
shy smiles

2575 words.


It is a particularly cloudy day when you start your first term of College. Not knowing what you wanted to take up at first, you chose something related to arts and technology (you have a good sense of art and use the computer all night long, says your parents) at an international university in Seoul.

College, you muse, a scowl on your face as you close the door behind you and look up at the gray clouds above, Will be y.

It’s not like you don’t have friends. They just chose different courses like Architecture and business related courses. And it’s not like you don’t like studying. Your forms of motivation (Super Junior oppas) are just on tour and the moment you graduated high school, you’ve been banned by your parents from fangirling over them.

Your phone rings in your pocket and you grunt, fishing it out and answering the call. “Hello?”

“Where are you?” a voice wails. “Our other friends aren’t here yet for freshman orientation. It waiting alone, you know!”

“Whoa, calm down, Kira,” you snicker, starting to walk to the bus stop. “I’m on my way. I told you being an early bird won’t get you the worm. Now you’re being a whiny baby again.”

A grunt from the other line is heard. “Just hurry up, would you? The amount of attractive people is making me queasy.”


Dambi, Gaeul, Hyeju and Kira are your friends. You all enrolled in Seoul’s top international university with different courses. Dambi chose Architecture, Gaeul chose Accountancy, Hyeju chose Pharmacy and Kira chose Information Technology. You chose Digital Illustration and Animation.

“There you are,” Gaeul says, spotting you making your way over them. “Sign your name already,” she points to the line for the Liberal Arts. “The orientation is supposed to start in thirty minutes.”

You flash them a lazy grin and when you signed the paper, they gave you your namecard and an envelope with brochures and booklets about the university.

During the start, you all sat together and listened to the welcome speech and basic instructions. But at the middle of the orientation, they asked the freshmen to group themselves by course and by section, to be assisted by a student facilitator for each section. While waiting, you guys just stared at every single person you saw.

 “Architecture 1-B,” a tall, lanky dude with a very intimidating face (maybe it’s the eyebrows), holding a maroon flag sign that had the letters “ARCH1B” on it, called out and Dambi waves at you guys and heads off to his direction, slightly scared.

“Information Technology 1-A,” another tall, lanky guy with fried orange noodles for hair (not really) shouted, voice booming inside the convention hall. He waves his purple flag around with a huge grin on his face. Kira makes a peace sign at you all and makes her way over to him.

“Pharmacy 1-C,” a shorter guy calls out. His monolids are lined with eyeliner and he looks so peppy, smiling bright at the students gathering around him. “Pharmacy 1-C!” he calls again, smiling bigger this time, waving around the pink banner that says “PHAR1C” he’s holding. Hyeju takes her leave.

“Accountancy 1-B,” a boy with big owlish eyes grin, scanning the freshman for the ones wearing blue namecards. He waves the blue flag banner around and calls out again, in perfect English, “Accountancy, One, B, please!”  Gaeul welps and waves at you, patting you on the head before walking to her facilitator.

You huff, wondering when they’ll ever call your section.

“DIA, 1-A,” a pretty nice voice says, and you whip your head around to see a boy with honey blonde hair and brown doe-eyes call out, smiling prettily while waving around a yellow flag banner, eyes flitting here and there to look for people wearing yellow namecards. He spots you and smiles at you, beckoning you over with a small nod. You whimper silently before walking your way over to him and the other students— mostly foreigners and pimply looking guys.

Of course.


You find yourself sitting in front of a classroom, ogling paying attention to your facilitator, a notepad provided by the university on your armchair, hand poised and ready to write, your phone in your lap.

“My name is Lu Han,” the facilitator smiles. “It means deer of the dawn, hehe,” he grins and points to the deer printed on his shirt. “I’m a sophomore taking up Foreign Languages, and I’ll be your facilitator for today till tomorrow. First of all, welcome to Yonsei!”

Everyone cheers and claps, and the lady (she looks Filipina, maybe?) next to you glances at you and gives you a shy smile.  You return one back.

Maybe University won’t be y after all, you think as you turn your attention back to the handsome facilitator, Lu Han.


“I know you all have nametags,” Lu Han has a barely there accent. It’s cute. He makes a silly face the people chuckle at. “And I know introductions are awkward, but we’ll do it anyway! Let’s start from the back,”

You quietly squeal at happiness because you don’t want to introduce yourself first. But then he looks at you and grins. “On second thought, let’s start with the people here in front. Miss?”

You try your best not to pout at him and end up pouting at your feet instead.

“Please introduce yourself!” he chirps.

You nod meekly and stand up slowly, awkwardly facing all thirty of your classmates and Lu Han. You tell them your name, and that you graduated from an all girls’ private school, and that you took up DIA because you can’t think of anything else to take up. (People nicely chuckle at this.)

Lu Han asks, “How does it feel like having only six girl classmates now?”

You glance at him and shrug, trying to stop yourself from blushing. He really is pretty handsome. “Uh... I hope I get used to it soon?”

