What we wanted (thunderXoc)

Love chooses Nobody (MBLAQ Stories)



“I’m going.” I muttered under my breath even though I know that no one will respond, ever. Locking the door I wiped the tear that dropped on my cheek.


Summer ended and classes started again but still the heat that the hot season left was still here and scorching. And today might be even the hottest. I walked my way to the gate and noticed that there are numerous letters inside the mail box.


It was asking for payments. Electricity bill, water, taxes...


Why I am not surprised?


I sighed and put the bills inside my bag. I need to find another part time job.


Sweat started to form on my forehead as I felt the dry air. It was ridiculously hot today and here I am desperately clutching on my damn thick hoodie.  As if I have a choice.


I’m Jang Eun Hye, a very poor student managing to live with the help of my countless part time jobs. Am I beautiful? Damn no. Ugly? Hmm you can say it like that... Do I have a good life? No. Caring parents? Pffft hell no...


As of now I live with a drunkard father and a b*tch of a step mother who doesn’t do anything but to laze around, gamble and do nothing at all. So what do I do to make a living? Bury myself with part time jobs.


 Yeah this is my life. Am I happy? Didn’t you just read what I said earlier? Yes I’m happy >sarcasm<.


But oh, there’s one thing that I’m a bit happy about. They are almost never home...and I wished that they’d be gone forever. But I know that this is impossible, we live in the same roof so at least there would be a time that they would come back. And every day I dreaded for it to happen.


They always come home, drunk and wasted and... well, physically hurt me. And they won’t stop until they beat me up to their satisfaction before they go to their room and pleasure themselves.


That’s the reason of me wearing a hoodie in this heat. I don’t want someone to see all my bruises all over my body. And last night that they went home was one of their worst drunken states. They beat me up good that it still hurts even now. It’s a good thing that my face wasn’t hit or I’ll be a laughing stock at school again.


As if I’m not a clown for them every day.


If I must say, I’m an outcast at school. No one would ever want to approach some weird creepy girl with a hoodie that is always on. Plus, I’m always being bullied by everyone. Putting tam tax on my shoes, throwing a rotten food inside my bag, putting death threat letters on my locker...


That’s my everyday life, being beaten at home and bullied at school.


My life .


A hell on earth, and I’m all alone to face it.


But I’m used to it, it’s no big deal. Besides I’m much more comfortable being alone, no friends and no one beside me at all. It’s much better this way. I won’t let anyone in. I don’t want someone to interfere with my life let alone a stranger.


It’s much better this way.


And right now as a senior student in Jang Seong high school, I’m studying hard to get a scholarship in Seoul University, get a job there, leave this town and never come back for good. That’s my goal. So, having friends will just be a bother.




Sh*t! How long have I been day dreaming!? I didn’t even notice that I was already inside the gates of the school and the bell rang already. I’m late!


 I run and run when someone grabbed me and pulled me down to the floor. “Move you ing hooded girl!”


“Ouch... that hurts...” I glared at his leaving back. What is wrong with him!?


Now I’m double late. Sh*t.


The one who pulled me? The most popular guy in school and my worst enemy. The bully of my life, who makes my life harder than it is.


Park Sanghyun people, mother ing Park Sanghyun...


He is the school’s kingka. Handsome, charismatic, and rich, that’s what the students here say but I don’t care. I must agree that he’s rich because he really is damn rich but at the handsome, charismatic part? Nah I don’t think so, all jerks like him are unattractive to me.


Everyone adores him even though he is an . He really annoys me, but what irritated me more is he is always rank first in our batch, perfect grades and he is not even bringing books in school, only his pencil and a note pad. Why do I know? I’m not a stalker I just kind of noticed it because he is my freaking classmate and I’m always ranked lower than him. Second place every time.


It is so unfair. He has it all while I have nothing.


That’s why besides bullying me, I despise everything about him and his perfect living. I despise it so much.


The envy I am feeling is eating me up.


He has everything that I wanted.


 His ing life.



That girl, why do I have to see her in my first day of school?


I’m late, like I care. School is boring, well everything is boring to me anyway whether at home or here at school.


Park Sanghyun, only son of a business tycoon. That’s me.


Everyone thought I have it all, a perfect life. But the truth is my life is nowhere near it.  I have a mother and a father but I don’t feel any love. As their only child they raised me to excel on a lot of things, raised me to become their heir.


I become exemplary good on everything I did but never in my life had I heard praises from them. Yeah they always spoil me and give me all that I wanted but deep inside I know that they don’t care about me at all. How do I know? They gave me all the wants in the world but never the one that I only needed and it’s them.


For parents like them it’s impossible to hear an ‘I love you’, and I never heard them say something like that since forever. I did troublesome things for them to notice me but no, they just ignored it and go on their lives.


Sometimes I wish that they scold me for all the troubles I do every day because at least I will know for a fact that they cared even for a little bit. But I’m just a benefit to them, a tool to nurture. All they think about is themselves and their business.   


I feel empty inside. And I covered it by being a big jerk in school. At least in school everyone acknowledge me but still I don’t want just an admiration from people.


I want to feel someone loving me for who I really am. I want to know what falling in love feels like.


Because I don’t want to feel this emptiness anymore.


I my back to check on the hooded girl. Pfft she’s still sprawled on the ground. You deserved it b*tch...


I would not admit it myself but I envy her.


She does whatever she wanted, no one to stop or reprimand her. Even if she dresses weirdly, she doesn’t care of what everyone would think. Even though everyday everyone bullies her, she never let it go inside her head and just waved it all up.


It irritates me to hell. How can she act like it’s nothing?


Everyone that was bullied here in school transferred immediately, but she from the start never fall. She’s not afraid of anything of being rejected while me is afraid of it. Rejection, yeah I’m scared of being rejected by people and by my parents. Because I don’t want to feel that I’m alone...even though I’m already is.


