you only have one chance you know?



A very wise and old saying is ‘be careful for what you wish for.’ Honestly I didn’t care about it. Humans around the world are always wishing for things, not giving it a second thought. Humans like to take the easy way out, if there is a problem instead of solving and getting rid of it the right way, they just ‘dispose of it.’ Human nature is like that.


I will not lie, I’m not like that. I try to make things right so they won’t come back in the future. I was never the typical person. Humans are like that.


Don’t run away, turn around and face your faces
Even if the world turns away from you…


…Are you going to be a victim?

Are you going to get lost, looking for an easy way out?


I was human once. I ran away from problems sometimes. But I never looked for the easy way out. I looked for the right way even if it was close to impossible. I was once human, but I’m not anymore. Wrong place, wrong time, and witnessing something I wasn’t supposed to, that’s what changed me. This is my tragic paradise. Which I’m locked in, and there’s no way out. I only have one shot, and I’m gonna make it count.




‘Would you like anything else with that?’

‘No that’s all.’

‘Your total is $1.65 please’




‘Aigoo, finally done with work! I wish I could already have a job I’m good at.’ I was coming home after work. It was the evening of the incident.


‘Eomma! What did you cook today??’ I yelled out, as soon as I stepped into my home.

‘Aigoo this girl, is that how you greet your eomma?’ eomma scolded.

‘Ah, mianheyo eomma. Annyeong! Oneul-eun eotteoseyo?’ I formally greeted her (how are you today)

‘See now that’s better! Im good, and I made deokbbokki, your favourite!’

‘YESSS! Ok I’m gonna wash up and come eat dinner! Ok?’

‘But wait! Before you do that, your brother wants banana milk and we’re out, can you go buy some at the store?’ she asked smiling. She was hopping I would say yes. I usually don’t because I come tired from work, but because of dinner I was extra happy so I said yes. I still wonder if I had said no, and my brother had gone instead, would things turn out differently. Would he be in my shoes right now? Honestly I don’t know if that was the right or wrong decision, but it was the reason my world shattered.




‘Kamzahabnida ajhussi!’ I thanked the man and left with a bag full of banana milk. Daehyun is gonna love this! I started walking towards my house, when around the corner I heard yelling. It had sounded like a fight. You see I was a person who can’t stand bullying, I still can’t. So when I saw there was a fight I had to help. That’s just me, and being me got me into deep trouble.


‘YAH! What are you doing?? Stop fighting!’ I started to walk quickly towards them. There was a bloody guy on the ground, with another bigger guy on top of him. I didn’t know what he was doing to the smaller guy, until I got closer.


My eyes widened and the bag dropped to the ground. Hearing this, the bigger guy turned around hissing. My breath caught in my throat, and my eyes widened even more. We stood there staring at each other. Both of us equally surprised at each other’s presence.


My brain was screaming at me to run, that he will kill me too. But my feet were cemented to the ground. Looked like the same for him. Finally my reflexes clicked with me brain, and I hastily picked up my bag ran like my life depended on it. And it did. I looked back once while running, and noticed he was still in his spot, but I was too far away to see if he was still looking at me or if he went back to what he was doing…






I was in bed. I had burst through the doors and saw that everyone was waiting for me at the dinner table. I had just left the milk on the table and told eomma that I wasn’t feeling well and just wanted to rest. I saw that she was worried about me. But I was too messed up from what happened.


The guy. He was drinking the smaller guy’s blood. Just like a vampire, but they don’t exist! Even if they did they don’t look like him. What is going on?


Thinking of this, my eyes slowly drooped, until I was off to dreamland.






Eomma? I shot up from bed. What’s happening? There was so much yelling and sounds of things breaking. My door burst open. In came a dark shadow. I assumed it was male because of the broad shoulders. My eyes adjusted to the sudden light that had filled into the room, and I saw him again, but this time without blood. But just as breathtaking.


No words spoken, we were just staring at each other. It felt like we had returned to earlier today, when I first saw him. We were staring just like before. He closed the door and locked it. My breath quickened. What is he gonna do to me? I wondered. He’s gonna kill me isn’t he? Because I saw him kill.


Slowly eyes never leaving my terrified ones, he made his way towards me. I felt exposed, I was only wearing a tank and my pj bottoms. He was now fully in front of me and I had to crane my neck to see him. He could look like a princess ih he got rid of all the darkness around him. He bent down to my level. I could feel his soft breath tickling my lips; he was so close to my face. I stared into his eyes, and I could feel everything else melt away. The voices outside my door yelling to open up, I paid no attention. I was lost.

