Another Me Part 1

∞ INFINITE Oneshots ∞

"Another victim was found near the Han River. The victim has a serious wound in the abdominal area and slight cuts over his body. The police said that the victim must have tried to escape but the killer managed to dominate him and killed him. Who is the killer? This is the 2nd victim this month. Please, be careful."

Woohyun turned off the television. He couldn’t believe, that was going too far, he was becoming more dangerous.


The reporter said it was the second victim in that month, however, in the previous months it happened the same and the strange thing is that the people were always killed near to the Han River.

Woohyun was scared, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, he couldn’t sleep because he feared dream that again, he didn’t want to dream about that anymore, it was scary.

Woohyun was very scared, not only for his family, for his friends but also for HIM (A / N: This is confuse? I'm not talking about Woohyun xD, it's another person), HE is the most important person to Woohyun and he needs to protect him.

Suddenly, he got up and left his home without telling anyone, he also ignored his mother’s screams, who had realized that Woohyun was leaving.

He got into the car and left, ignoring everything around him.

∞ ∞ ∞

Myungsoo opened his eyes but the sunlight breaks into his room, causing him to close them.

Pain - It's the first thing that Myungsoo feels when he sits on his bed. He groaned slightly and slowly stood up.

He walked to the mirror lifted his shirt. Myungsoo noticed some cuts on his body.

"What is this? What happened? "Myungsoo muttered, shocked by what he had just seen

∞ ∞ ∞

Woohyun stops the car in front of a house, near to the river. He seems hesitant but he had to come, he knew that only he could help him, he knew he was the one who would protect him.

Woohyun left the car and walked, in small steps, to the house.

∞ ∞ ∞

Myungsoo had finished dressing, when he heard someone knocking on his door. With some difficulty, he walked to the door and opened it.

A young man with short, smooth and brown hair, with a white t-shirt, a black jacket and black jeans appeared in front of him.

Myungsoo sighed and said nothing, he just let the other enter in his house. He knew very well what the other boy was doing there, he knew very well why he was there…in his home, however, Myungsoo didn’t want to see anyone at the moment, not in the state that he was.

"Does it hurt?" The other boy asked, breaking the ice between the two boys

"Huh?" Myungsoo said, pretending not to understand what the other boy meant.

Myungsoo knew very well what the other boy was talking about, however, he didn’t want to talk about it, it was very painful.

Myungsoo didn’t understand why of all persons, he had to be different? Why him? Why can’t he be happy as all boys and girls of his age? Why does he have to be abnormal?

Myungsoo never had answers to his questions and that was what drove him crazy.

"Stop. Please...don’t do it know very well what I'm talking answer me." the other boy said as he approached Myungsoo

"I'm tired." Myungsoo said, with a serious expression, "I'm so tired, Woohyun. I can’t take anymore. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me who did that."

Myungsoo closed his eyes and tried to hold back the tears that were about to fall on his face, but it was too late, a tear flowed down his face. Woohyun wiped his tears and hugged him.

Woohyun was devastated, when he saw the younger crying, which was very rare because Myungsoo wasn’t the type of person to cry easily but Woohyun could say that the younger was just tired of everything that was happening.

Woohyun knew that it wasn’t Myungsoo’s fault, he wasn’t guilty of having two personalities, completely different:

On one side was Myungsoo, a quiet and kind boy, he didn’t smiled a lot but when he does it, it’s a real smile and he’s good company too. - a perfect boy.

On the other hand was L, a cold man, unscrupulous and with murderous instincts. A man, who only appeared at night on the street. - A very dangerous man.

And yes, as you may suspect, L is the culprit of all deaths that has been happening in Seoul and wherever Myungsoo woke up in the morning with aches, cuts, scrapes, black eyes, he knew what had happened, even though he doesn’t remember anything of what had happened in the night before.

Woohyun had discovered it a few months ago.

How? Well...Woohyun was an exception. exception...

∞ Flashback ∞

Woohyun was in his car, he had just come from a party that Sunggyu, his best friend, had arranged.

It was dark and the road was deserted. It was scary but Woohyun was quiet. The murders had already begun to occur but Woohyun felt confident, he would be able to defend himself.

Suddenly, a figure crossed the road and Woohyun almost hit him, however, he managed to stop the car.

The figure looked at Woohyun and he immediately recognized who it was. He left quickly the car and saw the figure walk away. He decided to follow him and started walking.

Once they approached, Woohyun recognized where they were.

The figure stopped.

Woohyun stopped.

Silence reigned and none of them made a move.

"Myungsoo." Woohyun called in a low voice

Myungsoo...well...L, in this case, didn’t move.

Without thinking that he could be dangerous, Woohyun approached L and touched his arm.

Suddenly, L grabbed his wrist abruptly, causing Woohyun groan in pain.

"Myung-" Woohyun couldn’t finish what he was going to say. An familiar object appeared in front of his face.









No movement....The two stare at each other intensely.


"Y-you're t-the one who is behind those murders?" Woohyun said. Even though he knew the answer, Woohyun wanted to hear it from Myungsoo’s mouth.

But he had no luck, because L didn’t answer him. He remained in absolute silence.

"Y-you d-don’t want to do it, ok?" Woohyun said, trying to grab the knife, however, L held it strongly "Myungsoo...Look, it's me, Woohyun, I'm in your math and English class. Do you remember? We're friends."

