
The Emergence of Fears



Read this:- This is a surprise chapter and a double update. Please do read Chapter 24 before you read this.

Warning:- Use of profanity.


♥규 성♥


The perfect life they had to together, resting in Kyuhyun’s arms listening to him tell him about his day, the perfect existence, lost in the emotions coursing through his veins. He was so happy, living the life that he was probably always supposed to live. It would never get better than that. They were one with each other, in the most wonderful relationship, filled with love and affection and care. He could get lost in the feeling of being with Kyuhyun, to share such a never ending love. The idea of being the one Kyuhyun loved was surreal or the thought that they could be with each other in such absolute bliss was too much for his heart to bear.

There they were, written before his very eyes, a perfect love story that he was part of, a tale of love and understanding and happiness. It was all before his very eyes.

It was real, wasn’t it? It was not just some fanciful dream! It couldn’t be a fanciful creation or some elaborate delusion from a messed up mind. As he watched the words before his eyes, his heart ached, a cracking painful shattered sound as the first tear escaped his eyes.

♥규 성♥


 “Hyung...Yesungie hyung” Kyuhyun called out to the man sitting on the couch, clearly not paying attention to the television he was supposedly watching, eyes instead trained to the Ipad on his laps, Kyuhyun squinting a little as it seemed that Yesung was reading something...something rather wordy actually, coming up to him.

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun greeted again as he slide into the seat next to Yesung, his hands going to his shoulder closest to him to try and get his hyung’s attention, Yesung still caught up with whatever he was reading.

“Oh Kyu ah….hello” Yesung acknowledged in a low voice, turning to Kyuhyun for a split second before he turned away, hiding his eyes from the younger, pulling the protective covering over his Ipad.

“Hyung, are you crying?” Kyuhyun asked with a little anxiousness, Yesung’s eyes red and voice gruff when he addressed him, then pulling away a little from Kyuhyun, looking ready to bolt, Kyuhyun’s curiosity piqued instantly, the vain of worry flashing through him. Yesung rarely cried, so what could compel him to be that emotional?

“What? No!” Yesung protested vehemently, but it only came out sounding rather petulant, cheeks turning red in embarrassment and trying to just get up and leave but Kyuhyun had him rather corned as it were, the soft cushions that had made him comfortable, now holding him prisoner, wondering why he had not noticed Kyuhyun enter the room.

“Why are you crying? Was it because of what you were reading?” Kyuhyun asked rapidly, eyeing Yesung like a hawk, his eyes darting between Yesung and the Ipad that he had cradled in his arms protectively, Yesung still insisting on looking away, more than likely trying to get the redness to leave his eyes.

“I’m not crying. I’m just tired” Yesung defended, turning to look at Kyuhyun when he was confident that his eyes had no traces of the few tear drops he had shed earlier. It really was just a couple, caught in the emotion for a moment and forgetting that he was outside. He could curse his stupid eyes that got fluffy even if it were just a few drops of tears, hoping that the redness had subsided.

“Don’t believe you” Kyuhyun informed looking Yesung up and down, noting that his eyes were red and slightly puffy and whilst tiredness was common, there was always a difference when he cried. Years being in the same band together had taught him that.

The eases solution was to just figure out why than to wait for him to tell him. Yesung was not much of the sharing type and whilst that was normally find, Kyuhyun was rather intent on finding out what would made Yesung even one teardrop. He suspected it had to do something with what he was reading and the fact that Yesung had shut the covering over the gadget meant that he was not that far off from the truth. He was therefore certain that the answer lay on that screen, quickly reaching for the device, pulling out of Yesung’s small useless hands before he knew what hit him, pulling the covering from it in a flash, grinning when he realized that Yesung didn’t have it password protected, sliding the arrow across as Yesung finally reacted, a hand reaching to take the Ipad away, Kyuhyun already onto the device, spotting the words. Yesung was finally alert enough to protest insisting that Kyuhyun give it back, tugging at his hand, Kyuhyun smartly pulling himself from the couch, holding the device further away, reading the content on the screen.