“I’m a girl too! By heart!” Someone in the middle of the room shouts and the class erupts in laughter.


After a few ‘getting to know each other’ activities (sadly, getting to know the other students and not Lu Han), Lu Han dismisses you all for lunch, but not before having you sign an attendance sheet.

“I hope it won’t take you long to adjust,” he beams up at you. You smile back, a bit shy. “Yeah, thank you.”

“My faci is so weird,” Kira complains, scrunching her nose but smiling as she does so. “But he’s funny!”

“He looked pretty dumb,” Hyeju comments off-handily and stabs her straw into the top of her banana milk.

“He studies Chemical Engineering!” she screeches. “I can’t believe it! How about your facis?”

“Attractive,” Gaeul and Dambi say at the same time, sighing dreamily. The rest of you make faces at them.

“Who, face?” You ask.

“Who, Owl-eyes?” Hyeju pushes.

“He isn’t like that all the time,” Gaeul pouts. “He’s y. But I think he might have a boyfriend. I think. I saw some tan looking guy— also very y, by the way— passing by the classroom, looking at him. I am sad.”

“I am also sad,” Dambi sighs. “Because Bit- his name is Kris okay. Kris is handsome but is a very weird facilitator. I don’t think he knows he accidentally says stuff in Chinese to us.”

Kira cackles but then looks at you. “But hey, your facilitator’s really, really cute.”

You turn red and grin, poking at your lunch with your chopsticks. “I know! He’s Chinese. His name is Lu Han.”

“What is this, crush-on-your-faci-day?” Hyeju groans and Kira just slaps her on the arm.

“Hey don’t be like that. This is completely okay. Crushing on your cute Chinese facilitator who looks twelve is ok. And so is crushing on eyeliner-dude, and grumpy-dude, and bigeyes-dude... Except for me. I don’t like my faci. He is too tall, it hurts my pride.”

“I swear to god you are on crack right now, Oh Kira,” You grumble, deciding to change the topic. “Can you believe it though, there’s only six girls in m—“

“Cute faci alert!” Kira welps and repeatedly pokes your arm with the edge of her Mogu Mogu bottle. You all turn to look at the guy who just walked in the cafeteria, with his fellow facilitators, laughing at something.

They make their way over to the...table in front of you guys, gasp.

They all give you smiles, recognizing you as students they handle.

The scary tall guy even says, “Ayo wassup,”, followed by the tall creepy guy. “Ayo waddup,”

Eyeliner guy and Lu Han, along with some other guys— you count them as twelve people all in all— send you all polite smiles and you die a little inside.

“That’s his boyfriend!” Gaeul yelps, pulling at your arm; and you look at a good looking guy with the facilitator with wide-eyes. They hear and look at your table. Gaeul attempts to hide herself and Kira and Hyeju only cackle quite evilly, enjoying your friends’ embarrassment.


After lunch, there is a tour around the campus. It’s quite big, and you’re sure you will get lost sometimes.

You all walk behind Lu Han, who’s pointing at buildings and other things with his flag banner (which is bigger than him. It is very adorable).

“That’s the library,” he points to a three-story building, where upperclassmen going in and out of constantly. “The first and second floors are for the books and are also the reading areas. Third floor is the discussion area. However, DIA students like you are usually spotted in cafes with wifi outside the university,” he turns back and grins at you all in general. “Also the same for computer engineering students, IT students...People like me too. But people like our graduate students and people with courses that requires tons and tons of books instead of the internet... they go there.”

Which cafe do you frequent in? You want to ask. Silly you.


At the end of the tour you find yourself signing another attendance sheet, ready to say goodbye to all your new classmates (and also to your facilitator).

“There is a freshmen party tomorrow morning, as you all know,” he says, putting away random sheets of paper into his L-holder. “In the convention hall. Afterwards is a picture-taking session, of course. Please be dressed casually, and I hope you guys had fun with me today!”

People cheer and clap, and you find yourself cheering as well.

“Bye!” your classmates wave at you as you go separate ways.

“Bye!” you wave back, and turn away, beginning to walk to meet up with your friends. Lu Han is there, texting, preparing to leave though. He looks up and sends you a small smile.

His smiles are so pretty.

“See you tomorrow.”

You nod and turn to your own phone, hoping he doesn’t see your pink cheeks. “See you, too, Lu Han-oppa.”

Korean honorifics, you cringe. I hate them.


“Early, aren’t we?”

You look up from your phone, to see Lu Han, dressed in a white v-neck and a gray blazer, hair styled slightly. Kira had scolded her about being late yesterday, and now that she arrived early, her friends are nowhere to be seen.

“Friends aren’t here yet,” you murmur and the corner of your lips turn up slightly into a small smile. He just stares at you for a while, grinning. “Quite shy, aren’t you?”

“A little,” you squeak out.

“Don’t be! If you want to make new friends in Yonsei, you should be more outgoing,” he tells you, leaning forward and patting your head. “Oh, I see your friend. Oh, with Sehun-ah! But, really, I need to help the other facis now. Smile okay!”

