A Sister

Two In A Night

I was wet, being more drenched by the minute…but I didn’t care. If the rain could clean out every feeling of grief inside me then let it be.

I was desperate…I was helpless…I was an idiot for believing that he actually loved me…

Dongwoo’s a player…I can testify to that now…

I was stupid enough not to believe Jinyoung, Sandeul, Gongchan, and Baro in the first place...I was stupid enough to fall for him despite of all the discouragements the other guys were throwing at me…I just thought he would change…

Today was supposed to be our 6th month together…the longest time he has stuck to one girl…I thought it was enough to change him…

I headed to B1A4’s dorm earlier this evening to surprise him but it turned out that he surprised me. I opened the door and caught him red-handed.

I’ve already known his history: the girls he went out with, the girls he dumped, the girls he almost had feelings for…And those girls? They were fully present…all of them…flirting with him like there’s no tomorrow…And he didn’t back away…In fact, he looked like he enjoyed it…Every single moment of it…

I just stood there, shocked, like a statue…

He never changed…He never will…

That was the only thing in my mind as I ran away from their dorm…

And, just my luck, it started to rain…but I didn’t care…I just had to get away…Get away from that demon…That good-for-nothing guy…The guy I fell for…

I ended up at the park, the one where we used to hang out, the one that brought about the joyful memories…

I just ran around the place, shouting my heart out, getting drenched by the second…

I fell on my knees and hugged myself, the only comfort I could offer myself…

The rain stopped dropping on me then…

I looked up to see Sunwoo hovering over me, holding a umbrella…He took hold of my hand and I stood up…

“Chanhee-ah! Hajima! Stop crying already!”

He hugged me and rested his chin on my head. My forehead landed on his chest as I grasped his shirt.

His words comforted me and my tears stopped flowing.

“Kajja! Let’s get you home.”

He held my waist in one hand and continued holding the umbrella with the other.

Cha Sun Woo…Baro…

He had always been there for me. He always held up a mug of hot chocolate for me every time I come complaining about Dongwoo. He would eagerly listen about my problems, may it be school or boyfriend problems. He cleaned up after me whenever I would mess things up in my apartment. He had always been patient with me.

We arrived at my apartment dripping wet. He opened the door with the duplicate of the key that I gave him. He turned the lights on and settled me on the couch before heading to the kitchen and brewing up some hot choco, as always. I shivered and shuddered, not because of the cold but because of the scene I ran into earlier. The tears started flowing from my eyes again but Baro brushed them away as he pushed the mug into my hands.

“Chanhee-ah, I’m sorry about Dongwoo-hyung. We never knew about his plans until all those girls piled up all of a sudden in front of the dorm. I should’ve told you. Mianhe.”

“N-no…D-don’t be…It’s n-not your f-fault…I was just…stupid enough to th-think that he a-actually changed…th-that he’s a d-different person now…”

I broke down into tears again. He took me in his arms and comforted me. I just cried my heart out.

“S-Sorry to drag you into this, Baro.”

“Are you kidding me? I will never mind, you know! Just remember that I’ll always be here for you…forever…”

I felt so safe and warm in his arms…like I never want to let go…

I started sneezing and coughing.

“Tsk, tsk. You’re catching a cold. Wait, I’ll set up some hot water for you to bathe in.”

He stood up, handed me a blanket and went to the bathroom to turn on the water in the tub.

After a few minutes…

 “Chanhee, you should take a bath now. The water’s warm enough. Take your time, arasseo?”

I merely nodded and made my way to the bathroom.

As I soaked myself in the warm water, I realized that it was the same warmth that I felt earlier as Baro hugged me. It sent volts down my spine and goosebumps on my skin. It was a good feeling altogether.

I washed my whole body, getting rid of all the filth, anger, and grief. I don’t care about Dongwoo anymore. He never even loved me so there’s no use of letting all memory of him stay.

I finished washing up and put on the pajamas laid out on my bed. I searched for Baro and found him sitting on the couch, his cap and clothes still wet.

“Baro, it’s your turn to take a bath.”

He turned around and brushed away what I hinted were tears.

Has he been crying?

“Aniya, gwaenchanha.”

“Andwae, I insist. You’ll catch a cold yourself if you don’t.”

“Uhm, arasseo. Gomawo.”

He passed by me and headed to the bathroom.

I passed by the window and saw that the rain was still as strong as the time we got here.

He can’t go out in this weather. He’ll have to stay for the night then.

I hurriedly picked out some clothes for him to wear: a blue pair of pajamas and an oversized yellow shirt of mine.

Just as I was laying out the clothes on the bed, he headed out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower body. I never knew he’s developed 6-pack abs! I gazed at the figure in front of me, just rooted to the same place. My heart started beating faster, not because of his body but because of him…the whole him.

“Chanhee? Chanhee-ah? Yah! Chanhee!”

I snapped and realized that I’ve stared too much.

“Uh, mianhe. Uhm…here. Wear this. It’s still raining hard outside so I guessed you couldn’t go back to your dorm so…you could stay here for the night.”

“Jeongmal? But, I…”

“Get dressed before you shiver in the cold, arasseo? I’ll just wait in the living room.”

I hurriedly went to the living room, blushing in the process. Baro has stayed here in the apartment before so, yeah, he’s taken a bath here before and I’ve seen him half- a lot of times in the past. But this was the first time that I actually took notice of him!

Ugh! Chanhee! Get a hold of yourself! Don’t think crazy thoughts! He’s your best friend!

I broke away from my thoughts as Baro sat down beside me on the couch.

“Chanhee-ah. Are you feeling better now?”

“Ne! You?”

“Well, I’m not the one who cried my heart out so, yeah! Haha~”

That statement made me laugh.

“Very funny, Baro! By the way…thanks…for everything.”

“What did I do now?”

“Haha~! Nothing wrong! I just want to thank you! You’re always there for me whenever I need a shoulder to lean on, whenever I shed a tear, whenever I break my heart! I just…”

“Chanhee, you don’t need to thank me! You know I will always be there for you! I treat you like my little sister, so I want to see you happy…always! Arasseo, yeodongsaeng?”

His words echoed in my ear…

I treat you like a sister…

You like a sister…

Like a sister…

A sister…


So, that’s what I’ll always be to him, right? A sister…just a sister…

“Ne, arasseo! Gomawo…hyungnim…”

I hugged him and he patted my back. I cried on his shoulder…not because I was still hurt…but because my heart broke for the second time that night…even before I got to offer it…


Andwae…I want us to be more than just siblings…

But I can’t bring myself to confess to you…

I’m afraid that, if I do, it would break our friendship…our bond…

I don’t want that to happen…

So, I guess we’re better off this way…

I just want you here by my side, always…

I want to see you happy…

I can’t bear to see you hurting…


I love you, Chanhee…

I have always had…


See? I told you it won't have a happy ending!!!

But, anyway, I loved writing it so...

I hope the readers would love it, too...

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Gomawo!!! <3

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it's so sad :(