“You are reading fanfiction? And it made you cry?” Kyuhyun questioned in disbelieve, that quickly turned to mocking as he turned to look at Yesung, shaking his head in fake reprimand as Yesung paled a little, not answering him immediately, just trying to stand, his cheeks a burning red.

“Stop being such a brat and give it back to me” Yesung demanded as steadily as possible, which wasn’t really that steady since his heart was in his freaking mouth and he was burning from the embarrassment. He can’t believe he was caught reading fanfiction and by Kyuhyun of all people. Why couldn’t the earth just swallow him whole? He was desperate to retreat to ...anywhere else, but he had to get that damn Ipad back before Kyuhyun saw the rest. He would never be able to face the younger man again.

“Why are you so anxious?” Kyuhyun teased, holding the Ipad as far above his head as possible, Yesung trying to get to it, on his tippy toes as it was but still too far out of his reach, his arm length, despite his relative height being pretty short, not even close to Kyuhyun’s large span. Kyuhyun found it rather interesting how flustered Yesung seemed to be. Clearly he was missing something.

He waited for Yesung to pull away to catch his breath, his short thin legs unable to stay on his toes for a prolonged period, pulling away to straighten himself or find some other way to get the device back since he certainly couldn’t reach it that way, wondering if he could just punch Kyuhyun in the stomach and just take it back? Would that be too violent? By the time he was wondering how to seize the device and reclaim it, Kyuhyun used the time as an opportunity to read the content that had Yesung so flustered, bringing to his eyes to read a few lines, spotting his name in awkward Korean sentences.

“ are reading fanfiction about us?” Kyuhyun laughed, Yesung turning to look at his sharply before he looked rather defeated, face so red he looked like a stoplight, body drawing into himself from the embarrassment,  Kyuhyun laughing as he read more, this time aloud.

‘Kyuhyun drew delicate lines across the plains of Yesung’s smooth cheeks, the older man making a sound of appreciation, warm , low and sinfully husky’

“How do your ‘sounds of appreciation’ really sound like Hyung? Are they ‘low and sinfully husky’?” Kyuhyun continued to tease, eyes scanning the words before him and looking at Yesung with mischievous teasing eyes, the older man wanting to disappear, wondering if it would more awkward if he ran way or if he tried to act nonchalant. As it was nonchalance was hard, his heart pounding in his chest, the embarrassment endless.

“Just give it back to me Kyuhyun” Yesung asked in a small voice, the words low and pained and really, why couldn’t he just leave, reaching a hand out to get back the device, but Kyuhyun was still busy reading and laughing. Was the idea of both of them so laughable anyway?

“This writer is insane. Why are you reading this anyway? Everyone knows that I only love Sungmin hyung” Kyuhyun questioned with a chuckle, the words before him rather foreign, the language convoluted, seemingly translated to Korean from some other language.

He was a little surprised when he saw his name, wondering why he was there in the story, only to realize that it was a fiction about him and Yesung hyung. That was rather strange. He thought everyone knew that he only loved Sungmin hyung, He didn’t realize that there were crazy fans that thought otherwise.

Weirdos...the lot of them.

Everyone knew that Kyumin was real anyway. Why the hell was Yesung reading that anyway? He turned to the man looking for answers, Yesung looking embarrassed and sort of sad.

“Just give me back my freaking Ipad  Kyuhyun” Yesung stated lowly, his embarrassment being pushed to the side as the sadness took over, feeling that he was being mocked. He was just curious and he wanted to know what it would be like if he ever admitted what those flutters meant. He was sorry he did it now, feeling a bitterness in his throat and an aching burn in his chest.

Kyumin was real’...........A dream...a crazy delusion

When the younger man just continued to laugh at sentences and repeat that he thought the writer was insane, Yesung just wanted to deck him and go home and sob, sorry that he ever came to the dorm, sorry that he ever read that stupid story and even more sorry that he let himself feeling that goddamn flutter to begin with, sorry that he was foolish enough to think it was real.

When Kyuhyun laughed and said he would show Sungmin the story, Yesung couldn’t do it anymore. Without another word he balled his tiny fingers into a fist and aimed it at Kyuhyun’s midriff. He didn’t have the heart  to actually hurt him, just hard enough to stun him, Kyuhyun sputtering from the impact, lowering the Ipad and letting his guard down, Yesung grabbing it from his hands as quickly as he could.

