
Inside her core

If there was a question Myungsoo hated from the deepest of his heart, then it was "What is your ideal type?" As the visual of Infinite, he didn't have the freedom to say his honest opinions freely like the others could, because so many girls worshipped him and wanted to insert themselves in his ideal type. It tired him so much, so he usually said something very common. "A girl who has long and wavy hair and has an innocent type", would be his reply and he knew that he satisfied all his fans and the people who loved him.

But something they didn't know, though, was that these things actually applied to a girl. It was a girl who was just so innocent and fragile. And yet, she behaved as if she was the queen of the world, all cold and bold.

The girl didn't know that she was a queen – the queen of his world.


They always used to sit next to each other when they were in school, her at the left, and him at the right side. She wasn't like the other girls who would look at him like he was a god – she used not to look at him at all. She was quiet, almost too quiet, and whenever he saw her, he would see her alone. She seemed not to care though, but being the sensible Pisces he was, he felt somehow that she seemed to wait for someone.

She was like a lonely flower in a garden – patiently waiting to be picked.

Myungsoo tried many times to approach her, but in the end, he would always stop himself, asking why he cared for her this much. It wasn't like she was someone important and she apparently liked it being alone. So why even bother?


"Yang Yoonbin?"

She lifted her head up to see the teacher who called her name. They were fourteen then and they still sat next to each other for some odd reason. But they both didn't mind though – Myungsoo even appreciated it.

"Your work is horrible. How could you even hand that in? It would be better if you hadn't, because this is an eyesore.", the teacher said and gave her the sheet of paper as if she would spit on Yoonbin's face. Myungsoo watched her while her eyes got wider with every correction she saw, and for a little moment, even opened a bit.

"But I… I thought...", she whispered. It was the first time that he heard her voice at all. It was a raspy, mezzo-soprano voice. Even if it was just a whisper, it was a voice that was beautiful in its own way.

"Yeah. You just thought. You didn't write properly – I couldn't read anything!", the teacher hissed. Myungsoo felt that he should speak up and protect her, but again, he stopped himself. Why did he bother? Yoonbin was fourteen; she could handle this on her own…


She looked down. "I'm sorry…", she said silently.

"Do it better next time, Yoonbin. You want to be a well-educated woman when you finish school, right?"


"So work hard and never ever hand something like this again.", the teacher said with a final voice and handed the other works. Myungsoo received his after five minutes with a "well done" from the teacher. While he looked at his work which had no real correction at all, he heard silent sobbing voices. At first, he didn't mind at all, but when that sweet, raspy voice asked him "May I have a tissue?" with a sob, he knew that it was Yoonbin. When he looked at her red eyes and the slime that ran down her nose, it felt like a part of him died a bit. It was his fault, he thought. He should have spoken up for her.

Because he made a flower cry.

When he handed her the tissue, he silently whispered, "Everything will be alright, okay?" He saw Yoonbin nodding and when he heard her saying, "Thank you", the dead part of his revived again.


As the years passed, Yoonbin began speaking more and more to him. She began telling him her dreams of becoming a singer and the struggles of being a trainee. Sometimes, when she was speaking, he would only listen to that beautiful voice of hers that was like a melody for him and not even comprehend what she was saying. But she didn't care at all. Myungsoo wasn't a talkative guy, so he would just sit next to her and listen to all her problems.

"You know, Myungsoo-yah…", she said once to him, "when you are listening, I feel this serene feeling that is coming from you. I feel like that my voice is heard, that there is someone in my life who would always listen to my problems. Even though I sometimes feel that you don't even listen to me, it's still nice though because it's you."

The times when he listened to her, he realized that she had no idea how the world was like. She was pure innocence and would always think positive no matter what. Even when she told him that she was unwanted in her trainee group, she hoped that their relationship got better. She was like an angel, like the sunshine after the rain, like a shining diamond.

However, when the two attended high school, she began to change. She became colder and more distant, almost as if she was a goddess. And many guys in his class thought that way, to the extent that some wanted to date her. Myungsoo didn't understand that at first – if he hadn't met that innocent, pretty side of hers, he wouldn't even look at that cold Yoonbin. But as he asked the others, their answer was always, it's her smile that is killing me. He also didn't understand that – how could people fall for a person just because of a smile?

They still sat next to each other, again her at the window side and him at the right side. He would always arrive earlier than Yoonbin, but one day, it was her who came earlier.


That was all she said. But then she smiled. A smile that was beyond everything beautiful curved up her lips and that was the moment Myungsoo realized that he fell for her.

"Hey…", he almost whispered, unable to say more.

