

Season 1 Episode 1





                             (As the teens walk home afterschool, they all talk about how they are excited for the party they are all going to be at.)


Ryan: Finally it’s Friday.


Regina: I can't believe we are going to Chad's party.


Nick: What do you mean? Don't you always get invited?


Regina: Of course I do!


James:  So who's bringing the alcohol?


Ryan: I thought Chad said he'll be the one providing it?


Arianna: Is anyone else going to the party? I didn't hear anyone else talking about it?


Regina:  Well it is on the Down Low party. I hope hoe you didn't tell anyone.


Arianna: Come on, you think I am going to tell everyone?


Ryan:   well you are always trying to sleep with someone.


Arianna: Shut up you , I am not.


Ryan:   I was just joking.


Regina: well this is my house, I'll see you guys later.


            (Everyone waves goodbye)


Nick: Do you think she likes me?


James:  I don't think so.


Ryan: Ah you have a crush. Ha-ha


Arianna: Leave him alone. So what if he does.


Ryan:   Dam Arianna always protecting him, we were just messing with him.


Arianna:  What ever I'm going home.


            (Ryan is the only one who says, "Goodbye.")


Ryan:   Goodbye


(As the guys walk they notice a man who has been following them. they all look behind their selves, and then turn back and continue walking)


James: Why is that guy following us?


Ryan:   I don't know that is kind of weird.


Nick:   well this is my house right here, I'm going home.


            (James and Nick say, "Goodbye." At the same time)


Ryan:   So, James. I was wondering if you want to come over and play some Ps3?


James:  I can't, I have a lot of homework to do, but maybe later I can.


Ryan:   okay, Hit me up when you finish, Kay?


James: Kay, Bye


Ryan:   See ya!

(Ryan is the last one walking and he still notices the guy walking behind him, he rushes to get home and he falls)


Ryan : < Screaming> Ow! My leg. Someone help.

(The mysterious man approaches him)


Ryan :< Scared> Stay back! Leave me alone!


Mystery man: I can help you, and you dropped your phone. Is this one your house?


Ryan: Oh I did?  Thanks, and yeah this one, sorry for being rude, I guess I was kind of scared.


Mystery Man: You ought to be this is a scary neighborhood. Well I'm Frank. Nice to meet you.


Ryan: Nice to meet you Frank. Well thank you for helping me walk home. I guess I'll see you around?


Frank: I guess. Well bye.


Ryan: Bye.

(Ryan is at home and he calls Nick)


Ryan: You know that guy that was following us?


Nick: Yeah, why?


Ryan:  He seems cool. He helped me up and took me to my front door.


Nick: He what? Why did he do that?


Ryan: well first of all I dropped my phone and he came to give it back, but then I fell and I kind of scrapped my knee. So he helped me up and took me to my front door.


Nick: That’s crazy. Did you get your phone back?


Ryan: No he kept it, of course how’d you think I called you?


Nick: !


Ryan: Whatever, I’ll talk to you later okay?


Nick: sure, bye.


Ryan: Peace. 


(Everyone is getting ready for the party.)



Ryan: What’s taking him so long? I wish he’d hurry up.



James: Dam bro, calm down it’s just me.


Ryan: Dude what the hell?


James: Aw sorry man, I didn’t think you would be so easily scared.


Ryan: I was not scared!


James: Don’t trip chocolate chip. I won’t say anything.



Ryan: Finally, what took you so long?


Nick: I was getting ready.




Nick; What the… What are you doing?


James: I had nothing better to do, so I guess I’m going with you guys, to the party.


Ryan: In other words, he doesn’t have internet.


Nick :< Laughs>

James: Just drive to go get Regina and Arianna.




Regina: What took so long?


Ryan: James tagged along and Nick took forever getting ready.


Arianna: We had gotten ready quick, why’d you take so long Nick?


Nick: I had stuff to do.


Regina: well I hope we aren’t late.


Arianna: Damn Regina always complaining.


Regina: Well sorry if I want to go to the party on time.


Arianna:  Well we aren’t late, you always yelling Nick.


Ryan: Ladies, ladies enough of the yelling in my car.


Nick: Look Regina I’m sorry for taking so long, okay.


Regina: Well okay. We are already late, what can I do.


James: That’s the spirit, let’s go to the party!


Regina: Where is everyone?


Arianna: This is weird let’s just go home.


Ryan: I did not drive all the way over here just to go home. Let’s get down and see.


James: Yeah I agree with Regina, let’s go back home it looks to weird.


Nick: Quite being scared and come on.


James, Arianna, and Regina: Fine.


Ryan & Nick: Finally let’s go.



Robbie: Sup guys what took so long?


Ryan: It was hard finding this pl...


Regina: Where is everyone at?


Robbie: Oh they’re down in the basement, come on.



Nick: This is a cool party.


Robbie: Thanks well, go talk to people.


James: Sup girl, what’s good?


Random Girl#1: As if!


James: Don’t be like that come on talk to me.


RG#1:  No get away loser.


James: Fine, be like that then, I’ll see you around I guess.




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