With one last look at the pained Kyuhyun, Yesung grabbed his bag and bolted for the door. The second his feet cleared the doorway the first teardrop fell.  The sound of Kyuhyun’s voice calling out to him dying in his ear as he wiped his tear drops, walking as quickly as he could....anyway but here.

Why was he such a fool?

♥규 성♥


Kyuhyun was concerned. Seriously concerned at that. Yesung seemed to be genuinely crying and he had no idea what to do. He teased sometimes but he hated Yesung’s tears. His mind was in a panic and he was desperate. What was he supposed to do? The sight was too painful for him and Yesung was not answering him.  With his heart pounding on in his chest, tried again.

“Yesung hyung! Yesung hyung.....Hyung, wake up” Kyuhyun pleaded softly, hands shaking Yesung’s shoulder gently, the other hand at his cheek , wiping away a few teardrops, the older man silent but his face was contorted slightly, whatever he was dreaming about clearly hurting him.

Kyuhyun woke up a few minutes prior to the sound of a sniffle, shocked that someone was sniffling and even more shocked that he had heard it. He was traditionally a heavy sleeper but for some reason or the other the sound at woke him, groggy at first but coming to his sense when he felt the wetness against his collarbone, eyes darting to the man asleep in his arms.

He was instantly terrified that Yesung was sad again, that he was upset and crying and Kyuhyun was ready to die. When he realized that Yesung was still asleep, he didn’t know if to be grateful that it wasn’t real or be even more concerned that something was so upsetting that Yesung was actually moved to tears in his dreams. He gazed at him for a few painful seconds, hoping that Yesung would wake up on his own, but when that didn’t happen he panicked a little. The first gentle push did nothing to wake him and Kyuhyun saw a couple fresh tear drops. By that time he was frantic to wake him, twisting his body so that he could cradle him whilst he woke him.

Kyuhyun’s heart nearly stopped when Yesung opened his eyes, the first emotion he saw there was sadness and then the mix of confusion and distress, eyes red and showing signs of the watery beads that were housed there. Yesung didn’t speak as yet, eyes darting about the place and up and down Kyuhyun, the younger man instantly wrapping a protective hand around his waist and pulling flush against his body, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he whispered soothing words to him, holding him tightly as Yesung adjusted to being awake and perhaps dispelled whatever dream he was having.

“Kyu ah” Yesung nearly sobbed, voice rough and sleep drunken but filled with relief and affection, pushing his body forcibly forward, twisting on his side as well, wrapping his hands around Kyuhyun’s body, burrowing as close as possible, sinking his head into Kyuhyun’s chest, holding on as close as possible, thankfully not crying anymore, just taking deep breathes, drawing as much of Kyuhyun as he could, wanting to get lost in Kyuhyun’s embrace and never leave. That was where he belonged, and he was never going to let go, hands tightening even more, so close that he was probably cutting of circulation in Kyuhyun’s body.

“Hyung what’s wrong? What happened?” Kyuhyun questioned gently, clearly seeing that Yesung was rather upset, not bothering with the fact that he could barely breathe, more so the fact that Yesung was so upset that he felt that he had to hold on to Kyuhyun for dear life. Kyuhyun was determined to soothe him, grateful that the tears seemed to cease now that he was awake, hugging him tightly against his body, cooing soft words in his ear and soft kisses in its wake, trying to make the older man feel better.

“It was awful Kyuhyun ah. I had this bad dream and it was so sad....everything was just a fanfiction. All of this was a fanfic and we weren’t real and you laughed at me and it hurt so much...It wasn’t real. You didn’t love me” Yesung cried against Kyuhyun’s chest, his words long winded and rambled and just infinitely sad especially with the way his voice broke as he said them, clearly painful for him to remember, burrowing closer into Kyuhyun’s body if that were possible, his breathe ragged and the tears held at bay by sheer will power.

