The Girl Who Wouldn't Smile

With A Smile

      "How dare you think of running!" the girl yelled then run towards Jaejoong. "Get off that bike!"

      "But I am running late!" Jaejoong told the girl.

      "The hell I care!" the girl yelled at him again. "Look!" she exclaimed pointing at the cartons of milk lying on the streets. "The milks were spilled!"

      "Just please forgive me this time." Jaejoong said flashing his deadly smile at the girl. He also gone an extra mile batting his eyelashes and all. He is not lying. He's running late. He then thought of using his deadly smile to get away from the problem he have caused the girl. But the girl just stared at him. Blink. Blink. Blink. She just continued blinking her eyes while waiting for Jaejoong to say something.

      "Why are you smiling? You think I'm funny?" the girl asked. "Get off that bike this instant!" She then yelled again. Jaejoong was taken a back. She is yelling at me still! What the?! He thought. Nobody have ever yelled at me after I used my smile... Nobody except for Yunho and Max... And dad.

      '"How long are you going to stare at me!?" the girl shouted. "I am running late myself!"

      "Uhmm.. I.. I.. I wil just p-p-pay you t-then." Jaejoong told the girl stuttering. "How m-much are t-they?"

      "You'll hand the payment to our boss directly." the girl said, poker faced. "And you need to do the explaining for me or I will lose my job. Today is my first day... If I lose my job, I will hunt you down. You should get ready to be killed." 

      Jaejoong cannot believe that the girl ignored his smile. Not just ignored it but threatened to kill him as well. Everyone fall for his smile but the girl completely ignored it. He looked at the girl who is just staring at him, waiting for him to say something. He tried to smile at her again but the girl stared at him with a blank face, not the usual I-am-falling-for-you look at he usually get.

      "Are you going to continue smiling at me like an idiot or are we going to go see my boss now?" 

      "Excuse me?" Jaejoong asked. "Smiling like what?!!"

      "Idiot." the girl repeated. Jaejoong cannot believe his ears. She is calling me an idiot!

      "Let's just go and see your boss." Jaejoong said in annoyance. Nobody thought that he looked like an idiot when he is smiling but his girl.

      "This way." the girl said, leading the way. They left his bike and her bicycle on the corner of the street. They walk and walk and Jaejoong didn't a word from the girl.

      "Your name?" Jaejoong asked. The girl turned around and looked at him. "Ahh.. I just thought that it would be best if I know your name while I'm explaining to your boss."

      Blink. Blink. Blink. The girl just stared at Jaejoong then said, "Eri."

      "Eri?" Jaejoong repeated. "I'm Kim Jaejoong." The girl nodded then continued walking. "I think you're younger.. You can the call me oppa." Jaejoong told the girl.

      "You are Mr. Kim Jaejoong and I am going to call you Mr. Kim." The girl said while they're walking. "I have only one oppa and that's my brother." Jaejoong just walked in silence then. All of the girls she knew would call him oppa and follow him around but this girl is different. And what's with the poker face?


       They have reached the office and the girl, Eri, quickly led Jaejoong into her boss' office. She knocked once.. twice.. And someone behind the office door said something and Eri quickly opened the door. 

       "Mrs. Park." Eri started. "I want to tell you something."

       "What is it?" Mrs. Park asked. "Make it fast, I need to do the inventory with Mr. Yoon."

       "The milk.. The one that I am supposed to deliver are all gone because a motorbike accdentally hit my bicycle," Eri told Mrs. Park and the lady doesn't seem amused at all. 

        "That's 3 dozens of milk!" Mrs. Park shouted at her. Jaejoong stood like a statue behind Eri and doesn't know what to say. "This is you first day and you are already causing problems! 3 dozen customers are waiting for their milk and where are they? Gone!!"

        "My apologies." Eri said. "It won't happen in the future. Mr. Kim here is the one who crashed into my bike and he is here to pay for the milk.."

        "Ofcourse it won't ever happen again in the future because I am firing you right this moment." Mrs. Park told her while taking her things ans seems that she is ready to leave the office.

        "Excuse me." Jaejoong began to say. Eri turned around and gave him a blank look.

        "I do not want to hear a single word from you. I just need the payment and we are done." Mrs. Park told him but then he smiled. He smiled at Mrs. Park and seems to be hypnotized by it. 