He brought his hand to my cheek and brushed my face with his soft hands. I could feel electricity where his skin made contact with mine. I couldn’t even think clearly. I completely disregarded the fact that I’m about to die.


Moving very slowly brought his forehead and touched to mine. Immediately a soothing feeling went through me started from my forehead. My eyes felt so heavy. I couldn’t keep them open. I can’t lose consciousness now. I need to escape and help my family. Somehow sensing this, he brought his right hand up he gently closed my eyes, and that’s when the control over my body left me and I fell back to his left arm that was around my waist. Darkness, that all I felt, heard, saw. It was terrifying. I hadn’t fully lost consciousness; I began to have a panic attack. I couldn’t get enough oxygen in my system, and tears fell from my eyes.


‘Shhhh, it’s ok’ a deep voice said. I assumed it was him. Then I felt his lips, on my forehead. Kissing me so gently. Somehow I knew that he wasn’t using any type of magic. My body relaxed, and I fell into a comfortable sleep. And no it had nothing to do with the fact that I was in his arms, that I was comfortable.




My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was that I was not in my room, everything that happened wasn’t a dream. And he was real. Vampires existed. Oh. My. God. He’s right there across what can’t even be called a room, it’s so shattered. There was a big window without the glass. A bed which I was on, a chair all the way on the other side of the room which he was sitting on head down. And that’s it. The rest of the room had nothing it was bare and the floor was peeling of as well as the walls.


He looked up to see me awake and in a second was by my side. I don’t know where he got it, but in his hands was a glass full of water. I didn’t even realize I was thirsty. Took it gratefully and swallowed every last drop. How can water taste so good? He went back to his spot.


‘Why am I here?’ I asked him. No reply. ‘I need to go back to my family’ nothing. ‘are you gonna kill me?’ at this his head snapped up. Once again he was by my side in seconds.


Caressing my cheek he finally spoke ‘I would never hurt you’ his eyes were so soft, and vulnerable, as they looked into mine. Once again I was lost in his deep brown eyes. He got closer to me, and pressed his warm lips gently against mine. My eyes automatically shut and my hand flew up to his hair. His hair was so soft. Finally we broke apart, and he smiled at me. He looked so goofy smiling, I burst out laughing.




After months passed, I still lived with him. He told me my family is safe, and that the reason he brought me here was because he fell in love with me, and the group he was in found out already. They were gonna kill me because he wanted to leave the group for me. I know that’s a lot to take in. and im not gonna lie. Slowly im falling for him as well. This all didn’t happen at once like you’re reading it took weeks for us to start talking and trusting each other, and for him to open up to me. But in a way im glad we did.


That day, it changed me forever, it is the reason why im here today. It was like very other day. He would come back after going who knows where, im still trying to figure that out. And I would wait at home, the same rundown room, but it was ok.


‘Himchan oppa! You’re back!’ I ran to hug him. He opened his arms and caught me and started to spin me around.

‘SungMi-ah, I missed you so much!!’ Himchan pouted as he broke away from me. I smiled at him and poked his cheek.

‘well you’re here now, so stop pouting.’

He sighed, while staring at me’ SungMi-ah you know that I love you right? That I’ll do anything for you? And protect you until my very last breath?’

‘Of course oppa, and I love you t—‘ I didn’t get to finish. The door slammed open, and in came 4 guys, all in the same attire I usually see Himchan in. a very tall and baby faced one started to hit things and tear the whole room apart more than it already was along with a chubby faced one. Two buff ones, one of them had a very handsome face with a square jaw, and one looked innocent but I knew he wasn’t came up to Himchan and tore him away from me and started to beat him up.


Eyes wide I ran up to the closest guy who was the innocent looking one and tried to hit him. He turned around and harshly grabbed me and started to slap me.


‘NO STOP, JONGUP DON’T HURT HER OR I’LL KILL YOU!!’ Himchan yelled at the innocent looking one who had slapped me. Yongguk smirked and came up to me bringing out a pocket knife he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I didn’t scream at the pain, I won’t give him the satisfaction that he hurt me. He slowly started to trace my face with the tip of the knife.


‘STOP!!’ the guy called Jongup and the other two were holding Himchan in place, while he tried to get them off and stop Yongguk from hurting me.


