When Love Comes In Between

When Love Comes In Between

Nathalie's P.O.V.


 Hi! My name is Nathalie Kim and I'm 16 years,old.I'm pure korean but I grew up in America,My parents' were separated and after their separation my mom and I migrated in America when I was 5 years,old.I have an older brother but I only remember his face when he was still 8 years,old,He is also my best friend and my knight and shining armor.I really miss him and I wish that the time will come that we can be together again.Suddenly...


Mom: Nathalie,I got a call from your father and he asked me if I can give you a permission to go back in South Korea

Me: * I didn't say anything and just remain silent while paying all my attention to mom *

Mom: I told him that I'll give you a permission to go back since,I know that you misses your brother so much

Me: Thanks Mom * I hugged her and she hugs me back *


 This is the moment that I've been waiting for,I'm really glad that dad called mom and mom gave me a permission to go back.I'm really excited to see my older brother and when I see him,I will give him a big bear hug and a sweek kiss on his cheeks.I'm wondering if what he looks like?...Hmm...Seoul...Here I come...Hwaiting!...


To be continued...

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