Proud and Stupid

Proud and Stupid


Once upon a time in a land far, far away, lived a young boy named Jessie. He was kindest of all boys, but also the dumbest.

One day a stranger came to the land and settled in the same town as dumb Jessie. His name was Kris.  He was tall and handsome and very, very intelligent. However, he was meanest person the whole town had ever met.

He clearly showed his disgust and condescendence towards the inhabitants of the town.

Jessie, the dumb but kind boy, was horrified by Kris’ behaviour. He overheard Kris speaking on the phone talking about how everyone he had met that day were peasants, and proceeded to comment on their looks, ways and occupation. Jessie had been one of the persons whom Kris had met that day, and so Jessie stayed and listened even though his blood boiled with anger when he heard Kris speak like that about people he knew.

Jessie persevered and finally Kris began to tell the person on the phone about him.

“And then, there was this one guy, who would probably be the most agreeable among them all. Nothing special, just average, but nevertheless the best-looking out of everyone.”

 Jessie felt like laughing. Out of all of Jessie’s personality traits, Kris had only commented on his looks. Later that night, Jessie was still thinking about how ridiculous it had been.


The next day when Jessie met Kris, he didn’t feel like talking to new citizen. Jessie simply walked past Kris and Kris looked very surprised. The rest of the day Kris wore a frown on his face. Jessie triumphed.

This continued for the rest of the week. Kris tried several time to speak to Jessie, but Jessie dismissed him. Everyone in the town was surprised because Jessie was known to the kindest of all, but somehow this person Kris had managed to piss off, not only the whole town, but also the kind and dumb Jessie.

It happened to be so that Jessie had a younger brother named Kim. Kris approached Jessie’s brother to ask about Jessie’s behaviour.

“I’m sorry, did you say something?” Kim asked and Kris continued to stutter his question.

“H-has Jessie s-said anything about m-me? I mean, h-has h-he talked a-about me?”

Kim shook his head. “Not that I know of,” he said, “Maybe you should ask him yourself?”

Kris nodded, and mumbled a thank you. Kim looked at him, thinking that he was an oddball, and said nothing.

For the next couple of days Kris searched futilely for Jessie. But Jessie was in the neighbouring town selling photocards.

When Jessie came back the first person he saw was Kris. He was standing outside the town gates, waiting for the (now richer) Jessie.

“Kris!” Jessie exclaimed, confusion across his face, “What are you doing here?”

Kris fumbled with his large hands. “I w-was w-waiting for y-you, Jessie.”


“Y-yes, I h-have something t-to confess.”

Jessie furrowed his eyebrows. “What is it?” he asked, and wondered why Kris was so flustered. It made him flustered as well.

Kris didn’t say anything for a moment.



“I… Uh…”



“Well, spit it out!”

Kris sighed heavily.

“Jessie, first I must ask you something.” Kris seemed to have calmed his nerves and didn’t stutter any longer.

Jessie simply nodded, feeling slightly annoyed.

“Are you… angry with me? Perhaps?”

Jessie stared. “Me?”

“Yes. Are you?”

“I… I’m not sure,” now it was Jessie’s turn to be flustered, “I mean, I was, but now I don’t know.”

“What did I do to make you so upset?”

Jessie laughed. “You really don’t know?” Annoyance became anger.

Kris shook his head.

“Oh, I’ll tell you what you did. The first night you were here in this town, I heard you speak about me, saying I was average.”

“I said you were the best-looking!”

“You said I was the best-looking, but nothing special. I’m aware of the fact that I’m average, but your words were rude.”

“I never meant to cause you any pain.”

“And not only me,” Jessie continued, “but you spoke ill about people whom I’m close with, people I’ve grown up with, among them my brother!”

“But the people in this town, you must agree, aren’t the most… intelligent… sensed – they are just common folks!”

“And I am one of them!”

“No!” Kris exclaimed, “You are different, you are not like them!”

Jessie held his breath.

“I’m in love with you!” Kris continued.

Jessie gasped.

“Do you accept my feelings?”

Jessie couldn’t understand what he was hearing. “After insulting my town, my friends and me, do you really think that I could ever love you?” he said, every word dripping with poison, “Even if you were the last man on earth I would never say yes.”

Kris looked devastated. Things were not going as he had planned. Whatever he said seemed to make Jessie more and more upset. And he just couldn’t understand why.

“I understand,” he said, nevertheless, “I shall not bother you again.” And then he turned around and walked solemnly back into the town.

Jessie stood still for a moment, not quite understanding what had just happened.


When Jessie came home he told everything to his brother Kim. Kim didn’t look surprised.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed and Jessie stared at him. “If you hadn’t been so busy trying to avoid him, you would’ve know that he’s been asking for you ever since he got to this town. He even asked me.”

Jessie went quiet.

“And he’s pretty handsome,” Kim continued, “I bet he’s rich too.”

“Wow,” Jessie said, “I’ve been so wrong about him.”


Jessie went for a stroll in the park to clear his thoughts. How could he have so blind? He thought about approaching Kris, but he wasn’t sure whether Kris would accept him or not, now that Jessie had denied his feelings.

But, as if it was their faith, Jessie saw a blonde man swimming in the lake.

“Kris!” Jessie called out.

The person turned around and began to swim towards Jessie. When he got close enough he stood up and waded through the water the last metres.

It was Kris. He was wearing a white shirt and costume trousers. And no shoes. In the sunlight, his skin glimmered and the now see-through shirt revealed his chiselled body.

Jessie gasped.

“Jessie!” Kris said, looking troubled, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb your walk in the park. I shall leave immediately.”

Kris turned to leave, but Jessie grabbed his wrist.

“No, don’t go,” Jessie said, fingers pressing against wet skin, “I have to talk to you.”

Kris turned around, looking sad but hopeful. “Yes?”

Jessie looked down on his feet, but decided to meet Kris’ eyes. “I’ve been so proud,” he exhaled, hoping his voice wouldn’t fail him, “I only judged you from what I saw and heard that night, and I didn’t try to get to know you or understand you,” Jessie took a deep breath, “But now I’ve realised how wrong I’ve been about you this whole time. And I’m so sorry. Can we try again?”

Jessie looked up Kris with big puppy-eyes and Kris smiled widely. “Yes, of course.”

“Okay,” Jessie said, awkwardly, “Good, great.”

Kris laughed a little, but stayed serious. He held his breath and then said, “I love you, most ardently, and I never wish to be parted from you again, Jessie.”



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