He didn’t know what he would have done if it was all a joke , if it was some overly detailed fanfiction that seemed real, that tricked into thinking that he and Kyuhyun were happy together. He couldn’t bear the thought of Kyuhyun not loving him. It was horrifying to him. He had to be real. It just had to be. Kyuhyun had to love him and be his and they were supposed to be idiots in love and do stupid cheesy things and hold hands and sleep in each other’s arms.

He was so upset at the thought of losing everything that he held dear that he didn’t even care about concealing it from Kyuhyun. He needed Kyuhyun’s love and comfort and reassurance in that second. Even if he was being foolish, he needed Kyuhyun with him and it was about time that he let Kyuhyun help him ease his pain rather than holding it all back. He was sure that he needed Kyuhyun in his life and with that dream still in his mind, he didn’t want to ever let go. He refused to let it all be in his imagination.

He nearly sobbed when he opened his eyes and saw Kyuhyun looking at him like that, looking at him the way he always looked at him, not like the Kyuhyun in his dream. Here it was real, not just some elaborate fanfiction that he was holding onto to make the pain of loving someone that didn’t love him go away. He just wanted to hold on to Kyuhyun forever and never dream and never think about things like that again, burying his nose into Kyuhyun’s upper body, inhaling the sweet scent of apples, wanting to settle his pounding heart.

“Of course I love you” Kyuhyun soothed, repeating it a third and fourth time, kissing Yesung’s temple as much as he could, soothing away all the pain and heartache as he could, the words uttered by the older man indeed painful. He couldn’t imagine what he would do if he had dreamt something like that, the idea that Yesung was not his and their life together was not real was unfathomable, something that he would never be able to tolerate and he supposed it was a similar feeling for Yesung as well, holding him close until he was better.

Kyuhyun was not sure how long he just held on to Yesung, arms wrapped around the older man protectively filling his ear with sweet whispers, genuine confessions of ‘I love you’s” and “it’s real” and I’ll be okay” littered through the words, hands rubbing soothing along Yesung’s back, just breathing him in and assuring him that he was with him, that he had nothing worry about. After a while, Yesung seemed to settle, his hands no longer death grips but soft caresses, shifting a little from Kyuhyun to breathe a little independently, settling himself a little.

“This isn’t a fanfic right?” Yesung asked once more, voice still caught but this time he seemed much less panicked and more settled, simply wanting to be sure, wanting to have Kyuhyun deny it to him, looking at the younger man in the eye, Kyuhyun smiling at him warmly, seemingly pleased that Yesung was much less upset now.

“Of course it isn’t” Kyuhyun assured, a hand sliding upwards to caress Yesung’s cheek, looking him dead in the eye with love and affection, making it clear that whatever they had was very much real and Yesung never had to worry about that, Yesung smiling at him weakly, too tired from the stress, but his heart was indeed feeling much better, pushing that hateful nightmare to the recesses of his mind, never to be thought about ever again if he could help it.

“Plus this would be too boring to ever be a fanfic” Kyuhyun joked lightly, chuckling as Yesung looked at him quizzically, then pulling a face when realized what Kyuhyun at said, looking at him with displeasure.

“Yah! We aren’t boring!” Yesung defended just for the sake of it. Why was Kyuhyun calling the story of their life together boring anyway? Did he not like to time they spend together? He knew it was not the most active, but Yesung rather liked it, feeling sad again, lips twisting into a pout, Kyuhyun seemingly reading his mind, leaning down to kiss him gently, mumbling against his lips that he didn’t mean it like that, hugging close once more.

“I only meant that if this was a fanfic we would have ed on every flat surface imaginable a long time ago” Kyuhyun elaborated to be clear, laughing at the idea of it all. He had seen only a few of them but from what the others said, that was normally what fanfics contained anyway. Their existence together and the easy pace of their relationship didn’t suit the classic fanfiction mould in the least. No one would be stupid enough to write a fanfic that boring really.

“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! How can you say that? Don’t say things like that!” Yesung protested scandalized for some strange reason, was not that strange, since he was still so shy about things like that, whacking Kyuhyun across the shoulder, reprimanding him about using bad words and saying things like that so blatantly, his cheeks a blazing red, glaring at Kyuhyun before he retreated to hide in his chest as he waited for his cheeks to soften a little, Kyuhyun just chuckling at his cuteness, telling him as much.

