1. avoiding

Forbidden Love

I didnt sleep at all during the night, i was thinking about MinWoo and Sae-Jun.. I was curious who was she and why did MinWoo never mention her?


I mean, wouldnt MinWoo have said something if he suddenly had a girlfriend. I sighed and stretched my tired body, i could feel the anger     , feel the frustration i was so confused, but who could a talk to about all this?

Certainly not my sister, and i didnt have many close friends except MinWoo.


I grabbed som paper, i needed to do something figure out how to take control over this situation, i was aware of my feelings, but MinWoo didnt know anything, he didnt even see me as a girl, it was SO wrong i fell in love with him, my best friend.

I wrote some numbers on the paper, well not just numbers it was mor like steps, i would write down 5-10 steps to open MinWoos eyes or maybe even open my own. First step, I had to figure what first step should be, I bited my pencil bottom and tilled my head, why was i so obsessed about all this?

Did i really want MinWoo to notice me that much.. or make him fall in love?


When i went to school i decided not to wait for MinWoo at the gate, and not talk to him at all, I had never done such a thing before but somehow i felt he deserved it, maybe I was egoistic but I didnt think more about I just did it and hoped he would notice i've changed.


MinWoo didnt show up when the lesson started, so i got a little nervous when he didnt show up but i soon learned he came to late, I didnt know why and i didnt ask though he tried to get my attention as he sat down - he gave up.

When out first break came he turned to me again.


''Ha Neul?'' he asked, but i didnt look at him, i didnt speak to him at all.

''Heeey, Ha Neul are you ignoring me?'' he asked again as i headed to the door, his voice was louder and more clear, i guess he was shocked that i ignored him, but i didnt answer him anyways. I had to make sure he would notice me and have his attention locked on me.


I went to the girls restroom with the paper with the steps on, and i decided that the first step shold be avoid.. Step 1. Avoid MinWoo.

When i came back to class MinWoo seemed to ignore me, i think i made him mad or something, maybe my plan worked if he reacted like this he would grab me sometime and demand me to tell him everything, and then he would wrap me in his arms and my hair telling me i was wrong, that Sae-Jun wasnt important to him at all.


MinWoo waited for me at the gate as always, but instead of walking to him i passed him like i didnt know him at all, and i could feel his glare behind me. He didnt run after me nor follow me home he actually ignored i left without him, i could tell i heard him talk with Yohyun on his way home. To be honest i was a little dissapointed, i wished he would run after me, but when he didnt i sighed and kind of gave up.

At least something good happened, MinWoos attention and mind was locked on me for now, first step was completed now i had to figure next step.. but what is next step?


MinWoo please... say Sae-Jun isnt your girlfriend. Tell me that your dance group was wrong... Tell me you love only me... Please?


This was a mission i had to complete, my goal: Make MinWoo fall in love with me!

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i like this so much
Goldie #2
Chapter 28: Love it.... Please update soon!
JiguDai22 #3
Chapter 28: I love this story:) Please please update soon!!
Omy. Please update REALLY SOON!!<br />
Im wondering if you ever tried the 'namsan prestigious academy' roleplay?<br />
You seemed to be so familiar.. Hehe.<br />
#JustAsking. =)
Im just at chapter 10 and im really excited!
Hello, guys. Please, I need an answer. =)<br />
And, update soon!<br />
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............ MEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW <3<br />
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omo ! i loved it ^^ ~ aaahh ~ i can't wait for your next update ~~ ^^ ♥