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Everyone was sitting at the table, trying to get something to eat quickly before they had to go off to their schedules. Leetuek hyung had come down from the 12th floor to get everyone together so they could go for the SJ Foresight recording. Kyuhyun and Shindong were up but Eunhyuk wasn’t. He had been having horrendous schedules for the past few months with Leetuek hyung and was at the moment dead to the world in his room. Leetuek noticed that he wasn’t there and asked Kyuhyun to go wake him up since they had to leave in about an hour.


Kyuhyun walked slowly to Eunhyuk’s room, hesitating on exactly what to do. He knocked softly on the door but no one answered. He knocked again and silence greeted him again. He cracked open the door and poked his head in and saw the most adorable sight. His Eunhyukkie was fast asleep cocooned in a white fluffy blanket with hearts all over it while hugging a monkey plushie (A/N – I think I saw it in one of the dorm visit episodes that Eunhyuk hugs his plushies when he goes to sleep n they looked like monkeys to me…hihi…adorable no?) His lips were slightly open and still so pink as if he had lipstick on. Kyuhyun’s body took over and he found himself kneeling beside the sleeping man with his hand outstretched to caress his face. He withdrew his hands quickly when he realized what he was about to do and mentally scolded himself. ‘Damnit. Get you head straight. You can’t be gay. And even if you are, you can’t let him know or you will lose him forever. Focus Cho Kyuhyun Focus!’


He glanced at Eunhyuk again and groaned in frustration. The monkey was now pouting. His lips was jutting out, tempting him, inviting him to kiss him and Kyuhyun leaned closer subconsciously and found himself dangerously close to Eunhyuk. He jumped back when the beautiful doe eyes opened sleepily. Eunhyuk rubbed his eyes adorably and then hugged his plushie closer before registering his surroundings. “Wh-What are you doing?” he asked the Kyuhyun who was hyperventilating on his bedroom floor while clutching his heart and sporting an extremely red face. “No-Nothing!!! I’m doing nothing. Nothing I tell you!”


Eunhyuk woke up straight away when he saw Kyuhyun like this. ‘Was his heart giving him trouble again?’ he thought to himself as he jumped out of bed to kneel down next to Kyuhyun in the tiny space between his bed and vanity dresser. “Are you okay? Does something hurt?” he asked frantically while running his hands all over Kyuhyun to see if he was hurt anywhere not knowing the effect he was having on the poor boy.

Kyuhyun gulped loudly, audibly before getting hold of his vocal cords. He pushed himself up and scooted away from Eunhyuk and those hands that he desperately wanted to take and put somewhere else. “I’m okay. I’m not hurt. I just came to wake you up because we have to leave for filming soon.”


“Then why were you on the floor?” Eunhyuk questioned. “Because you weren’t waking up and I thought you might have died and I didn’t want to be near a dead body.”


“You are so weird Kyu.” Eunhyuk muttered before giving him his signature pout. One that could render the evil magnae into a puddle of goo and before that could happen, Kyuhyun ran for the door, shouting back to his cute hyung to get ready or they will leave him behind. Kyuhyun ran to his room and banged the door behind him and collapsed against it. ‘Damn that was close. That damned fish was right. Eunhyuks lips do look beautiful right when he is about to wake up. I hate that fish!’

Breathe in

Breath out

Breathe in

Breath out………..

Breath – Oh who gives a !!! I think I have forgotten how to use my lungs properly!! First my heart and now my lungs!! What have you done to me you damned monkey!




Kyuhyun was sitting on the living room sofa when he saw Eunhyuk go from the bathroom to his room and he got his cravings. No Kyuhyun was not pregnant. Of course he wasn’t. But he had acquired a new liking and that liking was the scent of Eunhyuk. He placed his laptop down on the table, logging off from the game he had been playing just seconds before and made his way to Eunhyuk’s room. He walked in not even bothering to knock. ‘Eunhyukkie wouldn’t mind anyways and even if he did, he wouldn’t say anything abou

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Chapter 1: an adorable sequel!! and is that another sequel I see?? :D gonna check that one next. thank you for writing ^^ ♡
lavi018 #2
Chapter 1: Oh girl I am in love with the story.. If you keep on writing, I'll just keep on reading, no need for confession. These days I am on kyuhyuk trail and what a treasure I came across. Love your stories, gonna read some more.. Keep on writing you are doing a great job. (^^)v
KiwiPrincess #3
Chapter 1: I feel you kyuhyun-ah..sometimes i want to be a water bottle too.. :p
Chapter 1: hyukjae so adorable. kyuhyun make a move will you. haha thanks for sharing. me like it.
Chapter 1: cute cute cute!! Hyukkie dont be too cute u will make kyu die coz of u... XD
lovingkyuhyuk #6
OMG!!! I saw all those things too!!!!! Daebak!!! DAEBAK!!!!! love how you incorporated them all into the fic
hyukstar #7
the watter bottle thingy is soemthing i noticed too!!!! i love this!
pillow4hyukjae #8
Chapter 1: this is so funny in a way...our evil maknae drooling n lusting over our dearest dancing machine :)
Chapter 1: it's more like kyu is lusting over hyuk, kkk~
so funny! a lost-in-hyukkie kyuhyun XD

that water bottle thingy is cute! also the "You should close your mouth, you look stupid like that" LOL
michikokasiumi #10
Chapter 1: waaaa,,, that water bottle thingy!!! i love it soooomuch!!! kamsahaeee >3<
i've watch kyumin/kyuwook/wonkyu/whoeverKyu exchanging waterbotle but it always kyu as the receiver, not the one who share HIS water bottle, it always members give him attention... buuuuuuuuut >///<

haahahahahahaa,,, we really do have a same preference kkkk... CLUELESS HYUK!!! Omoooo >0< my kyuhyuk folder is filled with things kyu done for him n still!! cant he realize that kyu is sooo gentle towards him off/oncamera!!! *but i like it that way kkkk*
in front of the camera he sometimes do naughty things to him, but MAAAAANY time!! he done things he never do to others >///<
Kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu saranghaaaaaaae >u<