the other figured out, he flipped a switch.


If that’s the way you want to play. Watch me change just as quick.

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Chapter 8: I need an update please omg... I don't have too much hope because the last time it was updated was like two years ago but still... Please :(
Eunhyeshi #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon TT
it is really good..
Chapter 8: Woah, I really think soo is someone important..maybe rich..but got into some shady stuff...and that all of them have some secrets...I really like this story. I can't wait to read the next update
yenhanguyen #4
Chapter 8: you. must. update. NOWWW~~~~~~~~
Chapter 8: omg cries...i need more T^T
aweensofea #6
Chapter 8: I love this fic already! Hehe... please update.^^
MeiXiah #7
New reader!! Loving this fic so far because Kyungsoo is just so adorable and asdfghjkl. (Jongin don't lie, I know why you don't want Kyungsoo to leave... you find him adorable too!) Seriously can't wait for the next chapter^^
Please update soon. Please.^_^