“We are just too boring for this to be a fanfic Hyung. People have lots of in those and they call each other by sickeningly cute names and they go to cheesy places and someone always has a deadly disease or is being abused or something. We would be the most boring fanfic ever. No one would waste their time writing something like that. Face it Hyung...we have no drama” Kyuhyun explained cheekily, snickering through some of what he said, shaking his head at the concept of it all. They were definitely much too vanilla for fanfiction. Now that that Yesung was feeling better he could laugh about it freely and it was indeed hilarious. Like seriously, is there anyone stupid enough to write something so endlessly boring? He hoped not. He adored his time with Yesung and would not trade it for the world, the exact existence that they both needed, but sincerely terrible as fanfiction material.

“You are laughing at me now aren’t you” Yesung questioned, having the sneaking feeling that Kyuhyun was laughing at his dream. Now that he was feeling better, he supposed he could see why it would be funny. From all the fanfics he had read none were really as simple as his and Kyuhyun’s relationship. He couldn’t claim their love story was the thing of legend or even good fiction to be honest. That still didn’t give Kyuhyun the right to laugh at his nightmare though. It was such a horrifying feeling for him.

“I am” Kyuhyun confirmed with a chuckle, leaning down to kiss Yesung softly on lips, stopping any protest that he was thinking about making in that moment, now just enjoying the amusement.

“Brat” Yesung breathed, rolling his eyes as he snuggled back into Kyuhyun’s chest, the sleepiness from before returning now that he was more relaxed and the nightmare was purged from his mind, the affection in his heart for the younger most certainly tangible, settling against his chest comfortably.

“Though you may be on to something. Eunhyuk says that some of them are better than . Who knows.....maybe one day we could use them as a guide or checklist for all the interesting things we can do” Kyuhyun suggested, only half serious, but not actually dismissing what he said as a joke. It would be something that he kept in mind for sure, whenever he and Yesung took the next step in their relationship.

“Stop being a and go back to sleep” Yesung dismissed, smiling a little at Kyuhyun’s crazy thought, though he couldn’t say he would put it past him, Kyuhyun rather amusing he decided, shaking his head, closing his eyes.

“See? If this really was a fanfic, you would be my name all now” Kyuhyun continued to tease, liking the idea of supposing what they would be doing if it were a fanfiction, chuckling to himself as Yesung lifted his head to glare at him, his cheeks red again, Kyuhyun finding it all to be alot of fun.

“What am I going to do with you?” Yesung shook his head in resignation, really having no idea what he was supposed to do with the little demon, who now decided that teasing should be his pastime.

“Well if it was a fanfic then-“ whatever Kyuhyun was going to say was cut off when Yesung kissed him, a nice soft imitate kiss, lips moving sensually with each other, Kyuhyun’s breathe caught and heart happy, Yesung finally pulling away to instruct the younger man to go to sleep, Kyuhyun letting them get comfortable with each other, watching Yesung go back to sleep .

The most boring fanfiction ever.....he wouldn’t have it any other way, pressing a kiss to Yesung’s hair, closing his eyes, saying a pray to the heaven’s, asking the heavenly creator to keep Yesung’s dreams safe, and to keep him happy in his arms, never to be released and to always be happy.

SO------------> Happy April’s Fool!

Kyumin real?? LMAO


Author’s Note:

This little part is just me messing around. I shall admit that I did think about making it all one just big dream just for the hell of it all...lmao.

It comes up to a total of 92,508 words , 97K when this little bit of fun is added to it. It was not a particularly difficult story to write but shall remain one of favourites. It was a good opportunity to test myself as a writer and I thank you all for being here with me.

So ends The Emergence of Fears and what is supposed to be my tenure as a writer. That was the intention anyway. As it is now, I will try my best to hold on until Yesung enlist for sentimentality purposes. I have come to realise that I am probably not cut out for fanfiction or writing as a whole. As this omake points out rather effectively….lol..

 Kyusung has always been a great comfort for me. I will cherish my time with them. Not sure how many stories are to come but I do have some already written, so will publish them at random and I will try my hardest to wrap up the continuum.

Sometimes it was great, other times it was frustrating, but I still thank you all.