Yongguk started to laugh ‘so this is the peasant you decided to leave us for? You know what we’ll help you two love birds, be together, IN HELL. The chubby faced one brought out a gun and shot Himchan square through the heart.


‘HIMCHAN!’ My cry echoed throughout the room. Himchan’s eyes were wide and they were looking at me. Tears were falling down my cheeks. He dropped to his knees. Yongguk finally let go of me and I ran ti Himchan and held him.


‘I promised I wasn’t gonna let you cry, ever. Im sorry SungMi-ah.’ He whispered out. My tears fell harder.

‘Himchan don’t leave me please’ I whimpered.

‘Ah don’t worry guys, I said I was gonna help you love birds be together right? But I also need to cause Himchan pain. For now I’ll take away his most prized person from his life.’ Yongguk smirked with an evil glint in his eyes. Himchan’s eyes widened in realization.


At that moment I knew they were gonna kill me as well, but I didn’t care. Im about to lose someone I love. I don’t want to be alone in this world anymore.


Yongguk came up behind me, and placed the gun on my head. I was still looking at Himchan. At the same time he pressed the trigger, something in me broke out. I don’t know if it was because I was about to die, or seeing life drain out of Himchan’s eyes or just seeing him in so much pain, I just don’t know till this day. But one thing was clear at that moment, I’m. Not. Human. And I will destroy anyone who hurts Himchan.


The gun exploded, and caused me no harm, but it completely disabled Yongguk’s hand. He cried out in pain, holding his wrist. I slowly got up, after gently placing Himchan on the floor, and turned towards the rest. There was shock written all over their faces. Yongguk getting really pissed off, ran towards me, but it seemed like he was moving in slow motion, my hands shot out and skilfully like I’ve been practicing martial arts all my life I punched Yongguk multiple times until he fell. All of a sudden the rest of them charged at me yelling and I defeated each one of them without a scratch on me.


But then, they all ran towards Himchan, grabbed him, and along with themselves threw him out to the window.


‘NO!’ I yelled running towards the window, looking down, there was no one. That means one of them could teleport. Himchan was gone. I fell to my knees and yelled out his name, in agony. Anger bubbled up inside me. I WILL find them and get revenge.


‘Wait for me Himchan-oppa’




it’s been 2 years 3 since I last saw my family. I’m 25 now. And in those 2 years, I became a prosecutor. I know Himchan is alive. I can feel it, that and we still haven’t found his body yet. I solved several cases, and helped many people. I found the group Himchan used to be in. I saw Yongguk, in an alley where I was following another suspect. I was about to beat him up, when he told me that Himchan was alive. My suspicions were confirmed. He had run away after they treated him. I let them go. Because they had only one chance, and they made up for their mistake by helping Himchan live. And yes they were vampires as well.


You may be wondering who I am, and how I discovered about myself. What happened to me after that incident? I was lucky. I was found by Lee Howon, the head prosecutor. He took me in and helped me become a prosecutor. I found out that I’m still human, but I just have some abnormal abilities. I can move faster than others, and I can see the last moments of a person’s life, by drinking their blood. I’m not a vampire, I don’t crave blood, but I can drink it without gagging. I guess this helped me solve many cases. Lee Howon or Hoya, he's like me as well, he told me these things and tested me to see if i was like him. My abilities that is. And we were.


My team helped me out a lot as well, they’re my really close friends Lee Chaerin, Nam Woohyun, Kim Myungsoo, and Jang Dongwoo. It’s quite a team. They brought laughter back into my life.


What am I doing now? Well my mission in life is to find Himchan. Even if I have to look forever, and to the corners of the world, I will look for him and find him. My team knows about me, and they help me. My family? I always keep an eye on them. I can’t go back to them, they think im dead, and my parents have fragile hearts, I can’t risk them getting a heart attack by seeing me. Daehyun has become a singer. He always had that dream, and he was really good, so im proud of him.


Himchan wait for me, I’ll find you.


Everyone in the world has only one shot, so make it count. Everyone makes mistakes, so instead of repeating them, learn from them and never make the mistake again. Because you only have one/last chance you know?


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Chapter 1: Vampire story ? Aaaa so cool, I can imagine them with those cool clothes for vampire aaaa
Chapter 1: Woah! Just... Woah! o0o This was so cool! *w* The only thing that I didn't understand: were Yongguk, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo vampires too? >.<'
This story is really really cool!!! \*w*/