Woohyun didn’t want to admit it but he was scared. He was very scared.

Why Myungsoo was doing that? Wh Myungsoo had killed all those people? Why does he want to kill him? - These were some of the questions that remained in Woohyun’s mind.

But he wouldn’t give up, Myungsoo wouldn’t kill him, he trusted the younger and he knew that in his perfect state, he wouldn’t try to kill Woohyun.

What remained was: to know what was going on with the younger.

"Why do you want to kill me? Do you have a specific just want to kill me?" Woohyun asked. Woohyun trembled when he said the last words, and he knew it was a bit dangerous to be asking that but he didn’t care.

L didn’t answer again. However, he was confused. L didn’t understand why he hadn’t killed Woohyun. At that point, any of his victims would already be dead but Woohyun was still alive.

Why? Why does it hurt? He was cold, he had no feelings but how could he feel sorry or anything else for that boy who was just in front of him?

L felt his eyes tired, he felt weak and it didn’t take long until he fell into Woohyun’s arms, who held him, worried and scared at the same time.

∞ End of Flashback ∞

Since then, Woohyun and Myungsoo became friends and over time, both developed stronger feelings for each other.

Myungsoo told Woohyun what was going on and he promised that he would help him.

"It's okay. It'll be okay. "Woohyun said, still hugging the younger.

Woohyun knew Myungsoo felt guilty, even though it wasn’t him, but L, killing that man (and the other persons) in the night before.

"No, it’ll not be fine. He’ll appear again. I'm scared. I feel terrified when night comes, I'm scared, scared to go out and kill innocent people." Myungsoo said, hugging Woohyun "I'm a monster."

"No, you're not a monster. Is L that kills people, not you. He's a monster." Woohyun said, looking at the younger with concern.

"And when they find out that I'm the one who killed those people. Nobody will want to know if I have one or two personalities, everyone will hate me. They’ll point the finger to me and call me a monster and other names." Myungsoo said, startled "I’ll spend the rest of my life in jail."

"Myungsoo." Woohyun whispered, worried about the younger’s state.

Woohyun stepped back a bit and helped the younger to sit up in bed. He sat on Myungsoo’s lap, with his legs on both sides of the younger.

"Forget it. Now it's just us. Just you and me." Woohyun said, kissing Myungsoo

Myungsoo smiled a little and kissed the older back. Woohyun took off his shirt and then took off the younger’s shirt.

Neither cared about what was happening in the rest of the world, now only they were important.

That moment, the time when they were making love, it was the only thing that mattered.

Myungsoo was happy, Woohyun was his cure, Woohyun was the only thing that kept him alive, Woohyun was the only thing that prevented him from committing suicide and end his miserable life.

Myungsoo could no longer live with the fact that he...well...L went around killing people, who were completely innocent.

"I know it hurts but I'm here. I'll always be." Woohyun said, kissing his cheek Myungsoo "I love you."

"I love you too." Myungsoo said, hugging Woohyun’s body

"You are the best thing that happened in my life." Woohyun said, smiling sweetly to the younger

"No. You are the best thing that happened in my life." Myungsoo said, looking directly at Woohyun "Too bad we can’t be happy."

"Hey, we’re happy and will continue to be happy." Woohyun said, trying to calm the younger, who was still nervous

"Woohyun, they will end up knowing it was me." Myungsoo said, sadly

"I won’t let them take you. Never. Only over my dead body." Woohyun said, determined

"I know. You’re the only one who understands me. Thanks for everything, Woohyun." Myungsoo said, smiling a bit

Myungsoo was grateful for the older’s support. Woohyun didn’t judge him, he knew that he (L) was the one who had killed those people, however, not one for a minute, he judge him. Woohyun was always there to him, at his side.

And Woohyun promised to him that he would always be at his side.

∞ ∞ ∞

"Chef, we found this near to the victim's body." A man said, approaching the desk of his boss

"Let me see, Himchan." Yongguk, the police chief said, picking up the object that Himchan had in his hand.

"We found it near to the victim's body, I've talked with the family and no one recognized this object, so it must belong to the killer. If we do a test, I'm sure we'll find out who the killer is." Himchan said, confidently

"Very well. Takes this to the lab and say that I asked them to do DNA tests." Yongguk ordered, returning the object to Himchan

"Yes, boss." Himchan said, leaving then, Yongguk’s office.


Annyeong^^ So this oneshot is a longer and I decided to slipt into 2 parts.

Did you liked? I hope you did. Are you excited to next part? I hope you are ahah

Sorry for my mistakes :c 

A bit of Lhyun's SPAM!!!

So cute ^3^

Myungie is taking a pic of Woohyun eheh

Cute eheh

It's your lips? Woohyun: Yeah, They're mine. Eheh 

Hug ^^


It's all for now....

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Chapter 7: So cute MyungGyu... <3
Chapter 2: I like it. I agree that MyungGyu is the cutest couple Infinite <3
Chapter 7: yah... Gyu wahahahahah well it's a really cute story
Chapter 2: myunggyu... my feels.. i ship this pair so bad T.T

anyway this is really cute and fluffy.. oh my gosh...
INFINITE_man_in_love #5
Chapter 5: I like the Lhyun one a lot!!!
Chapter 5: The story was good.
Chapter 2: I like this. Simple and sweet. What's common between the two one-shot is that you highlight a certain special place. Cool~~