        "Please let her stay.. It is not her fault but mine." Jaejoong said still smiiling at the lady and like Changmin said the rest is history.

        Jaejoong and Eri went out the office together and they head to the street where they have parked their bike. Eri was able to keep her job with the help of Jaejoong and she's a bit bothered by it. Jaejoong didn't say a lot of things, just one sentence and Mrs. Park promised that she'll keep her. She wondered how Jaejoong was able to do it.

        "How did you..." Eri started but Jaejoong who is walking infront of her suddenly turned around and smiled at her. She raised an eyebrow.

        "You are going to ask on how I was able to change you boss' mind? Right?" Jaejoong said and the girl nodded. "I just flashed my deadly smile at her and all her defenses melted." Jaejoong said confidently.

        "You smiled? That's all?" Eri asked.

        "Ne." Jaejoong said.

        "How are able to do that with just a smile?" the girl asked again.

        "And how are you able to do that?" Jaejoong asked her.

        "Do what?" She asked, wondering what the hell does he mean by his question.

        "Aren't you happy that you are able to keep you job?" Jaejoong asked and took a step or two closer to the girl.

        "I am. So what?"

        "You don't look happy to me, you wouldn't even smile." Jaejoong told her. "How are you able to just show that poker face to me and tell me that you are happy?"

        "I don't know." The girl said. She doesn't remember the last time that she smiled.

        "That's exactly like me!" Jaejoong exclaimed. "I don't know why but for some reason I am able to charm everyone with my smile and they do whatever I ask them to do. Ahh.... not exactly everyone but most people." He corrected himself when he remember that the girl don't show any evidence that she has been charmed by him. 

        "Okay." The girl replied then coninued walking. Jaejoong just watched her as she leaves. I do not understand her. He just stood where the girl left her and before she is out of sight he shouted at him, "Yah!" The girl stopped then turned around. "Yes you! The girl who wouldn't smile! Where are you going?"

       "To my next job." The girl replied loud enough for him to hear then continued walking.

       "I'll make you smile." Jaejoong thought aloud then head to his bike and went to school.

       Jaejoong was sitting with his friends on their spot in the cafeteria, the balcony. He was telling them about the girl he met that morning and the reason why he is late. He was into an argument with Changmin when a girl entered the cafeteria. He looked at her and thought that she is familiar. "It's the girl who wouldn't smile!" Jaejoong exclaimed and his friend hurriedly tried to see the girl which isn't that hard to do since they are in the topmost portion of their cafeteria. He called unto her, "Yah! Eri!"

       The girl stopped and looked around for the person who called her. She looked up and saw Jaejoong in the balcony with two other people that she doens't think she knew. The expression on her face changed. "Uh.. Annyeong Haseyo!" She said then run out of the cafeteria. What is he doing here!? She thought. He even called me by that damn fake name... Grrr! She run until she think that the guy won't be able to find him anymore. In her chest is a name plate and the name that is written there is clearly read as Kim Taeyeon.

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SujuExoTaengLover #1
update. ..... T^T
ametista #2
Please update
lyknessesjae #3
please update..=)
Chapter 32: Huhu, dont be disappointed taeyeon, at least he remembered how you two first met!!! <3 Jaejoong's daddy, dont disturb TaeJae pls ;P I love love love TaeJae moments!!! <3 Update soon~
Chapter 32: lololol if this was a movie, i'd be laughing my off at the last part hahaha
professor jang you silly ><
sweet chapter, please update soon~
amalingoo #6
Chapter 32: sooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee :p
sea0horse #7
Chapter 32: I'm going crazy for them!!!
OhMy~ I don't trust Jaejae, he must looked all the time hahaha
They are so freaking cute together!! Aigoo Prof. Jang don't interrupt their sweet time~~!!
Chapter 32: Aigoo...TaeJae is one crazy couple...fights then goes all gooey and cheesy,ah my head!
Chapter 31: i'm curious at one thing, Who is Tiffany's parent??
Chapter 31: Ermagerd. The last part. It was too adorable~ Jaejoong got his memories back and Taeyeon hugged him tightly. /screams/
KYAAA~ so sooo freakin cute! I'm super glad~ And I also agree to @aurorabelle's comment, "WHO CHANGED TAEYEON'S CLOTHES?"
Anyways, thanks for the update~
Be sure to update soon! ^^