Cheers :)

P.S- Kyusung Day is on the 13th of April. I hope everyone celebrates :)

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 25: What a soul stirring and very emotional fic. The effort and thought put into it makes it the awesome story it is. Thank you <3
vpurple #2
Chapter 25: omg this was so, so, so incredible i don't even know what to say!!!! you're such a ridiculously talented author, i was completely mesmerised by this story. their emotions were so vivid in the early chapters, i actually had to pause to calm down because kyuhyun's anger was so relatable lmao!! and the fluff was soooo sweet and lovely i want to cry. you captured their relationship so wonderfully, it was a joy to read!! this beautiful story will definitely stay with me for a very long time, thank you so much for writing and sharing <3 <3 <3
lov_fan_Y #3
Chapter 25: I've read all your stories in order ... and I don't want them to end.
I love how you write, I feel like the characters are so real, I always get angry and jealous just like Kyu.
Thank you for writing such beautiful stories.
Gosh, everytime I go back to read this story I fall in love with it more and more. This has got to be one of my most favorite fanfics of all time! Bless you for tasking the time to write this because I literally love and appreciate every word. I love how individualized they are, they are so well developed here they could practically write themselves. Their train of thoughts are different and unique to them, which makes the story a thousand times more intriguing. I love the whole plot and I thought that this is a very plausible thing to happen to Yesung considering his low self esteem. I can't understand why though because he is absolutely brilliant >_<! Don't worry Yesung, Kyu will never leave you! And Kyu's reactions are soo, well Kyu XD. Though I completely see why he would extremely upset considering Yesung's actions. I just love how much thought you put into their thoughts and never waste a single line of dialogue. I find a lot of writers here will have a lot of dialogue but fail to develop the characters with real description of their perspectives. I guess that's why I love you so much because you take time to do that and then some. It was a lovely read, thank you for this <3.
_tattoorose #5
Chapter 25: I haven't had the time to read the last few chapters because of the uni workload, but now that the things have settled a bit I'm back to indulge my shipper heart.
This ended up being so cuuuuute! It gave me so many feels. And so many kisses and cuddles. They are really precious. You really have a way of making everything so sweet and meaningful.
Good luck with everything you decide to do :)
ice420 #6
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved all the chapters leading to this but this one is such a fun to read :D Not the Yesung hurting part and definitely the pairing you thought up in the dream *glares at you*. OMG, can't believe I haven't commented yet. Sorry for the super long delay. Anyway, a boring fanfic. *rofl* nice one Kyu. But Kyu was right they should've been doing the horizontal tango by now, but hey, your KyuSung writes their own story *winks* You gave me a scare there at the beginning. I thought, what? Then.. okay. Happy April Fools Day!!!

Oh, yeah, Day 2 of Yesung in the military and Kyu is somewhere so I needed a fix. And here I am :D Again, if I haven't said it way to many times, THANK YOU for this. I love it.
Chapter 25: I am so so so proud of you!
You know I love you right?
And I am happy for all the things that you have done as a writer and as a Kyusung shipper. I am saddened by the fact tho that you have put down the pen and decided to end your writing path. You are an awesome writer I do hope you realize that your works will be missed by all of us Kyusung shippers.
But I do not lose hope that one day you will take the pen once more to write for our lovely stupid OTP. ( And hopefully when you do, we might get some more 'intimate' plots and scenarios ;) )
I love how this story turned out. This without a doubt is my fave out of all your 50 something fics ^^
lalilula413 #8
Chapter 25: so, this really is the end? :(
thank you for completing this ^^
i hope I'll see you (and your works) again.
summrxx #9
Chapter 25: This was sooo good! I love how you finished this I was totally fooled for a second where I thought how come they aren't together? What happened? It was a bit cheeky lol
I cannot get over the character development you have managed to create not just in this story but in your entire continuum. Every story will have some tiny action or something they say that has taken them a step further in their relationship. It is so detailed you should be proud to have written this :)
I'm actually not sad its finished cos it was so much fun to read :)
thank you for taking the time and effort to write this and update :) i know it can be hard to find the time to do so so i appreciate the effort you've gone too