He’s so sociable, how does he do it?!

“Oh my god, cute faci guy touched you,” a voice from behind you says and you whip around your seat to glare at Kira, who’s sipping at her bubble tea, puppy-looking guy with brown hair and droopy eyes— also drinking bubble tea— in tow.

“Who’s that?” you eye the guy like he’s not there. The guy nods at her as some sort of greeting.

“Cousin. Sehun,” Kira introduces them to each other. “Friend... What’s your name again?”

You sigh in exasperation and introduce yourself to Sehun. Sehun leans over and whispers something in Kira’s ear. She laughs and grins at you.

“Sehun was in dance club with the cutie, Lu Han, in high school. They’re pretty close and hey, guess what?”


“Lu Han thinks you’re pretty!” she beams. Sehun nods, grinning small.

You sputter before regaining composure. “Oh, shut up.”


Oh Sehun was not lying.

It has been four months since university started, and since then you would bump into Lu Han a lot of times. He greets you politely, smiles at you widely and you catch him looking at you. But you shrugged it off as something friendly... until your birthday came.

“Happy birthday!” your friends cheer as you entered Starbucks after school— frapps were your favourite and they had promised to treat you. A cake meets your face and the icing covers half of it.

“You guys!” you whine, but laugh. The people look at you weirdly before continuing with their own businesses.

“Happy birthday to our very single, very available, very pretty friend,” Dambi cheers, dipping her fingers into the cake— or what’s left of it— and smears some on top of your cute button nose.

“Not single for long,” Hyeju coughs into her hand and grins at you. You stare at them, confused.”

“Happy birthday, baby,” Gaeul gives you some napkins and you glare at them all, taking the napkins and wiping your face, only to have Kira wipe another stripe of vanilla icing on your chin. “I know dorming is hard, because you miss your parents, and you miss your bro,” Kira grins big. “But at least we’re here!”

“And not just us!” Gaeul says.

“What are you—“

Someone enters the shop, a big bouquet of yellow and pink flowers in his hand, and another holding a cute medium-sized, pink-colored plush bunny.

Someone with honey brown hair and brown-doe eyes.

You’re holding your breath while he approaches, and your friends are trying to suppress their squeals. It’s the first time you’ve seen him smile so shyly.

“Happy birthday,” he greets you, smiling that pretty smile of his. He hands you the bouquet and the stuffed toy slowly. You take it awkwardly and blush furiously, now unable to meet his eyes.

“Read the card.” He says, softly, sitting down next to you.

You pluck the small pink card off the bouquet and open it with shaking hands.

You’re so shy, it’s cute.

But your smiles are really pretty.

I want to be the reason why you smile.

Happy birthday.

You look at him, surprised beyond comprehension, because nobody has ever been like this with you. “Um..... Uh...I...Uh...”

He takes a few napkins from the table and wipes your cheek. You grimace in embarrassment.

“So?” he looks at you, smiling bashfully.

“Ummm...?” you’re so nervous you think your heart is going to explode.

“Will you allow me to court you?” he says, caressing your cheek. After a few good seconds you nod, and a triumphant look spreads across his face.

Lu Han leans in and grins his boyish cute grin.

“I’ll make you happy.”



2.6 (almost) k words for you Jasmine. For being such an awesome fellow Luhan stan~! Sorry if it's awful again! I tried my best. You know me, I can't write het fics to save my life hahahaha I hope you liked this anyway. Just let your imagination roam wild to know what happens afterwards I guess? lol

I am never writing het fics again just saying D:

Again I'm sorry, but I hope you still like it! I wrote this while writhing in bed. Stupid Time of Month.

[p.s. can you spot me here lolololol]

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cathyokrane #1
Chapter 1: just a beautiful oneshot ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 1: SEQUEL~~~~~~
Chapter 1: Oh my gawd.. This story is really remind me when i was highschool freshmen 7years ago.. My senior (or whatever u called it) also had a crush on me.. N yeah he was like luhan, confessed his love to me infront of the whole student in my school.. But unfortunately, he is not cute as luhan.. Hahhaaaa.. But he's so freakin damn tall like Kris... Kkkyyaaaaaa!!!!
N sadly, he is not my BF anymore... :-(
I dumped him bcoz of another guy.. How cruel i am.. 2years mean nothing when i saw another guy.. N i just date with the said guy only 2weeks.. Wlwkwkwkwkkw...
Sorry i was blabbering again.. XD

This story is good.. I love u luhan!!! Pliz make a sequel.. Me (the girl) marry luhan.. Gggyyyaaaaaahhh... XD
N make us have twins baby.. (runaway while doing bbuing bbuing disgustingly)
Chapter 1: AWMAGAWD!! THIS IS SO CUTE *LE SQUEALS* I can't believe there's such a cute fic like this!!! It's just... It's just incredibly cute!!!
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 1: This makes me want a boyfriend like LuHan even MORE!