She really irritates me and her guts. It makes me want to bully her to death. I want to break her, she should be.


She should cry.


She should pity herself.


She should think of ending her life.


But no... she stood up for herself and never backed out. And she is brave enough to do so.


That’s why I envy her. And I hate her for it.


She has the only thing that I wanted.


Her ing courage.



No one’s POV


It’s painful. She got closer at the edge of the bridge.


Very painful. Closer and closer, she looked down on the river strongly flowing from the wind. The sound of the wave is calming her broken heart.


Another step will lead to her end. Her much anticipated end. Tempting to walk another foot she closed her eyes and feels the wind. The cool air dried her tears away leaving only the marks of pain behind.


Just a step closer and all of this pain will go away. She went closer.


No more. She wants to suffer no more. Tonight would be the last of the tortures that she bear. She gave up all the hope, the hope of trying to get away from the hell that she’s in. She just couldn’t live another day of suffering from the clutch of her father and her step mother.


Her goal to live and study to Seoul crushed the moment they found where she was hiding all of her savings. And just with one night they waste it all, spending it on gambling and drinking.


And they never did stop at that. They went home that night and beat her until she cannot manage to walk demanding her to earn more money even. The funny thing is they never did hit her face. Maybe they thought that if they bruise it, people will start to speculate.


Genius parents.


She just couldn’t take it anymore.


So she wanted to give up. Give up her goal and just die.


I’ll end this. Then she jumped.






But wait, someone is preventing her.


She felt a hard grip on her waist, desperately hugging her close. She turned to looked at the person that stopped her from jumping.


Her eyes widen never believing what she was seeing. Her tears welled up on the brim of her eyes. She never expected this.


This person. Him.


“What the are you doing!?”


The first tear escaped her eyes and followed by a bunch of emotions. It’s the first time in her life that someone would look like that for her.


A person with worry written all over his face. It’s a first. No one ever felt any sentiment for her like that.


“Y-yah why are you crying?” She gazed at the person who was wiping her tears gently. Another surprise, she was never treated gently by this person.


His eyes were full of tenderness. No mischievousness at all, no devilish smiles, no wound giving words. Just a hand rubbing her tears with so much care.


“ing Park Sanghyun.... why are you here!?” she asked between sobs.


“I should be the one asking you that! Why are you here at this time of the night and did you just try to jump!?” he hissed angrily.


She was shocked at his response. He was very different from the Park Sanghyun she knew. So he can be like this for someone.


“I ah- leave me alone. I just want to die.” She said bowing her head down.


“What the !? Where is the weird hooded girl who never cared for the world!? With just a little bullying you’ll commit suicide!?” he scolded her. “I thought that you’re strong!”


She widened her eyes. He thought I’m strong? He thought of me that way?


“It’s not about school, it’s-“she hesitated to answer.


“! Just answer it! It’s about what!?” he yelled irritating her ear. He was ing demanding.


“Its family matters okay..... and don’t ask me what it is.” She spoke. She turned to stare at his reaction just to find yet another surprise. His eyes softened.


“Family matters? I-I understand.” He said as he averted his eyes from her. “Sorry about that.”


Something swelled up inside her, hearing his words. It was resentment.


“YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND, YOU HAVE A PERFECT FAMILY!” she growled. “I don’t want your pity!” then she walked away to leave.


Before she can step any further she was pulled harshly. She looked up to see his eyes boring into hers, he was gripping her dangerously close.


“You’re wrong. I don’t have a perfect family like you people thought.” He glared, sadness reflected on his eyes.


And that’s when she realized something. That’s when THEY both realized it.


She realized that everything that he has might not look like what it seems to be, he’s life is not perfect although he acted like it was. And he realized that the courage that she has might not be actually there from the start and she was just bearing it all inside.


They were both the same.


Alone and empty.


A tinge of admiration for each other sparked on their heart.


Yeah. They were both the same after all.








it's been a looooooooong time!

I am SO SORRY!!!!!

I was so busy on doing my seungdoong fics that I didn't manage to update this! T_T I'm sorry.

Here it is thunder's part (my bias kekeke)

I'll try to update more from now on, now that I have a plot for thunder's story and hopefully I'll manage to finish this fast and write a sequel for the other stories.

pls bear with me! :)



pls do comment, it's been a long time guys, I miss you all! :)

do subscribe too :*






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Chapter 15: oo..this is nice!but u haven't updated since longg so plz update b4 my memory loses the storyy..^^
Chapter 7: It's so sad I almost cried Byunghee could just leave her blind but no
Chapter 12: OHMYGODD...although the ending was sad but DAT WX ONE OF THE BEST DAMN FIC I HAVE EVER READ!
loved how seungho swallowed his pride n went gay JUST to b wid her but i rele wanted her to know his true feelings,the story was awesome anyway..
Chapter 7: oh really i love your story.......
i almost cried ...
byunghee is a romantic guy ever TT^TT
Chapter 9: OMGEEE....yr stories always amaze n melt me!!
reading yumni's pov n realizing dat she likex him too omg i almost teared up!!
cant wait to read more!!
love ya bud for making such lovely mblaq fics!!
Chapter 7: omg!!
loved G.O's storyy...i literally cried readin the letterrr..
thanku authornim!!
Chapter 4: omg!i loved joon's storyyy...
all the scenes from both povs...awesum!
u r rele talented authornim!
RokuKazami #8
Chapter 15: Kyaaa! That was such a cute chapter!
Fanficmaniac12 #9
Chapter 14: Love all of these stories. Keep writing authornim^.^ if you can write more about Mir. I love Mir. He's how I found this story.