"Myungsoo? You alright?", she asked, obviously worried. All he could do was to nod. In his mind, he replied: no, I'm not.


Yoonbin was killing Myungsoo softly without even knowing. When they were in school, she treated him no different than the others, but when they were outside the school, she was the innocent, angel-like girl who would tell him all her problems. As soon as he fell for this beautiful smile, he found more things that he loved about her. It was quite interesting that it was the little habits of her that Myungsoo loved – like the way she shook her hair, or like she stretched out her tongue a little bit when she was thinking, the silent "ah" she used to say when she was in deep thought or the way her eyes sparkled as she thought about her group she was going to debut with.

Something he still hated, though, was when she cried.

When he was on his way to their very special spot – a park bench, secretly hided by a big tree and bushes – he found her crying.

"Yoonbin!", he said startled. "Why are you crying?"

"They-they rejected me…", she answered between two sobs and as soon as he sat down, she pressed her head to his shoulder and cried. Feeling pathetic by doing nothing, Myungsoo started rubbing her back and whispered repeatedly: "Everything's going to be alright…"

"They.. they said that I'm useless. Yah!", she shrieked suddenly. "Why am I not as pretty as her? Why am I not as talented as them? Just why, why, why?", she asked angrily to herself.

"You are way more beautiful than they are, that’s for sure.", he answered.

"Then why are they rejecting me?"

"Because they envy you, obviously."

"I guess you're right… But I don't want to wait longer! I already trained for one year! I want to debut too!"

"But when you do, you won't be able to see me properly."

"Who said that?", she asked angrily and looked at him. Even though her tears haven't dried yet, there was a fire in her eyes Myungsoo had never seen about her.

"I will! I promise I will! We will always sit here on this bench and talk! And even if the fans are chasing me, it doesn't matter as long as you here!", she said.

"Ahh… don't exaggerate that much…", Myungsoo answered and scratched his head.

"But I want to debut soon! I want to be on stage and sing! That's my dream, after all!" She wiped her tears off and looked straightforward to him.

"Then wait a bit more. You know, the more you wait, the sweeter the prize will be."

"You're right. And you know what? As soon as I get my solo song, I will dedicate it to you."

"Do you like me that much?", Myungsoo asked.

"Yeah, I like you that much. Because you are my best friend."

Up until the because you are my best friend, everything was alright. But as soon as she said that, it felt like his heart broke in pieces. But what did he expect? Of course he was not more than a friend. Why should he be something more important to her? He swallowed hard, trying to resist the urge to cry.

"Then why don't you debut as a solo singer, when you don't want to wait?", he asked in a emotionless voice.

"Oh my god! That’s a great idea, Myungsoo! It's really great!" She hugged him tightly, but he didn't answer it like he usually would. He just stood there, feeling numb.

"It's really great! You know, my uncle is the CEO of a big music company, I think I should go to him and ask whether I can debut in his company. What do you think? Isn't it a great idea?", she asked him cheerfully. She didn't have any idea how much she hurt him by just saying that he was her best friend. She didn't even know that he loved her.

But she was an innocent, naïve girl – how could she even know?

He nodded. "What a great idea."

She titled her head. "You don't sound like you're happy. Are you alright, Myungsoo-yah?"

"Of course I am.", he answered and added not in his mind. He faked a little smile.

"Ah, okay." She didn't even notice anything. "But you know that when you have problems, you can come to me, right?"

"Of course I know."

"Ah, okay then." She stood up. "See you later, Myungsoo-yah!"

"See you later.", he said silently. He sat there and watched the ants on the ground for a long time. He even sat on the bench when it started raining, when the rain soaked his clothes, when the sun set and when the rain stopped. He just sat there, feeling emptiness in his heart.

I like you that much because you are my best friend.

I think I fell for you.

You are my ideal type.

I love you.

Yoonbin, I love you.

"I love you.", he whispered. How pathetic it sounded. "I love you.", he said again. He repeated the three syllables over and over again. He repeated it so often until he started crying. How pathetic he was – he cried just because his crush said that he is her best friend.

"Damn, Yang Yoonbin! I love you!", he shouted. "I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!"

How strange he was, Myungsoo thought. He could say these ridiculous three words when he was alone, but he was unable to say them when she was there.

How ridiculous he was.

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Chapter 2: PRECIOUS. That's all I have to say. I could write an essay here, but I think I should be fast. Myungsoo here is very much perfect with the OC. And I love how you always put Sungyeol in these. Because obviously, I LOVE Myungyeol. I guess that's all this time. I'll end with a goodbye again, ahhah. Goodbye (for now).
SeobieGirl18 #2
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!! what a great story author nim!!! i really love it!! :)